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Jung Suk Yoon 1 Article
Comparison of Respiratory Symptom between Urban and Rural Residents.
Jung Suk Yoon, Doo Hie Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1985;18(1):113-128.
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This paper was carried out for comparison of respiratory symptoms between urban and rural residents that is somewhat related to air pollution. And as urban residents, 470 persons of Daegu (Taegu) and 364 of Pohang were selected and 472 rural residents were also, in Eus ng-Gun, those who were responded to questionnaire distributed from April 10, 1984 to April 30 through students of middle or high school. The subjects were families of the student. The questionnaire was appropriately modified the item B of Cornell Medical Index by author. Looking into the rate of complaints about each part, generally, the rate in urban is higher than that in rural. Particularly it is higher to 'feeling a choking lump or swelling of throat', 'the sputum' and 'the asthma' in the city (p<0.05). On the contrary, women in the farm village, to 'caught a severe cold' as compared with the city. In men under nineteen years of age, it is higher than the farm village to 'feeling a choking lump or swelling of throat' of Pohang (p<0.05). But in men forties, it is higher than the city that farm people are 'soaking sweat at night' and 'foreign body sensation on throat'. Students hardly differ between the two ares, while the group having occupation in Pohang felt more in 'feeling a choking lump or swelling of throat' than the farm residents. As the result, I consider that the rural residents were much affected by physical fatigue and pesticides, and the urban, by some problems of industrial fuel, traffic gas and various dusts.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health