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Eun Il Lee 4 Articles
Human Multi-route Exposure Assessment of Lead and Cadmium for Korean Volunteers.
Eunha Oh, Eun Il Lee, Hosub Lim, Jae Yeon Jang
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(1):53-58.
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We wanted to evaluate the main route of exposure to lead and cadmium for the general population in Korea by using multi-route and multi-media exposure assessment METHODS: Samples of air at the homes, samples of the food and water and peripheral blood samples were collected from thirty volunteers living in Seoul (the metropolitan area), Yong-in (the suburban area) and Ansan (the industrial area) in 2001. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric methods were used for the determination of the Pb and Cd levels in the air, food, water and blood samples. RESULTS: The average intake of lead through the air, drinking water and food were 5.06 microgram/day (26.3%), 0.002 microgram/day (0.1%), and 16.4 microgram/day (73.6%), respectively. The average intake of cadmium through the air, drinking water and food were 0.082 microgram/day (0.9%), 0.001 microgram/day (0.007%), and 12.61 microgram/day (99.0%), respectively. The blood lead level was statistically higher in the male subjects than in the female subjects (3.39 and 2.22 microgram/dl, respectively), and only gender was a significant variable on the multiple regression analysis for blood lead. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the intake of lead and cadmium through food was the major route of exposure. A policy to reduce the pollutants according to the exposure routes should be established. However, more studies will be needed to support these data for the general population.
DNA Damage in Lymphocytes after Hair Dyeing and Related Factors among Women Volunteers.
Jin A Cho, Eun Ha Oh, Dong Geun Sul, Eun Il Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 2002;35(4):275-281.
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To evaluate the DNA damage by hair dyeing in human lymphocytes. METHODS: Comet assays were carried out to evaluate the DNA damage in lymphocytes by hair dyeing. Twenty subjects were selected from women volunteers whose age ranged from 55 to 67 year old. All subjects had no smoking history. Blood samples were collected before and 6 hours after hair dyeing. DNA damage was evaluated by means of the tail moments, which were quantified by a KOMET 4.0 image analysis system. RESUJLTS: The tail moments before hair dyeing showed no significant differences among subjects except for the high frequency group. The mean values of the tail moments in subjects with low and high frequencies of hair dyeing were 1.39 and 1.77, respectively (p<0.05). The tail moments after hair dyeing increased significantly. The mean values of tail moments in subjects before and after hair dyeing were 1.45 and 1.79, respectively (p<0.01). However, the difference levels of DNA damage in lymphocytes before and after hair dyeing were found to be slightly lower in both the dietary supplement taking group and high frequency group. CONCLUSIONS: The high frequency group appears to have a higher level of DNA damage than the low frequency group before hair dyeing. DNA damage in lymphocytes was found to be significantly higher in the volunteers after hair dyeing. In this study, the related factors such as high frequency and taking dietary supplements appeard to reduce DNA damage in lymphocytes after hair dyeing.
The Study on the Relationships Between Inhalation Volume and Exposure Duration and Biological Indices of Mercury among Workers Exposed to Mercury.
Hye Kyung Park, Jong Tae Park, Eun Il Lee, Yong Tae Yum
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):597-608.
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This study was conducted to evaluate the relationships between the environmental exposure and biological monitoring among workers exposed to metallic mercury. We interviewed each workers to get the medical history including previous hazardous occupational history we measured the respiration rate and tidal volume of each worker in order to calculate the 8-hour inhaled mercury of workers. And we wanted to evaluate the effect of exposure duration to mercury concentrations in blood and urine as biologic exposure indices of metallic mercury. The regression and correlation analysis were done to the relationships of 8-hour inhaled mercury are mercury in blood and urine. The results were as follows; 1. The subjects were 35 fluorescent lamp manufacturing workers. The mean age of subjects was 24.8 years old, and the mean work careers of workers was 1.19 years. 89% of the total was consisted man. 2. The correlation coefficients between 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine were higher than that of only considered air mercury concentration. 3. The correlation coefficients of 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine were above 0.9 in workers who had exposed to mercury more than 1 year. 4. The R-square value and -value of regression analysis between the 8-hour inhaled mercury and mercury inn blood and urine was also higher in workers who had exposed to mercury over 1 year than in workers who had less than 1 year working experience. The important results or this study were that relationships between the 8hr-inhaled mercury and mercury in blood and urine was very high than that with air mercury concentration only. And the results were very apparent when considering workers 1 year or more. Therefore we concluded that the work career and respiratory volume of each individuals should be considered in evaluation the results of biological monitoring of workers exposed to metallic mercury.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among Packing Workers in A Rayon Manufacturing Factory.
Won Jin Lee, Eun Il Lee, Chul Whan Cha
Korean J Prev Med. 1992;25(1):26-33.
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The carpal tunnel syndromes is one of the most common peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes. The typical symptoms are pain, numbness and paresthesia in the median nerve territory of the hand. Recently, it is widely recognized that occupational factor is regarded as the important cause of the carpal tunnel syndrome. Clinical study is performed in the 42 female workers who is repetitively working at packing department in a rayon manufacturing factory from November 1991 till March 1992. The study included a questionnaire, physical examinations, and the neurophysiological test. The summary of the results obtained was as follows: 1. Among 42 packing workers, 9 workers(21.4%) were diagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome by electromyography. The affected side was bilateral in 4 workers(9.5%), right in 4 workers(9.5%), and left in one worker(2.4%). 2. Among 42 subjects, 28 workers(66.7%) complained the clinical symptoms related to carpal tunnel syndrome, 11 workers(26.2%) showed positive Phalen sign, and 7 workers(16.7%) showed positive Tinel sign. 3. Researchers regard electromyographic finding as the gold standard for diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. The sensitivity and specificity of the clinical symptoms to diagnose the carpal tunnel syndrome were 0.89, 0.39 respectively. If the carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed by the combination of the positive findings of the symptoms and the physical examinations, either Tinel of Phalen sign, the sensitivity and specificity were 0.67 and 0.76 respectively. Considering above results, though this small number of worker is not adequate for epidemiologic conclusions, carpal tunnel syndrome seems to be an important occupational disorder among packing workers in a rayon manufacturing factory.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health