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Duck Soo Kim 1 Article
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Myofascial Pain Syndrome on School Boys.
Duck Soo Kim, Hyun Sul Lim, Jong Min Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 2000;33(2):184-192.
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To inquire the prevalence and the risk factors for myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) on young boys in order to use these results as the fundamental data for the prevention of their MPS. METHODS: For 7 days in May 1999, this research was taken on 489 male students ranging from 6th to 12th grade. We randomly selected a class for every group and from these classes we operated physical examinations, self-reported questionnaires and from a rehabilitation doctor, MPS test was taken. Thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis were also taken by using the inclinometer. We defined MPS as a regional pain complaint, palpable taut band that is painful on compression. RESULTS: The shoulder MPS prevalence of the subjects were 29.7 persons/100 persons. The statistics revealed that as grades went up, the percentage significantly increased in the MPS prevalence. As of case-control study, 145 students who were tested postive in all aspects were placed as cases, and 176 students who were perfectly normal as controls on risk factors. As a result of comparing the student groups who were satisfied with their chairs to the student groups were not satisfied, the latter showed a significantly higher odds ratio (p<0.01). By the multiple logistic regression test, we concluded that the MPS disease was prevailed far more in the students in the higher grades (Odds ratio: 1.16, 95% C.I.: 1.03-1.31), and also those who were dissatisfied with their chairs than in the ones who were satisfied (Odds ratio: 1.92, 95% C.I.: 1.17-3.17). CONCLUSIONS: Significant correlations showed between the MPS diagnosed group and the students who are dissatisfied with their chairs. As a result, more research and observation has to be made concerning this disease, and the desks and chairs should be adjusted to suit the student? physical standards.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health