- Impact of Risk Adjustment with Insurance Claims Data on Cesarean Delivery Rates of Healthcare Organizations in Korea.
Kwang Soo Lee, Sang Il Lee, Kyung Seo, Young Mi Do
J Prev Med Public Health. 2005;38(2):132-140.
To propose a risk-adjustment model from insurance claims data, and analyze the changes in cesarean section rates of healthcare organizations after adjusting for risk distribution. METHODS: The study sample included delivery claims data from January to September, 2003. A risk-adjustment model was built using the 1st quarter data, and the 2nd and 3rd quarter data were used for a validation test. Patients' risk factors were adjusted using a logistic regression analysis. The c-statistic and Hosmer-Lemeshow test were used to evaluate the performance of the risk-adjustment model. Crude, predicted and risk-adjusted rates were calculated, and compared to analyze the effects of the adjustment. RESULTS: Nine risk factors (malpresentation, eclampsia, malignancy, multiple pregnancies, problems in the placenta, previous Cesarean section, older mothers, bleeding and diabetes) were included in the final riskadjustment model, and were found to have statistically significant effects on the mode of delivery. The c-statistic (0.78) and Hosmer-Lemeshow test (chi2=0.60, p=0.439) indicated a good model performance. After applying the 2nd and 3rd quarter data to the model, there were no differences in the c-statistic and Hosmer-Lemeshow chi2. Also, risk factor adjustment led to changes in the ranking of hospital Cesarean section rates, especially in tertiary and general hospitals. CONCLUSION: This study showed a model performance, using medical record abstracted data, was comparable to the results of previous studies. Insurance claims data can be used for identifying areas where risk factors should be adjusted. The changes in the ranking of hospital Cesarean section rates implied that crude rates can mislead people and therefore, the risk should be adjusted before the rates are released to the public. The proposed risk-adjustment model can be applied for the fair comparisons of the rates between hospitals.
- The Influence of Family Health Workers' Activities on Health Program Performance-Evaluative Research in the The Kang Wha Community Health Demonstration Project.
Kyung Seo
Korean J Prev Med. 1978;11(1):24-30.
- This study was designed to analyse effects of Family Health Workers' activities on the performance of a child immunization program an part of the evaluative research in the community health demonstration project in Kang Wha. Frequent shortcomings of evaluative research are problems in setting evaluative indices, difficulties in interpreting influences of socioeconomic changes due to lack of control and failure of demonstrating association between activity input and program performance. Specific objectives of this study was to improve the frequent shortcoming of evaluative research by isolating the effects of Family Health Workers' activities on the performance of the program through controlling other variable which also influenced the program performance. The target population consisted of 1240 children who were born between Jan. 1971 and Dec. 1075 in Sunwon Myun, and Naega Myun in Kwahg Wha Gun, Kyonggi Province. The data were collected in part through 20 Family Health Workers who interviewed the mothers of these children in their villages during Nov. 1977. Part of the data were obtained by summarizing Family Health Workers daily activity records. All data were grouped for each birth cohort according to the 20 villages. Dependent variable of the model is the measle immunization rate of each village and the independent variables are characteristics of baby, mother, household, travel time to the health sub-center, to Kang Wha Town, and the mean member of visits to the household by Family Health Workers as well as their other related activities and the year of birth of children according to village. The model was analysed by stepwise multiple regression technique. The summarized results show that overall R2 were 39.3% and mean number of Family Health Worker household visits, mean age of mother and mean economic status were significant variables in explaining the immunization rate. Therefore Family Health Workers' activities are one of the significant variables in influencing the increased immunization rate of children in villages of the project area.