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Byung Chul Yu 4 Articles
Factors Influencing the Intention of Admission into a Charged Nursing Home for the Elderly.
Jin Ho Chun, Young Soon Yoo, Eun Hi Cho, Byung Chul Yu, Ki Won Jeong, Sang Hwa Urm, Sung Jun Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 2001;34(1):1-8.
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To gather information about the factors which influence the interest and intention of admission into charging nursing homes for the elderly(CNH), as these homes represent an important method for resolving the problems related to the rapid population aging occurring in Korea. METHODS: A face-to-face interview survey was carried out with 328(men 159, women 169) patients over 60 years old who were admitted at 2 university hospitals and 5 general hospitals in the Busan area between December 1998 and March 1999. Data were analyzed through t-test, ANOVA, correlation and multiple regression analysis. microgram/g RESULTS: The mean age and years of education of the study population was 67.8 and 7.7 years, and the types of chronic degenerative disease included musculoskeletal disorders(20.1%), cerebrovascular disease(17.1%), and diabetes(14.3%). The major forms of household living arrangement prior to admission were elderly alone(22.6%), and elderly couple(33.5%), while about half of them(55.5%) didn't want to live with their children in the future. Almost half were paying medication fees by themselves(46.6%). The level of actual intention of admission(3.07+/-1.39) into a CNH was lower than that of interest(3.22+/-1.33)(p<0.01). Multiple analysis revealed that the intention of admission increased with decreasing number of future supportive persons(beta=0.107), lower level of activity in daily life(beta=0.447), and longer years of education(beta=0.447) with 32.7% of R2. As for the factors which determined the admission into a CNH, the fee and facilities were considered to be most important, and professional nursing and physician's care were the most desired services. In nomenclature, they preferred "elderly hospital" or "elderly health center" to CNH. CONCLUSIONS: Interest in CNH is increasing recently, but existing studies about patient experiences in CHN are still limited. This study may form a basis for future examinations of the needs and uses for CNH. Active financial support and public information are considered by the authors to be important factors for the induction of welfare services for the elderly, through CNH.
A Study on the Health Status of Korean Vietnam Veterans' Children: A Result of Questionnaire Survey on Vietnam Veterans of Pusan Area Who Diagnosed as Cases by Korean Veteran's Hospital Diagnostic Criteria.
Jin Ho Chun, Hak Joon Kim, Hae Sook Sohn, Sang Hwa Urm, Soo Kyung Park, Byung Chul Yu, Jong Tae Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 2000;33(1):17-24.
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To propose the referential data to evaluate the health impacts of Vietnam veterans' children whose father were exposed to herbicides in Vietnam War. METHODS: Vietnam veterans who visited to Pusan Veteran Hospital for medical care were recruited from April to October, 1998. They were 71 and asked about their own combat history, symptoms and illness, and health status of their 182 children. The informations were collected by direct and phone interview. Exposure estimation was also performed as exposure score depending on year and unit of participation, and personal episodes related to exposure to herbicide in the war. It classified into three groups; lower(<18.0), moderate(18-53), high(> or =53) exposure group. RESULTS: The mean age and the period into the combat of the veterans were 52.8 years and 15.0 months. The mean exposure score was 18.1+/-9.9, and mainly distributed in lower (46.5%) and moderate(52.1%) exposure group. Most(90.1%) of them were diagnosed as sequelae(21 cases) and suspected sequelae(43 cases) of the herbicides by Korean veteran's hospital diagnostic criteria. The major sequelae was peripheral neuropathy 13 cases, chloracne 5 cases, and the major suspected sequelae was hypertension 20 cases, diabetes mellitus 18 cases, liver disease 12 cases, central neuropathy 11 cases, etc. About birth, 42.2% and 16.9% experienced spontaneous abortion and stillbirth, respectively. The mean exposure score was higher in stillbirth experience group(p<0.05). About half of the children(90 cases, 49.5%) hold the abnormal health status: those were skin pigmentation 38 cases, rash 23 cases, congenital anomaly 15 cases, general weakness 12 cases, purpura 8 cases, visual disturbance 8 cases, etc. These health problems had no association with father's exposure level(p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results were depend on their own answers, and expectation for compensation did not excluded, therefore, this study may have limitations: inaccuracy of informations due to recall bias and response bias. Nevertheless, through this study, we could image the fundamental aspect for health impacts of Vietnam veterans' children for preparing the national control program and policy. A large scale epidemiologic study with valid exposure assessment on the health impacts of Vietnam veterans' children is recommneded.
Olfactory Dysfunction in Chromium Exposed Workers.
Yeong Jin Yu, Sang Hwa Ohm, Jong Tae Lee, Byung Chul Yu, Kui Oak Jung, Kyu Il Cho, Ki Tack Pai
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(3):678-689.
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Chromium is one of the representative toxic substance by occupational exposure which damage the mucosa of respiratory tract including nasal septal perforation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of chromium exposure on olfactory function and to obtain the fundamental information about chromium exposure. The authors performed olfactory function test, laboratory tests and questionnaire interview on the subject of three groups, that is, two exposed groups and one nonexposed group from May 1 to June 30, 1994. Exposed group 1 was 15 male workers without nasal septal perforation, exposed group 2 was 15 male workers with nasal septal perforation among 103 workers in 22 chromium plating factories, and nonexposed group was 15 male medical students. The gathered informations were histories of chromium exposure, habits of smoking and alcohol drinking, the concentrations of chromium in serum and urine, and asparate aminotransferase(AST), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), gamma-gluutamyl transferase,etc. Olfactory function was checked by T and T olfectometer using phenyl ethyl alcohol(material A), methyl cyclopentenolone(material B), iso-valeric acid(material C), gamma-undecalactone(material D), skatole(material E) and the results were expressed by detection threshold(DT) and recognition threshold(RT). There was a significant difference between exposed groups and nonexposed group in A, B, C, D, E substances by DT and in A, B, C, D substances by RT(p<0.01) The degree of olfactory dysfunction was highest in the exposed group 2 and lowest in the nonexposed group in all five substance by Dt and it was same in A B, D substance RT and the difference of RT and DT. As summary, olfactory dysfunction by chromium exposure was recognized and the degree of olfactory dysfunction was higher in the exposed group with nasal septal perforation. Therefore, it would be helpful to apply olfactory function test for the early detection of olfactory dysfunction, and this test would be considered as the basic tool within workers' compensation system.
A Study of Working Environments and Workers Exposed to Chromium.
Byung Chul Yu, Byung Chul Son, Jin Ho Jun, Yong Soo Han, Hye Sook Son, Chae Eun Lee, Woon Jeong
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):517-530.
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For the purpose of providing the basic data for health management of workers who are exposed to chromium and for improving the quality of working environment, the authors evaluated blood and urinary level of chromium, the occupational history, AST, ALT, Hb, Hct, nasal specular examination on 287 workers who have been dealed chromium compounds in 56 manufacturing industries of five types, that is, 38 metal plating services(plating), 4 manufacture of other fabricated metal products (fabricated metal product), 5 manufacturing of dyestuff(dyestuff), 6 dressing and dyeing of leather (leather), 3 others (manufacture of pottery and ceramic household wares, motor vehicles, electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components) and also measured the level of chromium in air from February to october 1993. The results were as follows; 1. The utilized type of chromium compounds was the hexavalent state in plating, fabricated metal product, dyestuff leather and the trivalent state in other, and atmospheric chromium concentration as geometric mean was 0.0138m3(0.001~0.068 mg/m3) in plating, 0.0115 mg/m3(0.006~0.015 mg/m3) in fabricated metal product, 0.068 mg/m3 (0.002~0.019 mg/m3)in dyestuff, 0.0083 mg/m3(0.002~0.028 mg/m3) in leather, 0.0039 mg/m3(0.003~0.005 mg/m3) in other by the type of industry and it exceeded TLV-TWA (0.05 mg/m3) in five(13.6%) of plating services. 2. The geometric mean of chromium in blood was 1.54 microgram/dl(0.10~3.62 microgram/dl) in planting, 0.94 microgram/dl(0.27~2.82 microgram/dl) in fabricated metal product, 0.51 microgram/dl(0.10~3.25 microgram/dl) in dyestuff, 0.87 microgram/dl(0.15~8.00 microgram/dl) in leather 0.55 microgram/dl(0.20~2.28 microgram/dl) in other by the type of industry(P<0.001). 3. The geometric mean of chromiurn in urine was 14.47 microgram/l(6.90~28.00 microgram/l) in planting, 4.63 microgram/l(0.24~43.00 microgram/l) in fabricated metal product, 5.93 microgram/l(1.00~33.00 microgram/l) in dyestuff. 11.09 microgram/l(0.80~48.00 microgram/l) in leather, 12.41 microgram/l(10.10~41.00 microgram/l) in other by the type of industry(P<0.001). 4 As the result of nasal specular examination, twenty four cases(8.4%) of nasal septal perforation among 287 total subjects was observed, and there were 17(9.7%) cases in plating, 4 cases(14.3%) in dressing and dyeing of leather. In the comparison of chromium concentration in blood and urine between the perforated group and nonperforated group the perforated group showed a significantly higher value as 1.883+/-3.055 microgram/dl and 0.793+/-0.815 microgram/dl(P<0.001). 21.31+/-34.610 microgram/L and 9.304+/-11.079 microgram/L(P<0.001). 5. The mean concentration of chromium in blood, urine and the mean level of AST, ALT, Hb and Hct in exposure group were higher than those of control group(P<0.001).

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health