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Dong Bae Lee 7 Articles
Concentration of Urinary Cotinine and Frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchange in Lymphocytes among Male Adolescents.
Dong Ki Paek, Seong Sil Chang, Tae Yong Lee, Young Man Roh, Yeonkyeng Lee, Young Chae Cho, Dong Bae Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 2001;34(3):269-276.
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To evaluate the internal burden and hazardous effects associated with smoking in middle and high school students. METHODS: We analysed urinary cotinine (U-cotinine) concentrations and the frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchanges (SCE). A comparison was done of U-cotinine concentrations and the frequency of SCE in peripheral lymphocytes across school levels (middle vs. high) and smoking types (direct: daily & occasional smoking, indirect: usual indirect & non-smoking), in 122 males. RESULTS: The middle school student group comprised 6.8% daily smokers, 15.9% occasional smokers, 40.9% daily indirect smokers, and 35.4% nonsmokers, while the high school student group comprised 18.0%, 20.5%,39.7%, and 21.8%, respectively. The U-cotinine concentration and the frequency of SCE among the middle school students were 79.11 microgram/literand 2.0 per cell, respectively, which were significantly lower than the 146.85 microgram/liter (p=0.078) and 2.6 per cell (p=0.005) of the high school students. Among the 40 direct smokers, these two biomarkers were 235.66 microgram/literand 2.59 per cell, significantly higher than the 67.33 microgram/liter (p=0.0001) and2.1 per cell (p=0.003) among indirect smoking groups. The variation in individual U-cotinine concentration ranged widely in both the indirect and direct smoking groups. CONCLUSION: Urinary cotinine concentrations and the frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchange seem to objectively and effectively evaluate student exposure whether it was direct or indirect smoking. Consequently, these biomarkers may be useful in monitoring the objective efficacy of anti-smoking programs in adolescent populations.
Study on the Exposure Levels of Organic Solvents and Subjective Symptoms of Dry-cleaning Workers.
Soo Young Kim, Jeong Yun Kim, Yeon Kyeng Lee, Sok Goo Lee, Young Soo Lee, Young Chae Cho, Tae Young Lee, Dong Bae Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1998;31(4):628-643.
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To investigate the exposure levels of organic solvents and subjective symptoms of dry-cleaning workers, 77 male and 52 female dry-cleaning workers who had been worked in a small city of Chungnam province, and a large city, Taejon were selected for the study group. Air concentrations of organic solvents in the working environment were analyzed, and subjective symptoms of dry-cleaning workers were surveyed, from July to August 1996. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The concentrations of organic solvents in the working environment were within permissible TLV-TWA limits. 2. For the 13 symptom clusters, the most frequently complained symptom clusters were fatigue as 71.3%, and followed by depression and urinary disturbances as 53.5% and 51.9%. Other symptom clusters complained were below 50%. 3. Positive response rates of subjective symptoms were significantly higher in worker groups such as lived in a large city, female, higher education level, more frequently alcohol drinking, higher concentration of organic solvent in working environment, work in alone. 4. Workers who had used solvent B showed 2.3 point higher scores of subjective symptoms than those of solvent A. Of the subjective symptoms scores, amnesia and nervousness were higher in solvent B user group than solvent B user group. 5. As a result of factor analysis, 3 factors such as depression, urinary disturbance and neurologic disturbance were selected. 6. As a result of the logistic regression analysis, sex, the number of fellow workers, working time, region, job tenure, smoking, alcohol drinking, ventilating system, concentration of organic solvent in working environment and place of residence were selected for the related variables For the conclusion, even though the concentrations of organic solvents in the working environments of dry-cleaning workers were within permissible limit of TLV-TWA, many dry-cleaning workers complained symptoms, such as fatigue, depression, urinary disturbances and so on. And the factors affecting to the symptoms of dry-cleaning workers were the number of fellow workers, work hours, region, job tenure, smoking and alcohol drinking.
Characteristics of Traffic Accident for the Primary School Students and Its Affecting Factors.
Am Park, Yeon Kyung Lee, Jeong Yun Kim, Tae Yong Lee, Sok Goo Lee, Young Chae Cho, Dong Bae Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1998;31(3):372-383.
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For the purpose to analysis the characteristics of traffic accidents(TA) and investigate the relationship between traffic accidents and children attention problem rating scale(CAP) and, family environment scale(FES), this questionnaire survey was conducted to the 16 primary school students in Taejon from July 14 to August 26, 1997. The number of study subjects who had an experience of traffic accidents from July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1997 were 195, and the number of control subjects were 512. The main results were as follows; 1. The traffic accident rates was 0.9% as a whole, but those were 1.4% in boys, 0.7% in girls, 1.3% in low (1st-3rd) grade, and 0.8% in high (4th-6th) grade. 2. The rates of traffic accidents were high in spring, friday, afternoon and a driveway around home. TA occurred during walking with friends most frequently. 3. In CAP the score of inattention was lower in TA group than control group, and hyperactivity was higher in TA group but they didn't showed significantly different. In FES, cohesion score was higher in TA group than control group, but Conflict score and Expressiveness score were in control group, but they didn't showed significantly different. 4. In CAP the odds ratio of inattention score for TA group was 0.84, but that of hyperactivity score was 1.15. In FES, the odds ratio of cohesion score was 1.06, but that of expression score and conflict score was 0.94 and 0.96, respectively. In conclusion, the relationships between TA and CAP, TA and FES in this study were not clear to explain personal characteristics and environmental conditions.
Study on the Factors Related to the Cognitive Function and Depression Among the Elderly.
Cheol Ho Shin, Soo Young Kim, Young Soo Lee, Young Chae Cho, Tae Yong Lee, Dong Bae Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(2):199-214.
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To investigate the factors which affecting the cognitive function and depression of the 65 or more age group, the authors surveyed for the subjects in the region of Taejon and nearby Taejon area. 729 studied subjects were tested for cognitive function with MMSE and depression with GDS. The main results were followings; In the studied subjects, the rate of normal cognitive function was 56.8%, the rate of mildly impaired was 24.l% and the rate of severe impairment was 19.l%. The cognitive function level was closely related to the depression score. As the age increased, the cognitive function was more impaired. Sexual difference was also existed in the cognitive function level and the depression score. After adjusting the effect of age, the variables such as sex, marital status, education level, past job, instrumental ability of daily living, regular physical exercise, frequencies of going out the house, chest discomfort, visual and auditory disturbance, and dizziness had the significant relationship with cognitive function impairment. Among these variables instrumental ADL, age, visual disturbance, and sex showed statistical significance in the logistic regression model. In the multiple stepwise regression, the variables which had significant relationship to depression score were education level, frequencies of going out house, current job and house work activity, regular physical exercise, instrumental ADL, self-rated health and nutritional status, dizziness, visual disturbance, and chest pain. In conclusion, main characteristics which had close relationship to the cognitive function and depression symptoms in the studied subjects were physical function and self rated health status.
Factors Affecting the Health Behavior Pattern in Industrial Workers.
Tae Myon Kim, Ki Ha Yoo, Young Soo Lee, Young Chae Cho, Dong Bae Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):465-474.
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This study was carried out to evaluate the relations between sociodemographic work-related factors and health related behaviors in a group of 1,042 workers in Taejeon and Chungnam area. The results were as followings: The older workers took more irregularly meals more cigarette and more alcohol than the younger. Men had more appropriate sleeping time, more regular exercise than women, but more frequent alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking. The married had more regular sleeping habit than the unmarried. The group of married were smoking more and obese. In view of monthly income which represent the socioeconomic state of workers, the group of more than 1 million won had more frequent alcohol ingestion, more heavier body weight than another group of less than 1 million won workers having their work hours exceed 9 hours had inappropriate sleep duration, and shift workers took more irregularly meals. The group having poor self-rated health status showed more regular diet, exercise and overweight. Workers recently experienced chronic illness were more overweight and lesser smokers. Above results showed that the health related behaviors were related to the sociodemographic characteristics and occupation-related characteristics. The study for relationship between variant factors affecting health behavior and disease or mortality is need and it should be emphasized that the publicity and education of health related behavior for industrial workers is necessary.
A Study On The Factors Of Absenteeism Among The Manufacturing Workers.
Dong Bae Lee, Tae Yong Lee, Young Chae Cho, Young Soo Lee, Jang Kyun Oh, Am Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1993;26(4):574-586.
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This study was to examine the actual conditions and contributing factors of absenteeism in manufacturing workers. Subjects were 1,184 workers employed in Taejon city and the observation period for absenteeism was 3 months (June to August), 1992. We obtained the following results. 1. Percentage of the absentees among the studied subjects were 21.1% in gross absence and 6.9% in sickness absence. Gross absence rate of subjects was 1.2% and sickness absence rate was 0.5%. 2. In the group of absentees, mean days of absence was 2.8 days and those of sickness was 4.4 days. Mean days of sickness absence due to injury was higher than that of illness, but the total days of sickness absence was high in extremity injuries, trunk injury, general fatigue, head injury, musculoskeletal problem in that order. 3. Variables contributing to the absence were job classification, education level, working hours per day, exposure of noxious factor, worker classification. 4. In the group of absentees, variables influencing the gross absence rate were working atmosphere, body mass index, working environment, working hours per day but those of the sickness absence were working hours per day, education level and working atmosphere.
The Type of Medical Service Desired by Those Communities Which at Present have None.
Dong Bae Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1978;11(1):49-58.
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To try to determine the type of medical service wanted by the rural population, in Chungnam Province, a survey amongst the populations of 6 counties was conducted; Within the 6 counties, 2 local communities, which had no access to local medical services, were surveyed. The 12 communities were actively involved in Sae-Maul activities, and total number of households surveyed, was 822. The survey was conducted over a 1 month period, from July 16th, 1976, thru August 20th, and the followings are the results, summarized. 1. The largest number of respondents desired a combination of Public Health Center and Country Hospital, followed in order by Private Clinic and Modern Medical Facility. 2. The respondents, aged under 40 years, desired the Private Clinic type medical service, whilst those over 40 years of age, wanted the County Hospital, and as the numbers in this age bracket, were larger, so the ratio was much higher. 3. Sex, educational background, and occupation did not play any particular emphasis in the decisions. 4. Monthly income affected the responses to the survey. These in the lower-income bracket, wanted the County Hospital, and the ratio was high. These in the high income bracket desired the Modern Medical Service, accordingly. Those with an income of 50,000 won or less, amongst the low-income bracket, favored the Public Health sub-center type of service. The ratio for this service was very high.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health