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Joon Yun Kim 4 Articles
An Investigation to the General Characteristics of Doctors in Busan Area.
Joon Yun Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1974;7(1):153-162.
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To find a basic study for manpower of physicians and medical care systems in Busan, author has studied towards 1,069 doctors who had taken the regular report in 1973, residing in Busan City. The survey was conducted from July 1 to August 31, 1973 and the findings & results obtained through the study for distributions, characteristics, employment of doctors and some medical systems were summarized as follows; 1. The ratio between doctor and populations in Busan City was 1:1,887. 2. The doctors who graduated from Busan Medical College were 438 as the most proportion(40.9%). 3. Sex distribution of doctors revealed male 970, female 99 and those belonging to the 30-39 age group were as the most proportion(41.0%). 4. The doctors who had faith in Christianity were the highest (22.3%). 5. By the opening year of clinics, there was increasing tendency after 1950, especially during 1970-1973. 6. At that time of investigation, the doctors who had private clinics were 673(67.3%) and nonemployees were 27 (2.5%). 7. The total Medical Specialists in Busan were 519, and among them the Internal Medicine Specialists were the highest proportion (16.2%). 8. The clinics employing the disqualified nurse-aids were 237 (22.2%). 9. Most of doctors (81.8%) had opposed attitude to the establishment of new medical colleges. 10. More than half of the doctors (59.8%) agreed to the functional division between Physicians and Pharmacists. 11. The ratio of agreement to the practical application of public medical insurances was 68.7%. 12. The opinion by opening hospital-clinics at Myeon for administrative measures for doctorless rural area was the highest proportion. 13. The doctors who replied as low state of confidence of the citizens to the doctors-themselves were 691 (64.6%).
An Epidemiological Study on the Accident resulting from Leakage of Chloride.
Joon Yun Kim, Won Gae Cho, Jong Hwan Park, Chong Kyun Lee, Yong Chun Kim, Don Kyoun Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1972;5(1):49-56.
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During the Period from 22th to November 26th , 1971, An Epidemiological Survey was performed on the Accident which was occurred by Leakage of Chloride Gases in A Chimical Industry, one of Wul San Industrial Areas. The obtained results were as follows ; 1. The largest damage was observed at Yeo Cheon Dong, 5.38 Km2 in Area and 8,192 in the Residents. 2. By the age distribution of Yeo Cheon Dong, The largest damaged area resulting from chloride accident, the age group of between 10 and 39 was highly occupied with 55.2% of all Yeo Cheon residents. 3. The number of patient was 436 totally, 198 in male and 238 in female. 4. By the age group distribution of the patient, in case of male, the largest group was under 20 age (96) and female, between 20 and 40 age group. 5. By the educational level of the patient, No-Education group was 116 (26.6%), and primary school, middle school and high school were respectively 168 (38.5%), 68(15.6%) and 12 (2.8%). 6. By the occupational distribution of the patient, No-Occupation group was 49.7%, students and agriculture were respectively 14.4% and 8.1%. 7. By the complaints of the patient, most of all were for respiratory tract, those are coughing (56.9%), chest tightness (35.6%), sore throat (24.8%), and so forth. 8. By the injured domestic animal, the Dog was most highly injured with 46.2%.
A Study on Health Status of Industrial Workers by Application of the Modified C.M.I..
Joon Yun Kim, Won Gae Cho, Chong Kyun Lee, Yong Chun Kim, Hea Koun Park, Don Kyoun Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1972;5(1):25-35.
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From May lst to November 30th, 1971, a study was conducted by authors on the health status of industrial workers through applying the modified Cornell Medical Index forwards a total of 4,565 labourers working in Busan City. The obtained results were as follows : 1. The largest number of industries and labourers was in Busanjin Gu, 9 and 2,386 (52.2%), respectively. 2. Total numbers of labourers subjected to the survey were 2,355 (51.6% in male, 2,210(48.4%) in female. 3. By age and sex distribution, the largest was seen with the age group of 25-34, 1,260 in male, otherwise with under the age group of 24, 1,994 in female labourers. 4. The highest average number of complaints by section among all age groups and industries was as follows ; In case of male labourers, textile was the highest with numbering 8.7 (35-39 age group) in the section of physical complaints, in the section of mental and total complaints, food industry was the highest with numbering 8.2 and 16.4, respectively, both under 19 age group, otherwise in case of female labourers, food industry was the highest with numbering 12.3 (physical), 10.3(mental) and 22.7 (total complaints) with all in 20-24 age group. 5. The lowest average number of complaints by section among all age groups and industries was as follows; In case of male labourers, other industry was the lowest with numbering 0.4 (55and over) in the physical, 0.3 (19and under) in the mental and 0.7 (55and over) in the section of total complaints, otherwise incase of female labourers, basic metal was the lowest in the all sections with all in 50-54 age groups.
An Epidemiological Survey on Cholera in Pusan City 1970.
Don Kyoun Kim, Joon Yun Kim, Young Tae Suh
Korean J Prev Med. 1970;3(1):31-36.
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An epidemiological survey on cholera was made toward the 291 cases admitted in Pusan National University Hospital. The results were as follows. 1. The most predominant age groups among all cholera patients were form 30 to 39(21.3%). 2. 74.9% of all cases got under the educational background of primary school and 69.4% of all cases occurred at the low income group. 3. Daily average numbers of patient were 6.2 and maximum numbers were 15, August 19, 1970. 4. Among the food eaten prior to onset, drinking water was the most predominant with 16.2% and next, food and noodle groups were 14.8% and 10.3% respectively. 5. Regarding incubation period, it was found that "within 48 hours" was 83 5%. 6. Patients occurred mainly in Suh Ku area with 105(36.1%) of all closes. 7. Carrie rates among family members were 1.78%. 8. Carrier rates among residents of epidemic area were 0.l2%.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health