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Heung Kyu Joo 2 Articles
A study on Purification of Water Works by Multi-filter Bed Method with Aeration: Application of Biological Oxidation by Aerobic Microorganism.
Yo Han Chung, Jae Kyu Moon, Heung Kyu Joo, Hwa Jung Seo
Korean J Prev Med. 1972;5(1):43-48.
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5 bed sand filter, applying biological oxidation, was designed and studied on the treatment of water works. Never using any coagulant agent (drugs), which may cause water pollution in pre-treatment of head water, the author attempt a high rate filtration by the microorganism (nitrofication bacteria) end plant which populate in multi layer sand beds. The result are as follows ; In order to evaluate the oxygen effect on filtration, oxygen was injected in aeration tank attached to each filter tank while filtration, and NH3 was tested as a representative ingredient. It was found out that the aeration method was more effective, with over 33% of NH3 removal capacity, than the anerobic and this 5 bed filter showed double removal capacity of NH3 by comparing with conventional sand bed (2 stage bed). According to the examination of two kind of head water, pre-treated with coagulant agent and activated carben, the filtration capacity was affected by the polluted condition of head water, resulting that lower value of pollution and slower velocity of filtration showed more efficiency of NH3 removal. In this experiment NH3 content tested in treated water had a fairly good correlation with others.
A study on Public Nuisance in Kwangju City: Surey on Air Pollution and Noise Level.
Yo Han Chung, Kil Wng Kim, Jae Kyu Moon, Heung Kyu Joo
Korean J Prev Med. 1972;5(1):1-7.
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During the period from June 1st 1971 to November 30th 1971, studies on air polluton were made in Kwangju city. The city was divided into 6 areas : the downtown ares, the simi-downtown area, the heavy traffic area, the commercial area, the residential area, the park area, 13 surveying sites were selected each representing the characteristics of the area. The Measurement methods which were used are described below. Sulfur oxides were measured by PbO2 cylinder method, sulfur dioxides (SO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) by the MSA & Kitakwa detector, dustfall by the Deposit gauge method, and the noise levels by the Kanomax sound level meter. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The mean value of sulfur oxides in Kwangju city was 1.16 mg SO3/day/100cm2 PbO2, ranging from 0.45mg SO3/day/100cm2 PbO2 to 3.10mg SO3/day/100cm2 PbO2. 2. The mean value of sulfur oxides according to its specific area in the city were 1.45mg SO3/day/100cm2 PbO2 in heavy traffic area, 1.36 in downtown area, 1.23 in semi-downtown area, 1.11 in commercial area, 0.96 in residential area, and 1.07 in park area, respectively. 3. The average concentration of sulfur dioxide was 0.063 ppm from 2 to 5 P.M in Kwangju city. 4. The average concentration of sulfur dioxides according to its specific area, from 2 to 5 P.M, in the city were 0.084 ppm in heavy traffic area & downtown area, 0.067 in commercial area, 0.053 in semi-downtown area, 0.052 in residential area, and 0.036 in park area. 5. The average concentration of carbon monoxide was 22.3 ppm from 2 to 5 P.M in Kwangju city. 6. The average concentration of carbon monoxide according to its specific area, from 2 to 5 P.M, in the city were 27.0ppm in downtown traffic area, 26.3 in semi-downtown area, 23.0 in heavy traffic area, 21.7 in commercial area, 20.0 in residential area, and 17.6 in park area. 7. The mean value of dustfall in Kwangju city was 29.28 ton/Km2/month, ranging from 9.85 ton/Km2/month to 66.34 ton/Km2/month. 8. The mean values of dustfall according to its specific area in the city were 50.37 ton/Km2/month in semi-downtown area, 42.76 in heavy traffic area, 34.67 in downtown area, 17.77 in commercial area, 14.40 in park area, and 14.76 .in residential area. 9. The mean value of the soluble dust in Kwangju city was 10.23 ton/Km2/month and that of the insoluble dust was 19.05 ton/Km2/month. 10. The mean values of noise level in Kwangju city was 62 phon, ranging from 37phon to 88 phon. 11. The mean values of noise level according to its specific area in the city were 76 phon in heavy traffic area, 67 in semi-downtown area, 64 in downtown area, 59 in commercial area, 52 in part area, and 50 in residential area.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health