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Mi Young Lee 5 Articles
Influencing Facotrs that Affect the Biological Monitoring of Workers Exposed to N,N-Dimethylformamide in Textile Coating Factories.
In Sung Chung, Jon Ghan Kim, Sang Kug Choi, Jong Youn Bae, Mi Young Lee
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(2):171-176.
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The objective of this study is to assess the factors influencing biological monitoring of textile coating factory workers exposed to N,N-dimethylformamide(DMF). METHODS: We studied 35 workers who were occupationally exposed to DMF from 9 textile coating factories. The study was carried out in two phases; summer and winter. While air concentration of DMF, temperature and humidity were assessed in order to monitor the atmospheric conditions, biological monitoring was done to determine the internal dose by analyzing the N-methylformamide(NMF) collected from urine at the beginning and end of the shift. Questionnaires and medical surveillance were also obtained during the two phases. RESULTS: Median air concentrations of DMF in winter and summer were 1.85 ppm and 2.78 ppm respectively. Also the difference between the urinary NMF concentration at the beginning and end of the shift (deltaNMF) was always significant in each season (P<0.001). The correlations between log DMF in air, log end-of-shift urinary NMF (r=0.555, P<0.001) and log deltaNMF (r=0.444, P<0.001) was statistically significant in summer. The temperature, humidity, a shift system and different styles of clothing worn were significantly different during the two phases. In a multivariate analysis, temperature and the concentration of DMF in the air were the main factors influencing biological monitoring of textile coating factory workers. CONCLUSIONS: Concerning more comprehensive prevention measures to reduce exposure for those workers occupationally exposed to DMF, dermal exposure conditions such as temperature and humidity together with the air concentration of DMF should be assessed and biological monitoring is necessary to reduce adverse health effects, especially during the summer.
Senior Medical Students' Attitudes toward and Knowledge about Breastfeeding.
Mi Young Lee, Mi Jung Kang, Choong Won Lee, Kyu Bok Jin, Eun Jung Suh, Jae Suk Ahn, Suk Kwon Suh
Korean J Prev Med. 1999;32(1):95-100.
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This study surveyed medical students attending clerkship to assess their attitude toward and knowledge about breastfeeding, and self-confidence to manage common breast-feeding problems. METHODS: A self-report questionnaire was administered to the 323 medical students at four medical colleges in Taegu in May 1997. The response rate was 92.9%, but the respondents used in the final data analysis were 245 (75.8%) due to missing variables. RESULTS: Overall, respondents showed equivocal attitudes toward breastfeeding (mean score 2.9 on a 6-point scale). Knowledge about breastfeeding was substantially low with the median % correct 39.2%. Of nine knowledge areas, weak areas were especially "contraindications and barriers to breastfeeding", "use of breastfeeding aids", "expression and storage of breast milk". Those reported to be confident to manage common breastfeeding problems were only 25.7%. Correlations between knowledge and self-confidence were not statistically significant except in college A (r=0.35, p<0.05). Correlations between knowledge and attitude were not significant. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that medical students attending clerkship in Taegu show equivocal attitudes toward breastfeeding, low self-confidence to manage common breastfeeding problems and have substantially limited level of knowledge. There should be more concerted efforts to improve this situation on the part of those involved in breastfeeding education.
Application of HHIE-S(Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly-Screening version) to screening test of noise-induced hearing loss.
Mi Young Lee, Suk Kwon Suh, Choong Won Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(3):539-554.
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The study conducted from May to September in 1994 to investigate applicability of the Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly-Screening version(HHIE-S) in parallel with the puretone audiometer to the initial screening test of noise-induced hearing loss(NIHL) in some noise-exposed workers. Subjects were selected by systemic sampling that took every fifth person from 6,700 workers taking the annual occupational health examination by the department of Health Maintenance of Dongsan Hospital Keimyung University in Taegu. The authors administered the pure-tone audiometric test and self-reported questionnaire of HHIE-S including items of sociodemographic and job-related variables concurrently. The final subjects analysed were 1,019(488 males and 531 females) excluding fourteen persons who had many missing values in their questionnaires. The reliability coefficients of HHIE-S scale by Cronbach's alpha were 0.84. In the univariate analysis of hearing handicap measured by the HHIE-S, work duration, military service and the hearing threshold loss at 1kHz and 4kHz was the only selected variable explaining the hearing handicap in males and hearing threshold loss at 1kHz and 4kHz, age, and work duration were selected in females. In ROC curves for HHIE-S scores against NIHL as gold standard which was defined by the follow-up audiogram as more than 30dB of the average of 0.5/1/2kHz and 50dB at 4kHz, the optimal cutoff for the parallel HHIE-S appeared to be 8. The results suggest that HHIE-S appeared to have some reliability and validity in this data and might be used in screening NIHL in parallel with pure-tone audiometer in noise-exposed workers.
Predictors of breast-feeding discontinuation in some followed-up hospital-delivered mothers.
Choong Won Lee, Moo Sik Lee, Jong Won Park, Mi Young Lee, Mi Joung Kang, Dong Hoon Shin, Se Youp Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(4):845-862.
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We followed prospectively some hospital-delivered mothers to identify characteristics of those not initiated breast-feeding and predictors of breast-feeding discontinuation in monthly telephone interviews. Recruits were composed of 482 mothers who delivered their babies at one university hospital and one OB/GYN clinic in september to November 1991. Breast-feeding discontinuation was defined as switch to 100% formula lasting more than one week regardless of solid foods. Average age of the study subjects was 27.3 years of age(standard deviation 3.2). Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated native place, occupation, method of delivery and method of feeding considered to be better for maternal health were statistically significant(p<0.1) between initiators and non-initiators of breast feeding. In starting cohort(N=242) of those initiated breast-feeding, that median of breast-feeding discontinuation were 5 months and 25th and 75th percentiles were 3 and 9 months respectively. I Cox's proportional hazard model, mothers with 10~13 years of education were 2.63 times (95% confidence interval, CI 1.50~4.60 ) more likely to discontinue than those with less than 9 years of education and those with more than 13 years of education were 3.55 time (95% CI 1.99~6.33). Compared with house wife, mothers with part-time jobs were 1.99 times (95% CI 0.86~4.57) more likely to discontinue and those with employed full-time were 1.55 times (95% CI 0.96~2.51). These results suggest that the predictors of initiation and discontinuation of breast-feeding may be different and different target populations should be selected to promote initiation and to prevent discontinuation of breast-feeding according to the period after birth.
Differences of Screening Test Results of Health Examination between Clerks and Laborers.
Jong Won Park, Dong Hoon Shin, Mi Young Lee, Suk Kwon Suh
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(3):543-550.
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The authors conducted a cross-sectional study to evaluate the differences of screening test results between clerks and laborers in an occupational health center in Taegu, 1992. A total of 10,207 workers was included in the study of these, male were 5,597 and female 3,610. Constitutional variables included were items of health examination and some confounding variables(sex, age, body weight and work duration). All analyses were conducted separately for each sex through the use of multiple logistic regression analysis on occupation, controlling for age, work duration, and body weight. laborers showed abnormal hearing test more often than clerks in both sexes. The blood pressure that showed statistical significance in univariate analysis in both sexes lost its significance after controlling covariates. Liver function and urine protein had statistically significant differences between two occupational groups in males and visual correction did in females. The results suggest that there are differences clerks and laborers in some of screening tests and analytic studies are needed to identify the causes of the differences.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health