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Joon Sakong 4 Articles
Change of Cognitive Function and Associated Factors among the Rural Elderly: A 5-Year Follow-up Study.
Sang Kyu Kim, Pock Soo Kang, Tae Yoon Hwang, Joon Sakong, Kyeong Soo Lee
J Prev Med Public Health. 2007;40(2):162-168.
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This prospective population-based cohort study was conducted to evaluate the risk factors of cognitive impairment and the degree of cognitive function change through a 5-year follow-up. METHODS: The baseline and follow-up surveys were conducted in 1998 and 2003, respectively. Among 176 subjects who had normal cognitive function in the baseline study, 136 were followed up for 5 years. The cognitive function was investigated using the Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-K). The collected data were analyzed using SPSS and Stata. RESULTS: Of the 136 subjects analyzed, 25 (18.4%) were cognitively impaired. Old age and low social support in the baseline survey were risk factors for cognitive impairment after 5 years. In the generalized estimating equation for 128 subjects except severe cognitive impairment about the contributing factors of cognitive function change, the interval of 5 years decreased MMSE-K score by 1.02 and the cognitive function was adversely affected with increasing age, decreasing education and decreasing social support. CONCLUSIONS: Although the study population was small, it was considered that the study results can be used to develop a community-based prevention system for cognitive impairment.


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  • Status of Physical and Mental Function and, Its Related Factors Among the Elderly People Using from Long-Term Care Insurance Service
    Nam-Kyou Bae, Young-Soo Song, Eun-Sook Shin, Young-Chae Cho
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2012; 13(12): 5976.     CrossRef
  • Toxicities and functional consequences of systemic chemotherapy in elderly Korean patients with cancer: A prospective cohort study using Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
    Dong-Yeop Shin, Jeong-Ok Lee, Yu Jung Kim, Myung-Sook Park, Keun-Wook Lee, Kwang-Il Kim, Soo-Mee Bang, Jong Seok Lee, Cheol-Ho Kim, Jee Hyun Kim
    Journal of Geriatric Oncology.2012; 3(4): 359.     CrossRef
  • Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism and Cognitive Function Change of the Elderly in a Rural Area, Korea
    Sang-Kyu Kim, Tae-Yoon Hwang, Kyeong-Soo Lee, Pock-Soo Kang, Hee-Soon Cho, Young-Kyung Bae
    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2009; 42(4): 261.     CrossRef
Effects of the Personal Stereo System on Hearing in Adolescents.
Jong Seo Park, Sean Hee Oh, Pock Soo Kang, Chang Yoon Kim, Kyeong Soo Lee, Tae Yoon Hwang, Joon Sakong
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(2):159-164.
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This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the personal stereo system on the hearing in adolescents. METHODS: A total of 68 adolescents(age: 13-18 years) who visited the ENT Department at a University Hospital in Daegu were personally interviewed. The questionnaires were about general characteristics of the subjects, the time of personal stereo system use(year, hour) and place. Cumulative exposure to the personal stereo system was calculated by the product of the total years and the daily hours of their use. Pure tone audiometry was performed and the hearing threshold was measured at 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 Hz. RESULTS: The average time of using a personal stereo system a day was about 3 hours and 75% of the subjects used a personal stereo system for 2-5 years. The elevation of threshold was more prominent in the subjects who used personal stereo systems for 4 years and more compared with those subjects who used them for 3 years and under. The elevation of hearing threshold was also more prominent in the subjects who used personal stereo systems for 4 hours and more a day compared with those subjects who used personal stereo systems for 3 hours and under a day. The elevation of hearing threshold was more prominent in the subjects who used personal stereo systems for 13 hour..years and more compared to the subjects who used them 12 hour..years and under. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the elevation of hearing threshold can happen to adolescents who used personal stereo systems for a long time. In order to prevent hearing loss, we need to teach adolescents appropriate usage of the personal stereo system and hearing tests should be included in the periodic school-based physical examination for the adolescents.
Diving patterns and diving related disease of diving fishermen in Korea.
Joon Sakong
Korean J Prev Med. 1998;31(1):139-156.
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Diving related disease including decompression sickness is an important occupational health problem and diving fishermen remain a fairly hazardous occupation in Korea. To prevent diving related disease, we investigate diving patterns, incidence of diving related diseases, and contributing factors of 433 diving fishermen of three coast interviewing and mailing questionnaire in 1996. Mean age of divers was 39.7 years, ranged from 24 to 58 years, 92.8% of these were male, and 58.4% of divers were high school graduates. Mean duration of work as a diver was 12.9 years, ranged from 2 to 40 years. It was found that 70.4% of divers were using hookah system, 22.2% of helmet, and only 2.5% SCUBA. About half of them have learned diving skills from other divers. The peak season of diving was from April to June and mean working days were 20.3 days per month during the peak season. On the average, the divers dived 5-6 times, ranged from 1 to 10 times a day with 51.1 minutes of diving time, ranged from 20 to 120 minutes, at 30 m or 40 m in depth, and 35.5 minute of interval on surface. Most divers ascended slowly making decompression stop, yet the decompression profile used was not based on any scientific knowledge except for their own experiences. It appeared that each diving system had slightly different diving patterns. There were 282(65.0%) divers that suffered from DCS in 1995 and 31.2% of divers were given recompression therapy at a medical facility since they worked as diving fishermen. Skin and musculoskeletal complaints were common symptoms of DCS and 39% of divers experienced a voiding difficulty. In univariate analysis, females have an increased frequency of DCS(93% vs 66% for males). Old age, long duration of work, helmet diving, diving time, diving depth, repetitive diving, and blow up were all contributing factors to DCS. It was found that most diving patterns exceed no decompression limit and did not use the standard decompression table. This suggests that most of divers are at high risk of developing diving related disease with prolonged dives and lengthy repetitive diving in deep depth. Considering the diving patterns and economic aspect of professional diving, the incidence of DCS among diving fishermen in Korea will not decrease in the near future. These findings suggest that periodic health surveillance for divers, and education of health and safety are important for reducing the risk of diving related disease in the population of diving fishermen.
A cohort study on blood zinc protoporphyrin concentration of workers in storage battery factory.
Man Joong Jeon, Joong Jeong Lee, Joon Sakong, Chang Yoon Kim, Jung Man Kim, Jong Hak Chung
Korean J Prev Med. 1998;31(1):112-126.
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To investigate the effectiveness of the interventions in working environment and personal hygiene for the occupational exposure to the lead, the blood zinc protoporphyrin(ZPP) concentrations of 131 workers ( 100 exposed subjects and 31 controls ) of a newly established battery factory were analyzed. They were measured in every 3 months up to 18 months. Air lead concentration (Pb-A) of the workplaces was also checked for 3 times in 6 months interval from August 1987. Environmental intervention included the local exhaust ventilation and vacuum cleaning of the floor. Intervention of the personal hygiene included the daily change of clothes, compulsory shower after work and hand washing before meal, prohibition of cigarette smoking and food consumption at the work site and wearing mask. Mean blood ZPP concentration of the controls was 16.45+/-4.83 microgram/dashliter at the preemployment examination and slightly increased to 17.77+/-5.59 microgram/dashliter after 6 months. Mean blood ZPP concentration of the exposed subjects who were employed before the factory was in operation (Group A) was 17.36+/-5.20 microgram/dashliter on employment and it was increased to 23.00+/-13.06 microgram/dashliter after 3 months. The blood ZPP concentration was increased to 27.25+/-6.40 microgram/dashliter on 6 months (p<0.01) after the employment which was 1 month after the initiation of intervention program. It did not increase thereafter and ranged between 25.48 microgram/dashliter and 26.61 microgram/dashliter in the subsequent 4 results. Mean blood ZPP concentration of the exposed subjects who were employed after the factory had been in operation but before the intervention program was initiated (Group B) was 14.34+/-6.10 microgram/dashliter on employment and it was increased to 28.97+/-7.14 microgram/dashliter (p<0.01) in 3 months later(1 month after the intervention). The values of subsequent 4 tests were maintained between 26.96 microgram/dashliter and 27.96 microgram/dashliter. Mean blood ZPP concentration of the exposed subjects who were employed after intervention program had been started (Group C) was 21.34+/-5.25 microgram/dashliter on employment and it was gradually increased to 23.37+/-3.86 microgram/dashliter (p<0.01) after 3 months, 23.93+/-3.64 microgram/dashliter after 6 months, 25.50+/-3.01 microgram/dashliter (p<0.01) after 9 months, and 25.50+/-3.10 microgram/dashliter after 12 months. Workplaces were classified into 4 parts according to Pb-A. The Pb-A of part I, the highest areas, were 0.365 microgram/m4, and after the intervention the levels were decreased to 0.216 microgram/m4 and 0.208 microgram/m4 in follow-up test. The Pb-A of part II which was resulted in lower value than part I was decreased from 0.232 microgram/m4 to 0.148 microgram/m4, and 0.120 microgram/m4 after the intervention. The Pb-A of part III was tested after the intervention and resulted in 0.124 microgram/m4 in January 1988 and 0.081 microgram/m4 in August 1988. The Pb-A of part IV was also tested after the intervention and resulted in 0.110 microgram/m4 in August 1988. There was no consistent relationship between Pb-A and blood ZPP concentration. The blood ZPP concentration of the group A and B workers in the part of the highest Pb-A were lower than those of the workers in the parts of lower Pb-A. The blood ZPP concentration of the workers in the part of the lowest Pb-A increased more rapidly. The blood ZPP concentration of the group C workers was the highest in part III. These findings suggest that the intervention in personal hygiene is more effective than environmental intervention, and it should be carried out from the first day of employment and to both the exposed subjects, blue color workers and the controls, white color workers.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health