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H R Shin 3 Articles
A Cross-sectional Study on the Risk Factors Related to Fatty Liver.
S H Ohm, B C Yoo, S J Kim, C U Lee, K T Pai, S C Kim, H R Shin
Korean J Prev Med. 1993;26(2):179-191.
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Generally fatty liver is attributed either to chronic alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, or obesity. Based upon this commonly held clinical brief, this study was conducted to investigate the contributing factors of fatty liver and odds ratio (OR) of known contributing factors. A sample of 310 male participants, who visited at Seoul Paik Automated Multiphasic Health Testing System from November 1991 to December 1991, was separated into 112 cases and 198 controls by ultrasonographic finding. There were statistically significant difference between fatty liver and normal in triglyceride(TG), body mass index(BMI), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), fasting blood sugar (FBS), alcohol consumption, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), total cholesterol, gamma-glutamyl transferase (gamma-GT), duration of alcohol intake and alkaline phospahtase (Alk.P)(P<0.01, P<0.05). The statistically significant elevated odds ratio were noted for TG (4.48, confidence interval (CI) 2.66-7.55, P=0.000), alcohol consumption(3.24, CI 1.56-6.23, P=0.002), BMI(3.05, CI 1.87-4.97, P=0.000), and FBS(2.59, CI 1.53-4.40, P=0.000). In summary, it is suggested that the fatty liver could be preventive by avoiding such deleterious factors as high fat diet, alcohol and obesity.
Chest Radiological Changes after Cessation and Decrease of Exposure to Welding Fume in Shipyard Welders.
H S Sohn, J T Lee, H R Shin, C U Lee, K T Pae, H J Park, Y W Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(3):328-336.
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27 shipyard welders were diagnosed as pneumoconiosis and suspected pneumoconiosis(1976 - 1988) by chest radiographs and were observed over three years. 27 welders were divided into three groups by the state of exposure to welding fume i.e. cessation, decrease or continuity of exposure. And we observed the changing pattern of the chest radiographs of 27 welders with the passage of time. The results were as follows; 1. Group I (ceased exposure to welding fume) were 10 cases: suspected pneumoconiosis, 7 cases: pneumoconiosis). Chest radiographs of all cases were improved. The shape and size of small opacities was improved in 6 cases(85.7%) and did not changed in 1 case(14.3%) out of 7 pneumoconiosis welders. 2. Group II (decreased exposure to welding fume) were 5 cases(2 cases: suspected pneumoconiosis, 3 cases: pneumoconiosis). Chest radiographs were progressed in 2 cases(40%), did not changed in 1 case(20%), were improved in 2 cases(40%) out of 5 cases. The shaped and size of small opacities was progressed in 1 case(33.3%) and was improved in 2 cases(66.7%) out of 3 pneumoconiosis welders. 3. Group III (continued exposure to welding fume) were 12 cases(1 case: suspected pneumoconiosis, 11 cases: pneumoconiosis). Chest radiographs were progressed in 9 cases(75%), did not changed in 3 cases(25%) out of 12 cases. The shape and size opacities was progressed in 1 case(9.1%) and did not changed in 10 cases(90.9%) out of 11 pneumoconiosis welders. 4. The average duration for development into suspected pneumoconiosis was 6.6 years and for progression of each one category after that was 2.2 years(p<0.01). The radiological appearance of pneumoconiosis had disappeared or decreased after cessation of exposure to the welding fume. So that, early detection and control e.g., change of department of pneumoconiosis of welders by screening program will be important for medical surveillance of welders.
Survey on Ambient Air Quality in Pusan Areas.
Y W Kim, J Y Kim, J H Lee, D H Moon, H R Shin, J T Lee, M C Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1986;19(2):252-262.
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In order to assess the degree of atmospheric pollution and to contribute the health improvement of residents in Pusan, the authors measured CO, SO2, NO2 and TSP level at 3 places by season and time from July, 1985 to April, 1986. The places were S my n, Sasang and Daeshin-dong, which were known as the commercial, industrial and residental area in Pusan, respectively. The Obtained results were as follows: 1) The average concentration of CO was highest with 2.19+/-0.52(3.5-1.0)ppm at Sasang area, and lowest with 1.32+/-0.55(3.0-0.5)ppm at Daeshin-dong areas. 2) The average concentration of SO2 was highest with 0.092+/-0.073(0.378-0.028)ppm at Sasang, and lowest with 0.041/-0.014(0.083-0.019)ppm at Daeshin-dong. 3) The average concentration of NO2 was highest with 0.069+/-0.012(0.090-0.050)ppm at Somyon, and lowest with 0.043+/-0.010(0.061-0.032)ppm at Daeshin-dong. 4) The average concentration of TSP was highest with 300+/-130(780-130) microgram/m3 at Sasang, and lowest with 160+/-80(390-70) microgram/m3 at Daeshin-dong. 5) The level of CO and TSP were highest in summer at Somyon and Daeshin-dong, and in winter at Sasang, respectively. The level of SO2 and NO2 were highest in winter and spring at all areas. 6) The level of all air pollutants were highest in the afternoon or night than in the morning.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health