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Min Chul Lee 1 Article
A study on the factors afecting the subjective symptoms of VDT syndrome.
Jai Dong Moon, Min Chul Lee, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1991;24(3):373-389.
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In order to develop the measuring tool of VDT syndrome and investigate the variables affecting the development of VDT syndrome, a questionnaire study accompanied with the evaluation of working environment was performed with 138 VDT users from six public organs in Kwangju area. The result were summarized as follows: 1. As a result of analysis with data collected by newly developed questionnaire, VDT syndrome included five factors named as eye-related component, psychological component, general body component, musculoskeletal component, and skin-related component and the estimates of the internal consistency of five factors were 0.877, 0.820, 0.796, 0.791, 0.593 respectively. 2. Variables affecting the level of eye-related symptoms were the type of main job using VDT, the total time of VDT operation per day, and the use of external filter on CRT. 3. The level of eye-related symptoms in the group using external filter was higher significantly than that in the group not using filter. 4. The past history of severe illness affected the level of psychological symptoms significantly. 5. Variables affecting the level of general body symptoms were job satisfaction and income satisfaction. 6. Variables affecting the level of musculoskeletal symptoms were the type of main job using VDT, whether majored in EDPS, the level of typewriting, job satisfaction, and the total time of VDT, operation per day. 7. Age and the use of external filter were significantly related to the level of skin-related symptoms. 7. Age and the use of external filter were significantly related to the level of skin-related symptoms.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health