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Chu Won Lee 3 Articles
Study of the Amount and Share of Drug Cost in the Total Medical Fee under Medical Insurance Scheme.
Chu Won Lee, Oh Surk Hahn
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(2):223-235.
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To grasp the idea about how drugs are used under Medical Insurance Scheme, the amount and share of drug cost in the total medical fee have been reviewed and analyzed for different types of patients(in-patient out-patient), medical institutions and frequently seen diseases and following findings were revealed. In 1986, drug cost took 32.78% of total medical fee for in-patients and 32.98% for out-patients averaged over 30% share as a whole. When drug cost per case in 1980 be indexed to 100, it has shown steady growth to become 200 for in-patients and about 150 for out-patients in 1986. The contribution of drug cost to the total medical fee is, regardless of patient type-in-patients and out-patients, the highest in University hospitals and followed by General hospitals, Hospitals and Clinics in descending order. That for the most frequent 10 diseases came out the highest, 79% with the essential benign hypertension of out-patients in the General hospitals, 61% for the gastric ulcer of out-patients in Hospitals and 33% for the female genital disease of out-patient in Clinics. The drug cost of oral formula was contributed the most, 7.93% by cardiovascular agents followed by hepatic detoxicants(5.47%) and out-patients(4.93%), and that of injectable formula was contributed the most by antibiotics(24.17%), followed by protein amino-acid preparations(6.19%). The order of drug usage by specially for the in-patients was the highest with internal medicine followed by general surgery and E.N.T, and that for the out-patients was in the order of Internal medicine, neuropsychology and Ob/Gy. This study revealed that the drug dependency was characteristically different to specialty. In view of the fact that drug cost on average exceeds over 30% of total medical fee, proper drug administration appears to be vitally important for the financial standing of the Medical Insurance Scheme. As a consequence, drug usage guidelines including antibiotics usage shall be established first of all and the voluntary participation for the regulation of drug usage and propagation of the guidelines to medical institutions are strongly coerced.
Epidemiological Trend of Japanese Encephalitis in Korea.
Chu Won Lee, Dae Kyu Oh
Korean J Prev Med. 1987;20(1):137-146.
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The following facts have been identified as a result of epidemiogical trend and characteristic of Japanese Encephalitis in Korea for the last 20 years. First: The Epidemiological period which was ten-year and three-year in the past has been disappeared following the start of immunization program at 1970. Second: The incidence rate was much higher in the south and West areas than northeast area of Korea. City and province with the highest incidence rate was Chungcheong Nam Province and Cholla Buk Province. Third: Regardless of scope of prevalence, the main season that 90 percent of total incidence occurs in one month from mid-September. Fourth: The number of case by age was that 80 percent of total patients is children aged 3-15. Recently there is an increase in the number of patients who are elderly people. Fifth: The study on the ecological conditions of mosquito including wintering and effectiveness of immunization for Japanese Encephalitis and duration on antibody should be done. Sixth: There has been no case of Japanese Encephalitis during last three years since 1984 mainly due to disinfecting to eradicate mosquitos, immunization for vulnerable group of people aged 3-15, individual precaution not to be bitten by mosquito, improvement sanitation. While there has been no case of Japanese Encephalitis during last three years, there is possibility that Japanese Encephalitis becomes prevalent again anytime since its virus has been isolated continuously from the natural reservoirs.
Epidemiological and Serological Investigation on Epidemic Encephalitis in Korea.
Chu Won Lee, Kyung Ho Kim, In Dal Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1974;7(2):403-404.
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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health