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Jang Kyun Oh 2 Articles
A Study On The Factors Of Absenteeism Among The Manufacturing Workers.
Dong Bae Lee, Tae Yong Lee, Young Chae Cho, Young Soo Lee, Jang Kyun Oh, Am Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1993;26(4):574-586.
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This study was to examine the actual conditions and contributing factors of absenteeism in manufacturing workers. Subjects were 1,184 workers employed in Taejon city and the observation period for absenteeism was 3 months (June to August), 1992. We obtained the following results. 1. Percentage of the absentees among the studied subjects were 21.1% in gross absence and 6.9% in sickness absence. Gross absence rate of subjects was 1.2% and sickness absence rate was 0.5%. 2. In the group of absentees, mean days of absence was 2.8 days and those of sickness was 4.4 days. Mean days of sickness absence due to injury was higher than that of illness, but the total days of sickness absence was high in extremity injuries, trunk injury, general fatigue, head injury, musculoskeletal problem in that order. 3. Variables contributing to the absence were job classification, education level, working hours per day, exposure of noxious factor, worker classification. 4. In the group of absentees, variables influencing the gross absence rate were working atmosphere, body mass index, working environment, working hours per day but those of the sickness absence were working hours per day, education level and working atmosphere.
Health status and medical care utilization patterns of rural aged.
Jang Kyun Oh
Korean J Prev Med. 1991;24(3):328-338.
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To find out the state of illness, patterns of medical care utilization, and factors which determine medical care utilization for aged we surveyed 679 rural old persons who live in the Chungnam province from Jan. 10 1991 to Jan. 19. The major findings of this study were as follows; 1. The morbidity rate of chronic illness during last 3 months was 56.4% for all surveyed old persons; 58.7% for female and 52.8% for male. 2. As expected, 80 years old or above group showed the highest morbidity rate, 60.2% and the 65-69 years age group was the lowest, 50.5%. 3. Old persons who are householder, whose family income is less than 290,000 won per month, and who receive benefits from the public medical assistance program had relative higher morbidity rate than other groups and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). 4. The most frequent chronic illness was musculoskeletal disease, 49.6%; the disease from which the aged had suffered for the longest period was gastrointestinal, 11.6yrs; the cerebrovascular was the disease which inflicts the lowest level of physical ability. 5. 67.1% of 383 persons who were suffering from chronic illness were in need of medical care but unmet; among the remaining 32.9% who utilized medical care, 19.2% utilized it in local clinics or hospital OPD and 15% in the health centers of subcenters. 6. Old person who are married, whose sons are householder and whose family income is 500,000 won or above per month showed relative higher utilization rate than other groups and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). 7. The most common reason why the aged did not utilize, in spite of, need medical care was economic problem, 35.4%. For the aged whose family income per month is 500,000 won or above, however the most common reason was tolerable symptom, 46.9% while persons who answered economic problem were 6.1% of them, the lowest frequency.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health