- Impacts of Implementing Case Payment System to Medical Aid Hemodialysis Patients on Dialysis Frequencies and Expenditure.
Sunhee Lee, Hanjoong Kim, Seungho Shin, Woohyun Cho, Hye Young Kang
J Prev Med Public Health. 2004;37(3):260-266.
To assess the impacts of implementing case payment system (CPS) to Medical Aid (MA) hemodialysis patients on the frequencies and expenditure of dialysis. METHODS: Fifty-eight clinics and 35 tertiary care hospitals were identified as having a minimum of 10 hemodialysis patients for each of the MA and Medical Insurance (MI) programs, who received hemodialysis from the same dialysis facilities for both periods of July 2001 and July 2002. From these facilities, a total of 2, 167 MA and 2, 928 MI patients were identified as the study subjects. Using electronic claims data, the changes in the total number of monthly treatments and charges for outpatient hemodialysis treatments for each patient after the introduction of the CPS were compared between the MA and MI patients. Multiple regression analyses were performed to examine the independent impact of the CPS on the utilization and expenditure of dialysis treatments among the MA patients. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in the total charges for the hemodialysis treatments of the MA patients, 3.4% (p< 0.05), whereas a significant increase was observed for the MI patients, 2.5% (p< 0.05). For both the MA and MI patients, the frequency of the monthly hemodialysis treatments were significantly increased, 5.5 (from 12.1 to 12.7) and 7.8% (from 11.6 to 12.5), for the MA and MI patients, respectively. However, a multivariate regression analysis showed no significant difference in the changes in the total number of monthly hemodialysis treatments between the MA and MI patients after implementation of the CPS. Another regression model, regressing on the changes in the monthly claims of dialysis treatments, showed a significant negative coefficient for the MA ( (=-70725, p< 0.05). CONCLUSION: The significant decrease in the total charges for hemodialysis treatments among MA as compared to MI patients suggests that there was a cost reduction in the MA program following the introduction of the CPS.
- Factors influencing weight control behavior and intention of obese children and adolescents.
Yunju Kang, Myongsei Sohn, Kinam Jin, HanJoong Kim, Heechoul Ohr, Sungjae Shin
Korean J Prev Med. 1998;31(2):199-214.
- This study was undertaken to explain weight control behavior and intention of obese children and adolescents as measured by the elements of the health belief model. A total of 732 obese students from 28 schools in Seoul metropolitan area and their mothers were assessed with a self-administered questionnaire. The analyzed results are as follows; l. Among obese students, 45.3% of male students and 57.2% of female students, a significantly higher portion than male students, reported that they had tried to lose weight within the recent year. Exercise was the most frequently used method to lose weight followed by diet control, drug use, and specialized clinic visits, in descending order. 2. Male students were more likely to try to lose weight if they perceived a low threat level and their mother had a job, and female students were more likely to try to lose weight if they were younger in age, perceived a low threat level and had strong external motivating factors. 3. Female students showed a significantly higher level of intention to obesity control than male students, and the intention level of their mothers also showed the same trend. 4. In male students, the degree of weight dissatisfaction, weight control experience, the level of obesity related beliefs of students, the educational level of the mother and economic status of the family were significant predictors of intention to obesity control, and in females, age, the level of obesity related beliefs of students and intention of their mothers were significant. In the mothers of male students, obesity index of students, age of the mother and the level of obesity related beliefs of the mother were significant predictors of intention of the mother, and in the mothers of female students, obesity index of students, occupational status of the mother and obesity related beliefs of the mother were significant. 5. According to the path model of intention to obesity control, the degree of weight dissatisfaction had the most powerful effect in male students, and perceived net benefit level was the most important variable in female students. Since the weight control behavior and intention of obese students were more predictable by the degree of weight dissatisfaction than the obesity index, we can conclude that only the students dissatisfied with their weight are well motivated for obesity control. There can be a discrepancy between the mother and her child's beliefs and intention status(especially in male students), so the therapists should also assess the student's opinion as well as the mother's. In female students, the perceived net benefit level was the most important predictor of intention to obesity control, therefore the intervention program should pay particular attention to the positive benefits of weight control rather than negative aspects(threats) of obesity.
- A Comparative Study on Medical Utilization between Urban and Rural Korea.
Kyungshik Joo, Hanjoong Kim, Sunhee Lee, Hyeyoung Min
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(2):311-330.
- This study was designed to compare the level of medical utilization between the urban and rural areas of Korea and to explain the differences between the two regions. Data from the National Health Interview survey performed by the korean Institute of Health & social Affairs in 1992 were used for this study utilizing a sample size of 21,841 people. The level of medical utilization such as the number of physician visits and the number of hospital admissions was compared between the regions with ANOVA. Various determinants for medical use were also compared by univariate analysis. Statistical models which included enabling factors, predisposing factors, need factors and region were constructed for bivariate analysis in order to further elucidate the level of medical utilization. The results were as follows: 1. There was greater medical use, both in terms of physician visits and inpatient care in the rural areas in spite of insufficient health resources. The particular reasons for higher medical utilization in rural areas were attributed to a higher number of initial physician visits as well as a longer the length of stay per hospital admission. Therefore, indicators representing the degree of met need (utilization/need) showed no significant difference between rural and urban areas in spite of the fact that the medical need is larger in rural areas. 2. Use of public health facilities received a significant portion of physician visits in the rural area. The government's effort to enhance primary health care through health centers, health subcenters and the nurse practitioner's post in rural areas has contributed to the increase of access to medical care in the rural areas. 3. There were some differences in the socio-demographic characteristics between two regions; There were more elderly people over the age of 65; unstable marital status, less education and lower incomes also characterized the rural areas. Therefore, among rural people, there were more predisposing factors for medical use. Additionally, need factors such as poor self-reported health status and high morbidity level were also high in the rural area. 4. In contrast it was learned that, the supply of health resources was mostly concentrated in the urban areas except for public health facilities. Therefore, geographical access to medical care was lower in the rural area both in terms travel time and travel cost. 5. The coefficient of the region variable was insignificant in the regression model which controlled the supply factor only However, utilization was significantly higher in urban areas if the model included predisposing factors and need factors in addition to the supply factor. The results were interpreted as rural people have greater medical needs.
- An Empirical Analysis of Price Elasticity of the Demand for Medical Care Services in Korean National Health Insurance Program.
Chunbae Kim, Dosung Lee, Hanjoong Kim, Myongsei Sohn
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):450-461.
- This paper tested by using Micro TSP, an empirical econometric analysis to approve officially a hypothesis of price elasticity of the demand for medical care services in Korean national medical insurance and the economic effect of health care delivery system with time-series datas of Medical Insurance statistical yearbook(1981-1993). The results suggest that the korean medical insurance system shows moral hazard due to the change of coinsurance and the economic effect according to intervention of the health care delivery system, but it is different by insurers regardless of the same structure of the medical insurance scheme.