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Ayke Soraya Kiting 1 Article
Role of Information and Communication Technology and Women’s Empowerment in Contraceptive Discontinuation in Indonesia
Omas Bulan Samosir, Ayke Soraya Kiting, Flora Aninditya
J Prev Med Public Health. 2020;53(2):117-125.   Published online February 12, 2020
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This study investigated the role of information and communication technology and women’s empowerment in contraceptive discontinuation in Indonesia.
The study used data from the 2017 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey and monthly contraceptive calendar data. A Gompertz proportional hazards model was used for analysis.
The 12-month contraceptive discontinuation rate was higher among women who had used the Internet in the past year, women who were mobile phone owners, and women who reported having fully participated in household decision-making than among their counterparts. These factors significantly impacted the risk of contraceptive discontinuation in Indonesia, even after controlling for contraceptive method, age, parity, contraceptive intent, education, work status, place of residence, and wealth status.
After adjustment for the control variables, a higher risk of contraceptive discontinuation was associated with having used the Internet in the past year, owning a mobile phone, and not participating in household decision-making. Higher contraceptive discontinuation risk was also associated with using contraceptive pills, older age, lower parity, intent of spacing births, more education, current unemployment, and rural residence, and the risk was also significantly higher for those in the lowest household wealth quintile than for those in the fourth household wealth quintile. The association of contraceptive discontinuation with the use of modern information and communication technology and relatively disempowerment in household decision-making may imply that information regarding family planning and contraception should be conveyed via social media as part of setting up an eHealth system. This must include a strong communication strategy to empower and educate women in contraceptive decision-making.


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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health