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Dae Kyu Oh 6 Articles
Opportunities and Challenges for both National and International Public Health Area: The Public Health Sector in Government.
Dae Kyu Oh
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(4):289-292.
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To inform choices about the future of people who study public health and preventive medicine, the current status of public health is examined in terms of the public health sector in government. After tracing the major achievements of public health in the modern era, this paper explores the potential of public health and its core functions, which is realized by public health professionals working in the government sector. Finally, this article highlights the international dimension of public health, which is becoming increasingly important and therefore attracting many people who would like to take part.
Analysis of Behavioral Stage in Pap Testing by Using Transtheoretical Model.
Hye Jean Lee, Sun Hee Lee, Sang Hyuk Jung, Hai Rim Shin, Dae Kyu Oh
J Prev Med Public Health. 2005;38(1):82-92.
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To evaluate the relationships among sociodemographic characteristics, health behaviors, levels of pros and cons and stages of change in Pap testing for uterine cervical cancer. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was performed on 560 randomly sampled people who were assigned to participate in a Pap testing program by the 'National Cancer Screening Project in 2003' between 25 September and 10 October in Gyeonggi, Korea. Data about the behaviors and intentions of Pap testing, sociodemographic characteristics, health behaviors, and levels of acknowledged benefit (pros) and barrier (cons) for Pap testing was collected. The stages of change were grouped according to behaviors and intentions of Pap testing as passive, active, and relapse. RESULTS: Logistic analysis between the passive and active groups showed that city dwellers, 'high' and 'middle' groups in terms of the individual's health belief, those who had undergone a health examination within the past 2 years, and those who had undergone hormone replacement therapy had a higher odds ratios to be in the active group. As the 'benefit' scores increased and the 'Unnecessity' scores decreased, the probabilities to be in the active group increased. According to the logistic analysis results between the active and relapse groups, those who were 60 years or older, members of the National Heath Insurance, and those who had not undergone a health examination within the past 2 years had a higher odds ratio to be in the relapse group. The 'Benefit' scores were not significant in this relationship. The probabilities of being in the relapse group increased as the 'Unnecessity' and 'Shamefulness' scores increased. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, health planners should inform women in the passive group of the benefits and necessity of Pap testing. It would be better to reduce the barriers to the active group of undergoing Pap smear. This study might be a useful guide for future planning of Pap testing program.
Epidemiological Trend of Japanese Encephalitis in Korea.
Chu Won Lee, Dae Kyu Oh
Korean J Prev Med. 1987;20(1):137-146.
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The following facts have been identified as a result of epidemiogical trend and characteristic of Japanese Encephalitis in Korea for the last 20 years. First: The Epidemiological period which was ten-year and three-year in the past has been disappeared following the start of immunization program at 1970. Second: The incidence rate was much higher in the south and West areas than northeast area of Korea. City and province with the highest incidence rate was Chungcheong Nam Province and Cholla Buk Province. Third: Regardless of scope of prevalence, the main season that 90 percent of total incidence occurs in one month from mid-September. Fourth: The number of case by age was that 80 percent of total patients is children aged 3-15. Recently there is an increase in the number of patients who are elderly people. Fifth: The study on the ecological conditions of mosquito including wintering and effectiveness of immunization for Japanese Encephalitis and duration on antibody should be done. Sixth: There has been no case of Japanese Encephalitis during last three years since 1984 mainly due to disinfecting to eradicate mosquitos, immunization for vulnerable group of people aged 3-15, individual precaution not to be bitten by mosquito, improvement sanitation. While there has been no case of Japanese Encephalitis during last three years, there is possibility that Japanese Encephalitis becomes prevalent again anytime since its virus has been isolated continuously from the natural reservoirs.
Determinants of Length of Hospital Stay by Insured and Non-insured Patients.
Seung Hum Yu, Tae Young Lee, Dae Kyu Oh
Korean J Prev Med. 1983;16(1):157-162.
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In order to determine the factors affecting the length of stay by pay status, a total of 961 in-patients medical records with appendectomy, cholecystectomy and Cesarean section discharged from the January 1979 to December 1981 from the University hospital were reviewed. Average length of stay showed no statistically significant difference by year between the insured and the non-insured patients, however multiple diagnoses and surgical complication were significantly different from single diagnosis and non-complicated cases. Surgical complication explained the length of stay mostly, and physician in discharge, multiple diagnoses, and accommodation in order for insured patients. Surgical complication, admission route, physician in charge and age in order explained the length of stay for non-insured patients.
Charges in Hospital Service Pattern Before and After the Deligated Review System.
Dae Kyu Oh
Korean J Prev Med. 1983;16(1):121-127.
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To identify the changes in professional services pattern after introducing the deligated system of claims review started in 1982, a university hospital under this system was examined. For comparison, claims of the hospital to Federation of Korean Medical Insurance Societies, where this system is not accepted, were reviewed. A total of 600 cases each were studied operated at the Departments of General Surgery & Orthopedic Surgery in 1981 and 1983. The results are summarized as follow: 1. Percentages of hospital changes for basic care was decreased by 10.2% and that for medical service increased by 8.4% in 1983. 2. After the introduction of the deligated review system, percentages of cutting off the claims was decreased by 12.4% for basic care and increased by 3.8% for medical services. 3. Percentage of testing liver function, and the frequency of administering high cost intravenous fluid injection, applicating Robinul as anesthetic premedication were decreased respectively after introducting the deligated services system.
Study on Applicability of Predictive Equations of Subjective Symptoms of Workers Using Organic Solvents in Certain Factory.
Yong Hee Cheon, Young Hahn Moon, Dae Kyu Oh
Korean J Prev Med. 1983;16(1):31-34.
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For the study of the applicability of predictive equation of subjective symptoms of workers using organic solvents, 67 male workers using organic solvents were selected. The predictive equation was quotated from previous Cheon's study. All the datas of necessary variables were gained. The predictive values and observed values were compared. The results were summarized as below; 1. The difference between predictive values and observed values were characteristically large. The coefficient of determination between the two values was 0.0024. 2. The R2 value of multiple stepwise regression equation derived from present study was 0.2827.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health