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Mi Seung Pai 1 Article
A Study on the Factors Which Influenced Vaccination Rate of Infants in a City.
Mi Seung Pai
Korean J Prev Med. 1983;16(1):89-97.
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From January to March in 1979 and 1982, the vaccination rate of B.C.G., D.P.T. and Sabin with 392 infants who were registered at M.C.H. room in a Health Center in Seoul were as follows: 1. There were no specific relations between the sex and the vaccination for B.C.G., D.P.T. and Polio. 2. In 1982, the younger the mother's age was, the higher the vaccination rate for B.C.G. was. For the D.P.T. and Polio the rate of above 35 year group was the highest but the completion rate of the vaccination and the regular vaccination rate were the highest in the age of 30-34 year group. 3. In 1982, the higher the educational levels of the mother were, the higher the vaccination rates for B.C.G., D.P.T. and Polio were. 4. The vaccination rate for B.C.G. within a month after birth was the highest in Salaried laborer group. The completion rate of the vaccination and regular vaccination rate for D.P.T.and Polio were also the highest in salaried laborer group. 5. In 1982, the rates of all vaccination for B.C.G. were the highest in the first child. The completion rate of the vaccination and regular vaccination rate for D.P.T. and Polio were also the highest in the first child in 1982.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health