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Kyeong Soo Park 7 Articles
A Comparison of Fasting Glucose and HbA1c for the Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus Among Korean Adults.
Woo Jun Yun, Min Ho Shin, Sun Seong Kweon, Kyeong Soo Park, Young Hoon Lee, Hae Sung Nam, Seul Ki Jeong, Yong Woon Yun, Jin Su Choi
J Prev Med Public Health. 2010;43(5):451-454.
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The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has recently recommended the HbA1c assay as one of four options for making the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, with a cut-point of > or =6.5%. We compared the HbA1c assay and the fasting plasma glucose level for making the diagnosis of diabetes among Korean adults. METHODS: We analyzed 8710 adults (age 45-74 years), who were not diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus, from the Namwon study population. A fasting plasma glucose level of > or =126 mg/dL and an A1c of > or =6.5% were used for the diagnosis of diabetes. The kappa index of agreement was calculated to measure the agreement between the diagnosis based on the fasting plasma glucose level and the HbA1c. RESULTS: The kappa index of agreement between the fasting plasma glucose level and HbA1c was 0.50. CONCLUSIONS: The agreement between the fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c for the diagnosis of diabetes was moderate for Korean adults.


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Associations between Carotid Intima-media Thickness, Plaque and Cardiovascular Risk Factors.
Young Hoon Lee, Lian Hua Cui, Min Ho Shin, Sun Seog Kweon, Kyeong Soo Park, Seul Ki Jeong, Eun Kyung Chung, Jin Su Choi
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(6):477-484.
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This study was conducted to examine the association between the carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT), plaque and cardiovascular risk factors according to gender and age. METHODS: The data used for this study were obtained from 1,507 subjects (691 men, 816 women), aged 20-74 years, who participated in 'Prevalence study of thyroid diseases' in two counties of Jeollanam-do Province during July and August of 2004. The body mass index (BMI) and waist hip ratio (WHR) were calculated by anthropometry. The blood pressure, pulse rate, pulse pressure, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol and fasting blood sugar level were also measured. Ultrasonography was used to measure the carotid artery IMT and plaque. IMT measurements were performed at 6 sites, including both common carotid arteries, and the bulb and internal carotid arteries. The definition of the 'mean IMT' was mean value obtained from these 6 sites. RESULTS: The mean+/-standard deviation IMT values were 0.65+/-0.14 and 0.60+/-0.13 mm in men and women (p<0.001), respectively. The data were analyzed according to gender and the 50 year age groups.In a multiple linear regression analysis, age and hypertension were positively associated with the mean IMT in both men and women, aged<50 years. Age, total cholesterol and smoking (current) were positively associated with the mean IMT in men (> of =50 years). Age was positively associated with the mean IMT in women (> of =50 years), but the HDL cholesterol level was negatively associated. The prevalence of plaques was 44.2%(196/443) in men and 19.4%(89/459) in women, for those greater than 50 years of age. In a multiple logistic regression analysis, age (OR=1.090, 95%CI=1.053-1.129), HDL cholesterol (OR=0.964, 95%CI=0.944-0.984), total cholesterol (OR=1.009, 95%CI=1.002-1.017) and BMI (OR=0.896, 95%CI=0.818-0.983) were independently associated with plaques in men; whereas, age (OR=1.057, 95%CI=1.012-1.103), HDL cholesterol (OR=0.959, 95%CI=0.932-0.986), pulse pressure (OR=1.029, 95%CI=1.007-1.050) and triglycerides (OR=0.531, 95%CI=0.300-0.941) were independently associated with plaques in women. CONCLUSIONS: There were significant gender and aging differences in the association between the IMT, plaque and cardiovascular risk factors. Therefore, for the prevention of atherosclerosis, selective approaches should be considered with regard to gender and age factors.
Completeness Estimation of the Population-based Cancer Registration with Capture-Recapture Methods.
Jeong Soo Im, Sun Seog Kweon, Sang Yong Kim, Kyeong Soo Park, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 2000;33(1):31-35.
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This study aimed to estimate the completeness of cancer registration with Capture-recapture method. METHODS: The study was conducted in the population based cancer registry of Kwangju, Korea, for which there are three main sources of notification: reports by Korean Central Cancer Registry, reports by pathology data, and the others reports by radiology data, death certificates, etc. The defined cases in three sources were matched by 13 digits Resident Register Number. To derive an estimates, log-linear models were applicated. RESULTS: Overall completeness was estimated to be around 93%. There was some variation with age(consistently high levels below age group 60-74 years, a minimum of 88.6% above 75 years). Among the most common cancer sites, estimates of completeness were highest for thyroid cancer(97.1%), while lower estimates of completeness were derived for stomach cancer(92.3%), liver cancer(92.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Careful application of Capture-recapture method may provide an alternative to traditional approaches for estimating the completeness of cancer registration in Kwangju city.
The comparison of health-related quality of life between the institutional elderly and the community living elderly.
Kyeong Soo Park, Yong Gil Seo, Hae Sung Nam, Seok Joon Sohn, Jung Ae Rhee
Korean J Prev Med. 1998;31(2):293-309.
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The purpose of this study is to compare the level of health-related quality of life and relating factor between institutional elderly and community living elderly. The subjects were 390 from Sanatorium or Nursing home and 467 from the community, in Kwangju. The results are followed : l) A comparison of ADL between two groups, institutional elderly and community living elderly, resulted in that community elderly were more significantly independent in the areas of bathing and transfer than institutional elderly. 2) A comparison of IADL between two groups resulted in that ; Community elderly, were more independent in the areas of using telephone and transportation, food preparation, house keeping, and doing laundry. Institutional elderly were more independent in the area of handling finances. 3) In the case of poor health-related quality of life, institutional elderly showed 2.4 times in the dimension of physical fitness, l.8 times in daily activity, 2 times in social activity, 2 times in pain, 26.7 times in social support, and 0.4 times in subjective quality of life higher than community elderly. There was no significant differences in the rest of dimensions. 4) In institutional elderly, the analysis of variables related to the health-related quality, of life resulted in that; The relating factors were sex, education, and chronic illness in the dimension of physical function. Direct contact with family or significant others in the dimension of social activity. Chronic illness in the dimension of pain and perceived health status. Direct or indirect contact with family or significant others over the phone or through letters in the dimension of social support. 5) The analysis of variables relatd to the health-related quality of life showed that community elderly has more relating variables in each area than institutional elderly. The relating factors were age, sex, and chronic illness in the dimension of physical function. Education and chronic illness in the dimension of emotional status. Age and chronic illness in the dimension of daily activity and social activity. Education and chronic illness in the dimension of pain and perceived health status. Sex, education, family size in the dimension of social support. Education and chronic illness in the dimension of subjective quality-of-life. Throughout general daily activity, community elderly showed more satisfactory results than institutional elderly, but in the subjective area of health-related quality of life, such as subjective quality of life, institutional elderly, group showed more positive results. And community elderly had more relating factors than institutional elderly. For the health care of the elderly that focused on quality, of life, new approaches considering the characteristics of both group, institutional and community, living elderly, are needed.
The Relationship between the Cognitive Impairment and Mortality in the Rural Elderly.
Byung Hwan Sun, Kyeong Soo Park, Baeg Ju Na, Yo Seop Park, Hae Sung Nam, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jung Ae Rhee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(3):630-642.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the mortality risk associated with cognitive impairment among the rural elderly. The subjective of study was 558 of 'A Study on the Depression and Cognitive Impairment in the Rural Elderly' of Jung Ae Rhee and Hyang Gyun Jung's study(1993). Cognitive impairment and other social and health factors were assessed in 558 elderly rural community residents. For this study, a Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSEK) was used as a global indicator of cognitive functioning. And mortality risk factors for each cognitive impairment subgroup were identified by univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis. At baseline 22.6% of the sample were mildly impaired and 14.2% were severely impaired. As the age increased, the cognitive function was more impaired. Sexual difference was existed in the cognitive function level. Also the variables such as smoking habits, physical disorders had the significant relationship with cognitive function impairment. Across a 3-year observation period the mortality rate was 8.5% for the cognitively unimpaired, 11.1% for the mildly impaired, and 16.5% for the severly impaired respondents. And the survival probability was .92 for the cognitively unimpaired, .90 for the mildly impaired, and .86 for the severly impaired respondents. Compared to survival curve for the cognitively unimpaired group, each survival curve for the mildly and the severely impaired group was not significantly different. When adjustments models were not made for the effects of other health and social covariates, each hazard ratio of death of mildly and severely impaired persons was not significantly different as compared with the cognitively unimpaired. But, as MMSEK score increased, significantly hazard ratio of death decreased. Employing Cox univariate proportional hazards model, statistically other significant variables were age, monthly income, smoking habits, physical disorders. Also when adjustments were made for the effects of other health and social covariates, there was no difference in hazard ratio of death between those with severe or mild impairment and unimpaired persons. And as MMSEK score increased, significantly hazard ratio of death did not decrease. Employing Cox multivariate proportional hazards model, statistically other significant variables were age, monthly income, physical disorders. Employing Cox multivariate proportional hazards model by sex, at men and women statistically significant variable was only age. For both men and women, also cognitive impairment was not a significant risk factor. Other investigators have found that cognitive impairment is a significant predictor of mortality. But we didn't find that it is a significant predictor of mortality. Even though the conclusions of our study were not related to cognitive impairment and mortality, early detection of impaired cognition and attention to associated health problems could improve the quality of life of these older adults and perhaps extend their survival.
Relationship of Serum Cholesterol and Anxiety in Rural Residents.
Yp Seop Park, Kyeong Soo Park, Baeg Ju Na, Hae Sung Nam, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(3):489-496.
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In other to study relationship of anxiety and serum cholesterol in general population, we performed the interview survey and screening test for the Ju-am cohort and residents in controlling area at 1995. Among them, 622 people are selected for this analysis. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Anxiety and total serum cholesterol related each other in the group of anxiety. Correlation coefficient was 0.39(p<0.01). 2. According to the result of multiple regression that the total serum cholesterol regarded as the dependent variable, anxiety and total serum cholesterol were related each other positively in the group of anxiety(p<0.05). 3. As the symptoms of anxiety was dichotomized affective and somatic symptom. There was no relationship of 2 symptoms and total serum cholesterol in all subjects, but there was more relationship on the affective symptom than on the somatic symptom in the group of anxiety(p<0.05). The above results show that anxiety and total serum cholesterol related each other significantly in the anxiety group. And the relationship of psychological factors and serum cholesterol could be applied significantly in general population as well as in the special group.
A Study of the Cause-of-Death reported on Official Death Registry in a Rural Area.
Hae Sung Nam, Kyeong Soo Park, Byeong Hwan Sun, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(2):227-238.
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This study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the official death registry in rural area. The base data used for the study was 379 deaths registered during the period of 1993 and 1994 in 4 rural townships of Chonnam Province. The interview survey for cause-of-death was performed on the next of kin and/or neighbor. Additional medical informations were collected from hospitals and medical insurance associations for the purpose of verification. The underlying cause-of-death of 278 cases presumed by the survey was compared to the cause on official death registry. There was a prominent disagreement of cause-of-death between the survey data and the registry data(agreement rate: 38.9~44.6%%, according to disease classification method). These results may be caused by extremely low rates of physicians' certification, which were mostly confined to the poisoning and injury. Symptoms, signs, and ill defined conditions on death registry could be classified into circulatory disease(32.3%), neoplasm(21.2%), digestive disease(7.l%), injury and poisoning(7.l%) and so on. These results suggest that careful attention and verification be required on utilization of death registry data in rural area.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health