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Chul Whan Cha 4 Articles
A Study Of The Peripheral Neuropathy Among The Workers Exposed To Carbon Disulfide.
Dae Seong Kim, Soon Suck Kim, Chul Whan Cha
Korean J Prev Med. 1993;26(2):282-292.
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Neurotoxicity in the workplace may occur with exposure to scores of chemicals. Although large acute outbreaks of the occupational neurological disease are rare, the incidence of occupational neurotoxicity in its subtler aspects is unknown. A working knowledge of both the major occupational neurotoxic solvents and the tools used by clinical neurologists and neurotoxicologists to evaluate neurotoxicity in working population is a necessity for the occupational physician. To investigate the effects of carbon disulfide(CS2) on the peripheral nerve system using the nervous conduction study, 105 male workers working in the spinning room of a viscose rayon factory were examined and compared with a sex and age matched, unexposed 105 male controls using t-test analysis. 72.4% of CS2-exposed workers complained of neurological symptoms, and the abnormal cases in nerve conduction study were 48.6%. The abnormal cases of nerve conduction study increased in number according as the age and duration of exposure increased. In this study, asymptomatic workers were confirmed to have subclinical neuropathy by nerve conduction study. Also as there were abnormal cases even in its duration of exposure below 4 years, nerve conduction study turned out to be ways of discovering of early peripheral neuropathy. In nerve conduction study, the amplitude, velocity, F-wave latency and H-reflex of the motor and sensory nerves in both upper and lower extremities were significant different between CS2-exposed workers and the controls. From the pathological viewpoint, both segmental and axonal degenerations were assumed in this study.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among Packing Workers in A Rayon Manufacturing Factory.
Won Jin Lee, Eun Il Lee, Chul Whan Cha
Korean J Prev Med. 1992;25(1):26-33.
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The carpal tunnel syndromes is one of the most common peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes. The typical symptoms are pain, numbness and paresthesia in the median nerve territory of the hand. Recently, it is widely recognized that occupational factor is regarded as the important cause of the carpal tunnel syndrome. Clinical study is performed in the 42 female workers who is repetitively working at packing department in a rayon manufacturing factory from November 1991 till March 1992. The study included a questionnaire, physical examinations, and the neurophysiological test. The summary of the results obtained was as follows: 1. Among 42 packing workers, 9 workers(21.4%) were diagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome by electromyography. The affected side was bilateral in 4 workers(9.5%), right in 4 workers(9.5%), and left in one worker(2.4%). 2. Among 42 subjects, 28 workers(66.7%) complained the clinical symptoms related to carpal tunnel syndrome, 11 workers(26.2%) showed positive Phalen sign, and 7 workers(16.7%) showed positive Tinel sign. 3. Researchers regard electromyographic finding as the gold standard for diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. The sensitivity and specificity of the clinical symptoms to diagnose the carpal tunnel syndrome were 0.89, 0.39 respectively. If the carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed by the combination of the positive findings of the symptoms and the physical examinations, either Tinel of Phalen sign, the sensitivity and specificity were 0.67 and 0.76 respectively. Considering above results, though this small number of worker is not adequate for epidemiologic conclusions, carpal tunnel syndrome seems to be an important occupational disorder among packing workers in a rayon manufacturing factory.
The Effect of Combined Treatment of Cadmium and Methionine on the Accumulation of Cadmium in Liver and Kidney and the Activation of Alkaline Phosphatase in Blood of Mice.
Kyung Soo You, Eun Sang Bae, Chul Whan Cha
Korean J Prev Med. 1983;16(1):25-30.
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This research is to examine the detoxication effect of methionine on cadmium intoxication. For this purpose, this paper provides an analysis of the data on the groups of mice (ICR), one group of mice treated with 40 ppm of cadmium only, and other groups of mice combined-treated with cadmium and 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5% and 1% methionine. After breeding for 40 days, the data on the growth of mice, changes in activation of alkaline phosphatase in blood, and the cadmium content in the liver and kidney, are analysed. The results were as follow: 1) The growth-rate of mice, in the cadmium only injected group, was declined by 9% in comparison with the control group after 40 days. But the two groups of cadmium with 0.5% and 1% methionine showed the rise of 9% and 14% respectively above the growth-rate of the control group. The results from the groups of cadmium with 0.1% and 0.25% methionine were similar to that from the cadmium only injected group. 2) Changes in activation of alkaline phosphatase in blood decreased to 86.45% in the cadmium only injected group behind the 100% activation of the control group. The groups of cadmium with 0.1% and 0.25% methionine showed no difference with the former group. But the groups of cadmium with 0.5% and 1% methionine recovered to the 93.14% and 96.08% of activation respectively. 3) The mean content of cadmium in the liver was 0.028+/-0.001 microgram/g in the control group. The cadmium only injected group showed the mean cadmium content of 2.80+/-0.62 microgram/g in the liver, which was similar to 2.82+/-1.03 microgram/g in the group of cadmium with 0.1% methionine, and 2.56+/-0.77 microgram/g in the group of cadmium with 0.25% methionine. But the groups of cadmium with 0.5% and 1% methionine showed the reduction of cadmium contents in the liver to 1.84+/-0.56 microgram/g and 1.74+/-0.35 microgram/g respectively. In the kidney, the groups of cadmium with 0.1%, 0.25% and 0.5% methionine showed the similar cadmium content to the group treated with cadmium only. But the group of cadmium with 1% methionine showed a small increase to 4.13+/-1.00 microgram/g in comparison with the group treated with cadmium only. This analysis proves that the mobility and diffusion of cadmium in the tissues advance faster in the group treated with cadmium and methionine than in the group treated with cadmium only.
Combined Effects of Iron and Zinc on Accumulation of Lead in Some Organs of Rats.
Hyung Taek Ohm, Dong Bin Song, Chul Whan Cha
Korean J Prev Med. 1983;16(1):19-24.
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In order to study the effects of iron and zinc on the lead poisoning of rats, lead with iron and zinc, or lead alone were administered orally to a total of 98 adult rats of Sprague-Dawley Species. The concentrations of lead, zinc, and iron were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer at every 20 days intervals of 20th, 40th, 60th, 80th and 120th day as a final measurement. Those datas were analysed and compared with those of control groups. The results were summarized as follow; 1. The concentration of lead in blood, bone, and liver tissues kept increasing in case of lead exposure group whereas it started decreasing at 60-80th day when concentration of zinc started increasing in case of combined exposure group. However, in kidney tissue, the concentration of lead in combined exposure group kept increasing up to the end of observation showing special high concentration at the final measurement at 120th day. 2. Concentration of zinc in blood and liver tissues had increased from 60-80th day in case of combined exposure group. 3. Concentration of iron in blood showed decreasing from 44.15+/-9.67 to 32.44+/-2.69 microgram/ml in case of lead exposure group, whereas it showed constant level of 47.50~45.65 microgram/ml. However, in liver tissue it kept constant as control did from 40th to 60th days, but from 100th day on it started increasing to show much higher concentration than control.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health