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Juhye Kim 2 Articles
A Study of Factors Related to Korean Physicians' Trust in the Government: On the Target for Board Members of Physicians' Associations.
Sunhee Lee, Gunmo Yang, Juhyun Seo, Juhye Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):411-422.
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This study aims to investigate the factors related to Korean physicians' trust in the government. METHODS: We used structured questionnaires that were composed of multidimensional scales for each of the various categories. RESULTS: The recognition levels of trust of the government by Korean physicians were not high, and they ranged from 3.6 to 4.8 for ten scales. The factors related to trust in the government were categorized into seven factors on the basis of a factor analysis. On the regression analysis, a positive relationship was found between "the individual propensity to trust" and trust in the government, while a negative relationship was found between "the recognition level regarding the government as an authoritarian power" and trust in the government. "Confidence about participation in the policy process" as internal efficacy and "belief in governmental ability and motivation toward public demand" as external efficacy also showed a strong positive relationship with trust in the government. CONCLUSIONS: From these results, we can draw the conclusion that making efforts to improve the recognition level of trust in the government among physicians is an important policy task. To increase the trust level, participation of physicians in the policy process in various ways and open communication between the physicians'associations and the government should be facilitated.


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  • The Relationship between Trust in Healthcare System and Health Examination Participation
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How Are Consumers, Service and Market Factors Related to Customer Loyalty in Medical Service?: Targeting the Medical Consumer in a City.
Sunhee Lee, Hyunmi Kim, Juhye Kim, Gwiyeom Ha
J Prev Med Public Health. 2008;41(5):315-322.
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This study was performed to explore customer royalty and the related factors. METHODS: 900 households(a 1% sample) were randomly selected from the total population of K city located in Kangwon province. An interview survey was performed with using a structured questionnaire for the subjects(923 persons) who had used medical service during the year before the survey, and the survey was done September, 2002. RESULTS: When comparing the relating factors related with customer royalty according to the sociodemographic characteristics, the older group showed a significantly higher level of recognition for service quality, service reputation, internal customers.attitudes and switching cost. The lower income group showed a higher level of recognition for service quality, service image and switching cost. The lower educated group showed a higher level of recognition for service reputation, service image and internal customers.attitudes. The higher educated group showed a higher level of recognition for perceived risk, and seeking variety. In addition, the expert group or the service and manufacturing workers group showed a higher level of recognition for service involvement. On multiple regression analysis, internal customers' attitudes, service image, service reputation, service quality, switching cost, and substitutability showed significant relations with customer loyalty. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that customer loyalty was significantly influenced by service factors like internal customers' attitudes, service image, service reputation, and service quality, and by market factors like switching cost, and substitutability. The results of this study can be used as a baseline for developing strategies to create and keep customers with high loyalty.


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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health