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Dae Soon Kim 1 Article
Notified Incidence of Tuberculosis in Foreign-born Individuals in Jeju Province, Republic of Korea
Dae Soon Kim, Jong-Myon Bae
J Prev Med Public Health. 2019;52(1):66-70.   Published online December 21, 2018
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In the Republic of Korea (ROK), the notified incidence of tuberculosis in foreign-born individuals (NITFBI) has increased recently, as has the rate of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and rifampicin-resistant (RR) tuberculosis in foreigners staying in the ROK. As Jeju Province in ROK has a no-visa entry policy, control programs for NITFBI should be consolidated. The aim was to evaluate the status of NITFBI, with a focus on the distribution of MDR/RR tuberculosis by nationality.
Data on tuberculosis incidence in individuals born in Jeju Province and in foreign-born individuals were extracted from the Korean Statistical Information Service of Statistics Korea, and the Infectious Disease Surveillance Web Statistics of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, respectively.
Among all notified incident cases of tuberculosis, the proportion of NITFBI increased from 1.46% in 2011 to 6.84% in 2017. China- and Vietnam-born individuals accounted for the greatest proportion of the 95 cases of NITFBI. Seven cases of MDR/RR tuberculosis were found, all involving patients born in China.
In Jeju Province, ROK, NITFBI might become more common in the near future. Countermeasures for controlling active tuberculosis in immigrants born in high-risk nations for tuberculosis should be prepared in Jeju Province, since it is a popular tourist destination.
Korean summary
제주도는 국제자유도시를 천명하면서, 30일 무비자 입국을 허용하고 있다. 이에 따라 외국인 결핵환자가 증가하고 있다. 제주도 결핵 신환자 신고 중 외국인의 분율은 2011년 1.46%에서 2017년 6.84%로 증가했으며, 약제 내성에 있어서는 총 7건이었다. 향후 제주도내 외국인 결핵환자 신고수가 증가하는 가운데 약제내성 결핵환자도 증가할 수 있음을 예측하고, 외국인에 대한 활동성 결핵관리 정책을 보완하고 지침을 강화할 필요가 있다.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health