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Bong Sun Shin 1 Article
Changing Pattern of Birth Weight and Relationship of Birth Weight with Maternal Age and Parity.
Jung Han Park, Bong Sun Shin
Korean J Prev Med. 1987;20(2):322-330.
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The objectives of this study were to examine the changes of birth weight and relationship of birth weight with maternal age and parity. The study population included 13,634 single live births out of 14,346 births delivered at a general hospital in Busan between January 1, 1977 and December 31, 1986. Data were obtained from the delivery record. In 1979 the mean birth weight of male was 3,074 gm and that of female to 2,985 gm. In 1986 birth weight of male was increased to 3,266 gm and that of female to 3,210 gm. Low birth weight (< or = 2,500 gm) incidence rate was 7.2% in 1977 and it was increased gradually to 10.4% in 1980 but decreased thereafter to 6.5% in 1986. Incidence rate of overweight infant (4,001 gm < or =) was 3.9% for 10 years and it ranged from 2.9% to 4.6% but no particular changing pattern was observed. The percentage of mothers who had history of induced abortion was decreased from 51.6% in 1979 to 45.1% in 1986. Also, stillbirth rate was decreased from 2.6% in 1977 to 1.5% in 1986. The proportion of the first and second births was increased from 85.4% in 1977 to 96.0% in 1986 and the proportion of mothers of 25-34 years increased from 72.1% in 1977 to 84.7% in 1986. The incidence rates of low birth weight and over weight infant are lower in the first and second births of 25-34 years old mothers than other parities and age groups. In creased mean birth weight and decreased low birth weight incidence rate indicate that the health status of newborn infants has been improved and substantial portion of these changes can be attributed to increase in family planning practice rate and delayed marriage. There is no evidence, however, for increasing incidence rate of overweight infant.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health