- Study of repuirements and conditions to be improved for voluntary occupational health program in worksite.
Jae Seok Song, Jong Uk Won, Myong Sei Son, Bong Suk Cha, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(4):840-851.
- To perform voluntary occupational health program in worksites, regulational supports are necessary. The regulational supports include assessment of current occupational health program and appropriate incentives. The purpose of this study is to find out the requirements of voluntary occupational health program and conditions to be improved. Study population was industrial health managers of both industries with less than 300 workers and over 300 workers, and the member of labor union who is responsible for safety and health in worksite. Two different questionnaire were used to find out the requirements and conditions to be improved respectively. The results were; 1. The category which prevalence rate of occupational injuries and occupational disease should be lower than national average was most important in health managers employed in industries over 300 workers and followed by reporting system, education, worksite policy, work environment assessment, protective equipment, consequently. But those employed in industries less than 300 workers showed high importance in prevalence rate of occupational injuries and disease, reporting system, worksite policy, work environment assessment, protective equipment, education, consequently. 2. The members of labor union thought that worksite policy was most important and the next is education, reporting system, work environment assessment, protective equipment, prevalence rate of occupational injuries and disease. 3. There were difference in importance of education and worksite policy according to the size of industries. Reporting system, prevalence rate of occupational injuries and disease, and worksite policy had different importance between members of labor union and health managers. 4. In the results of questionnaire for conditions to be improved, the most important condition was top manager's willingness except personal protective equipments, and followed by financial support, legal support. The limitations of this study were the problems of representativeness of study population. but voluntary health program should be performed in worksites which have relatively good occupational health system. So, this selection bias could not disrupt our results.
- An Analysis of Health Examination Outcome in the Special Health Examination Institute.
Yeon Soon Ahn, Sang Hyuk Jung, Dong Chun Shin, Jong Uk Won, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(3):663-677.
- Special health examination institute has done periodic health examination for workers who have worked in the hazardous workplace. However, assessment on outcome in special health examination institute about detection ability of occupational disease has not been. In this circumstances, we studied on the differences of health examination outcome among special health examination institutes and identified related factors which affected outcome of special health examination in the special health examination institutes. The summary of the results were as follows. 1. 50 special health examination institutes were examined in this study. Among them, university institutes were 13 cases(26.0%), hospitals were 20 cases(40.0%), a corporation aggregates were 9 cases(18.0%) and an auxiliary organs of company were 8 cases(16.0%). There were 29(58.0%) institutes with a preventive medicine specialist, but 21 institutes(42.0%) were not. 2. Total workers examined in 50 institutes were 606,948 and workers diagnosed as occupational disease(D1) were 3,156. The rate of occupational disease was 6 workers per 1,000 examined workers. Workers needed for close observation(C) were 95,809 and the rate of workers needed for close observation was 141 per 1,000 examined workers. 3. The rate of occupational disease of university institutes was highest(11.3 per l,000 examined workers) and followed by hospitals(6.0 per 1,000 examined workers), a corporation aggregates(4.2 per 1,000 examined workers), and an auxiliary organs of company(l.2 per 1,000 examined workers.). The difference of the rate of occupational disease between university institutes and an auxiliary organs of company was statistically moderate significant(p<.1).The rate of occupational disease in special health examination institutes with establishment duration was more than 10 years was statistically higher than institutes with establishment duration was less than 10 years(p<0.l). 4. The results of multiple regression, R2 was 0.3394(adjusted R2 was 0.2109), F-value was 2, fi41ft(p<0.5), and statistically significant variables were establishment duration(p<0.1), number of examined workers per one doctor(p<.l), and auxiliary organs of company(p<0.l), which dependent variable was the rate of occupational disease and independent variables were number of examined workers per one doctor, classification of institute, the rate of working environment exceeding TLV, duration of institute establishment, presence of a preventive medicine specialist.
- The effects of age adjustment on the diagnosis of noise induced hearing loss.
Jong Uk Won, Yeon Soon Ahn, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(3):651-662.
- In Korea there is no specific method of age adjustment in noise induced hearing loss(NIHL). we attempted the age adjustment to understand the effects of age on the diagnosis of NIHL. We used the International Standard Organization 1999 as an age adjustment method. We used the 1,617 otologically normal person's hearing data from a health examination center, and 206 workers diagnosed as NIHL. we concluded as follows; 1. The ISO 7029 function used for age specific hearing loss is not suited to Korean people. 2. The mean of age specific hearing loss is 11.0 6.2dB, and the older of age, the more decrease on hearing loss, especially in 4000Hz. 3. The difference of NIHL between before age adjustment and after age adjustment in the 3rd decade is 5.4dB, in the 4th decade is 6.7dB, in the 5th decade is 8.5dB, in the 6th decade is 10.4dB, and in the 7th decade is 12.9dB. The older, the more is the difference. 4. After age adjustment, the number of workers diagnosed as NIHL decreases to 60% of unadjusted.
- Perception and attitude toward group health management and service system for small and medium industries in Inchon.
Chong Yon Park, Jae Hoon Roh, Kyoo Sang Kim, Kyung Jong Lee, Young Hahn Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 1993;26(1):86-95.
- To investigate perception and attitude toward Group Health Management and Services System for Small and Medium Industries, a survey using self-administered questionnaire was conducted to a part of industries in Inchon, at October 1992. Major dependent variables were perception, attitude, and practice related with Group Health Management and Service System; these variables were measured by 3-point Likert like scale consisted of 7, 5, and 5 items, respectively. Data were collected in 149 industries, 72.7% out of 205. Perception was slightly high, 1.25; attitude was some positive, 1.46; and practice was some passive, 0.94. Major determinants of perception, attitude, and practice were sex and age of industry's health manager; perception influenced upon attitude, and perception and attitude had positive effect upon practice. To activate Group Health Management and Service System, it is necessary to develop education and promotion programs for industry's health managers of small and medium industries.
- A study of succiny trialanine p-nitroanilide hydrolytic activity in workers exposed to organic solvents.
Hae Ju Oh, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1993;26(1):74-85.
- To measure the serum succinyl trialanine p-nitroanilide hydrolytic activity as new index of liver function in workers exposed to organic solvents, this study conducted 114 workers in department of shoe-making of shoes factories. The results obtained from this study were as follows: 1. The mean values of serum GOT, GPT, gamma GT in whole workers were 22+/-12.32, 20+/-9.65, 28+/-21.35IU/l, respectively and the mean value of serum STN hydrolytic activity was 0.08 0.05. 2. The serum STN hydrolytic activity was significantly higher for male(p<0.05) and there was no difference among the groups of age. 3. There was no difference in the groups by working hours but significant difference in persons who worked over 3 years or were exposed to toluene over 100ppm(p<0.05). 4. The correlation of the exposed dose of toluene and serum GOT, GPT, gamma GT and serum STN hydrolytic activity were statistically significant(r=0.027-0.518). 5. The exposed dose of toluene was most explainable variable and statistically significant among the factors affecting serum STN hydrolytic activity(p<0.05).
- The Occupational Health Problems and its Priority for Solving in the Inchon Area.
Kyung Jong Lee, Myung Hwa Cho, Chong Yan Park, Dong Chun Shin, Jae Hoon Roh, Young Hahn Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 1992;25(2):189-198.
- The purpose of this study was to compare the occupational health concerns and opinions among 4 groups: workers, employers and managers, government officials, and health & safety managers. It could help establishing occupational health plans efficiently and providing the way to solve health problems in workplaces in the Inchon area. The delphi technique which is used for deciding group opinion was adopted for this study. Questionnaires regarding health problems and their priorities in the workplaces were sent to four groups three times. All items were measured by five degree ordinal scales. The four groups agreed with questionnaire items, improvement of working environment, occupational health concerns of the employers, the health concerns of workers, and measurement and analysis of working environment, as the upper five priorities for solving the occupational health problems. Besides with the first five priorities, health examinations, health education, and occupational diseases were suggested as important health problems in workplace.
- Atmospheric concentration and mutagenicity of organic pollutants of suspended particulate in Seoul.
Dong Chun Shin, Yong Chung, Young Hahn Moon, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1990;23(1):43-56.
- To evaluate the difference of concentration and mutagenicity of organic pollutants between residential and traffic area of Seoul, air samples were collected in Bulkwang (residential) and Shinchon (traffic) area. Samples were analyzed to measure the concentration of extractable organic matters (EOM) and their subfractions and mutagenicites were tested using Salmonella typhimurium TA 98. The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also measured by gas-chromatography and compared between two areas. The results were as follows ; 1. While the concentration of total suspended particulate (TSP) in residental area was below the environmental standard in annual average, the concentration in traffic area was above the standard and was up to its maximum 256 microgram/m3 in November. The difference of TSP concentrations in both areas of each month was statistically significant (P<0.05). 2. The concentration of fine particle in traffic area was significantly higher compare to that in residential area and showed statistically significant monthly difference in both areas (P<0.05). The proportion of concentration of fine particle to TSP was 55-68%. 3. Mean concentrations of EOM in residential and traffic areas were 4.3 microgram/m3 and 5.3 microgram/m3 respectively. The proportion of amount of EOM from fine particle to EOM from TSP was 70-88%. 4. While the percentage of polar neutral organic compounds (POCN) of fine particle in Bulkwang's sample was higher compare to Shinchon's sample, the percentage of aliphatic compounds of fine particle in Shinchon's sample was higher compare to Bulkwang's sample. The percentages of PAH fraction were as low as 6-10% in both areas. 5. The mutagenic activity of unit concentration of organic matters extracted from fine particle was higher compare to that of coarse particle and was increased when metabolically activated with S9. Mutagenicities with metabolic activation calculated by unit air volume were significantly different between residential and traffic area, 17 revertants/m3 and 22 revertants/m3 respectively. 6. The concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene in fine particle of traffic and residential areas were 3.10 microgram/m3 and 2.02 microgram/m3 respectively. Sixteen PAHs were higher in samples of traffic area compare to residential area and also concentrations of PAHs in fine particle were higher compare to coarse particle.
- Periodic Health Examination.
Seung Hum Yu, Jae Hoon Roh, Hae Jong Lee, Sang Hyuk Jung
Korean J Prev Med. 1989;22(1):45-50.
- The purpose of this study was to select the manageable diseases which are prevalent in Korea for periodic health examinations and to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of periodic health examination in detecting these diseases. The data was derived from reimbursement data of the Korea Medical Insurance Corporation over a two year period (April 15, 1986 to April 14, 1988) and interviews with Yonsei Medical School professors. This study demonstrated that: 1. The manageable diseases which were selected for periodic health examinations are pulmonary tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, syphilis groups, essential hypertension, renal disease groups, and iron deficiency anemia. 2. The sensitivity of the health screening for each disease was as follows: pulmonary tuberculosis 51.5%, viral hepatitis 60.3%, diabetes mellitus 64.7%, syphilis groups 63.3%, essential hypertension 49.9%, renal disease groups 44.0%, and iron deficiency anemia 80.9%. We conclude that peiodic health esaminations should focus on the manageable diseases that we have defined. The number of items in periodic health screening tests and hospital quality control should be increased for the diseases with a demonstrated low sensitivity.
- Effects of n-Hexane and Benzene on Tibial Nerve for Rats.
Young Soo Lee, Jae Hoon Roh, Young Hahn Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 1987;20(2):236-246.
- n-Hexane and benezene are organic compounds which have been widely used as industrial solvents. However, they are also increasingly recognized as important pollutants in working environment. The purpose of this study is to analyze neurotoxicity of benzene and n-Hexane. In this study, tibial nerve of Sprague-Dawley rats were observed after exposing them to two different concentrations of these compounds (6000 ppm of n-Hexane and 2000 ppm of benezene) which were known to be the levels to cause subacute toxicity for the three different periods; two weeks, four weeks, and sex weeks. The following results were obtained from the analysis of variance, Duncan's multiple comparison test, and regression analysis: 1) Myelin sheath thickness of nerve fiber for two n-Hexane exposed groups (four weeks and six weeks) were both reduced compared with the control group and the benezene exposed group. 2) There were positive relationships between nerve fiber diameter and myelin sheath thickness for both exposed and control groups. 3) There were significant difference in myelin sheath thickness from equal diameter nerve fibers between benzene exposed group and control group, but the greater number of thin myelin sheath were observed for n-Hexane exposed group compared with control group. Thus, it is concluded that n-Hexane tends to reduce the rate of growth of nerve fiber more than the benzene and control group. While these results shed light on understanding the effects of benzene and n-Hexane, the duration of exposure was not long enough to apply these results to real working environments. In addition, to further understand the mechanism of nerve degeneration caused by organic solvents, both epidemiological and biochemical studies should accompanied by this kind of study.
- A Study on the Concentration of Hippuric Acid in Urine of Workers Exposed to Toluene.
Eun Mi Park, Jae Hoon Roh, Young Hahn Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 1987;20(2):228-235.
- The objective of this study is to examine the correlation between the tolylene concentration in the work environment of organic solvents and the concentration of hippuric acid in urine of workers exposed toluene, and to acquire the fundamental materials of workers' health care and to assist the assessment of the biological permissible exposure limit. The control groups are 72 workers who had never been exposed to toluene and the case groups are 101 workers who had been exposed to toluene. This study was conducted to examine the correlation between the concentration of toluene in work environment and workers' hippuric acid concentration, to investigate the complaint difference of subjective symptoms by means of questionnaire, between the case groups and control groups. The results and conclusions are as follows: 1) The highest mean concentration of toluene in the air is 544.13+/-7.75 ppm in the Printing Department of mixing organic solvents. The concentrations of the others are 463.27+/-5.24 ppm in Department of mixture for organic solvents, and 393.56+/-45.69 ppm in the Printing Department(1), and 248.38+/-45.16 ppm in the Printing Department(2), and 159.38+/-18.51 ppm in the Printing Department(3). 2) The highest mean concentration of hippuric acid in urine is 6034.84+/-1298.35 mg/l in the Printing Department with mixing organic solvents. The concentrations of the others are 4798.44+/-784.53 mg/l in Department of mixture of organic solvents, and 2883.06+/-701.90 mg/l in the Printing Department(1), and 1449.98+/-905.19 mg/l in the Printing Department(2), and 598.52+/-299.43 mg/l in the Printing Department(3). 3) As the toluene concentration in the work environment becomes higher, the concentration of hippuric acid in urine also becomes higher. It is found that the coefficient of correlation between toluene concentration and the concentration of hippuric acid are positive (r=0.868, Y=7.18X+349.57). 4) It is found that the case groups complain of much more subjective symptoms than the control groups.
- Health Impairment among Toluene exposed Workers.
Young Hahn Moon, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1986;19(2):177-183.
- Subjective symptoms, counts of blood cells and liver function test were conducted on 198 male workers who were exposed to toluene in Kyungin area from September to November, 1986. According to level of urinary hippuric acid concentration, the total sample was classified into the high exposure group (concentration > or = 3g/l) and the low exposure group(concentration < 3g/l). The following findings were obtained by comparing the two group: 1) Contrary to the previous findings, the urinary hippuric acid concentration of toluene exposed workers showed bimodal distribution. It meant that the toluene exposed workers were mixed with the non-exposed or minimal exposed workers. 2) The high exposure group showed a lower level of leucocccytes counts (6,630+/-1,860/microliter) than the low exposure group (6,340+/-1,960/microliter). 3) The high exposure group showed a higher level of SGOT, SGPT and r-GTP than the low exposure group(P<0.05). 4) The high exposure group complained much more subjective symptoms (e.g. skin rash, loss of appetite, palpitation) than the low exposure group.
- Changes of the Blood Pressure and the Rulse Rate of the Rat after the Noise Exposure.
Jae Hoon Roh, Dong Chun Shin, Bong Suk Cha, Young Hahn Moon
Korean J Prev Med. 1984;17(1):239-244.
- The vascular reaction such as the indirect blood pressure and the pulse rate of the tail to the noise were examined in 8 naive Sprague-Dawley rats of both sexes. The sounds used in the experiment were 1KHz and 4 KHz, 95dB pure tone generated by Nagashima Audiometry. The indirect blood pressure and the pulse rate were checked at the rat tail by Polygraph at 5 minutes interval. The results were as follows: 1. The blood pressure and the pulse rate increased maximally 5 minutes after the exposure to both sounds. 2. The blood pressure and the pulse rate returned normal range within 20 minutes after the exposure of both sounds. 3. The increment of the blood pressure and the pulse rate was greater after the sound of 4KHz than after that of 1 KHz, but it wasn't statistically significant.
- Dental Erosion in two Factories using Acids.
Yong Hee Cheon, Ho Kwun Kwon, Young Hahn Moon, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1982;15(1):83-88.
- Acid erosion of teeth was studied in two factories. The A was the textile factory possessing dyeing process using acids. The B was the metal product manufactof,ing factory possessing electroplating process. The control group was selected at the same factory not exposed to acids. The results were summarized as below. 1. The pH of saliva was the range of 6.6+/-6.8 in both factories. 2. The prevalence rate of erosion of teeth was higher in case group at ,the B. It was statistically significant. 3. The rate of erosion of incisor were the range of 12%16% (case group), 7%21,0,o (control group) at the A and 10%-20%(case group), 2%-5%(control group) at the B. 4. The rate of erosion of degree 3 which is necessary for conforming, owing to occupational induction, were 8.9% (incisor: A) and 6.8/0,o(incisor: B).
- Prevalence of the Vibration Syndrome among Rock-drilers in the Anthracite Mining Area.
Jae Hoon Roh
Korean J Prev Med. 1981;14(1):75-80.
- Due to rapid industrialization and economic development, the occupational diseases have appeared as one of the social problems in Korea. Up until now little has been known about the prevalence rate, predisposing factor and symptomatology the occupational disease due to localized vibration in Korea. The researcher intends to investigate the prevalence rate and affecting factors of the occupational disease due to localized vibration among rock-drillers in the anthracite mines. A total of 135 rock-drillers were interviewed and examined from May 15th to 31th, 1980. The results were revealed as follows; 1. The prevalence rate of the vibration syndrome among rock-drillers was 12.6%. 2. The latent period of the vibration syndrome was 6.8% years. 3. The prevalence rate of the vibration syndrome was not significantly different between smokers and non-smokers. 4. With the increase of total vibration exposure time, the prevalence rate of the vibration syndrome increased also. 5. The average vibration sensation threshold was high (6.4dB) in stage 1 of the vibration syndrome and low (-0.6dB) in stage 0. 6. The average pain sensation threshold was high (4.4g) in stage 1 of the vibration syndrome and low (2.5g) in stage 0.