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Moo Sik Lee 6 Articles
Related Factors for the Initiation of Smoking in High School Students Based on the Transtheoretical Model.
Jee Young Hong, Moo Sik Lee, Baeg Ju Na, Keon Yeop Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2006;39(1):67-73.
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This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the intention of smoking and its related factors in high school students. METHODS: Our study subjects were 1,203 high school students who resided in one city and in one county region. We conducted a self-administered questionnaire survey from June 7 to June 19, 2004. Both the decisional balance and temptation inventory showed high reliability estimates. We provided good fit for the 12-item decisional balance inventory and the 10-item temptation inventory by using a confirmatory factor analysis. We also used multiple logistic regression analysis to identify the major contributing factors for the intention to start smoking. RESULTS: On the univariate analysis, the subjects who were female, the 2nd and 3rd grade students,the students in vocational high school, the ex-drinkers or current drinkers, and ex-smokers were found to be significantly more distributed in the groups with intention to start smoking. Except for the concept of the cons, the group with intention to start smoking showed significantly higher standardized T scores for the 7 concepts of decisional balance and temptations. On the multiple logistic regression analysis, the females, the 2nd and 3rd grade students, the students in vocational high school, the experience of cigarette smoking and low T score of the cons were significantly related to the intention to start smoking. CONCLUSIONS: The intention to start smoking in high school students was affected by various factors such as gender, the school grade and the experience of smoking. Therefore, further research should be conducted for providing the essential data for developing a brief instrument for selecting the groups with intention of starting smoking among adolescents.
The Relation between Type of Insurance and Acute Appendicitis Rupture Rate.
Baeg Ju Na, Jee Young Hong, Keon Yeop Kim, Moo Sik Lee, Hae Sung Nam, Jeong Soo Im, Jung Ae Rhee
J Prev Med Public Health. 2004;37(3):267-273.
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This study was aimed at investigating the medical service utilization pattern of patients who use public medical aid compared to those who have health insurance. METHODS: We selected every patient between the age of 18 and 69 who used public medical aid from January 1, 1999, to December 31, 2001, in Gwangju metropolitan city, South Korea. For comparison, a list of patients with health insurance was gathered for same period. Then the medical records of those who had been hospitalized for acute appendicitis were selected among both groups. Of those records, we compared the number of cases of ruptured appendicitis to cases of whole acute appendicitis in both groups. Regarding coding for ruptured appendicitis, International Classification of Diseases - 10 (ICD-10) was used. Multiple logistic regression was used as a statistical tool to determine the effectiveness of risk factors. RESULTS: Even after adjusting for risk factors, such as age and sex, the proportion of perforation of acute appendicitis among public medical aid patients was found to be significantly higher than among insured patients. CONCLUSIONS: This comparative study on ruptured appendicitis among public medical aid patients and insured patients, indicates that the proportion of perforation of acute appendicitis could be an index showing that these types of patients utilize medical services differently than insured patients. We know that when abdominal pain is not properly treated at the outset, it easily develops into ruptured appendicitis complicated with peritonitis. Considering this data analysis, we guess the public medical aid system to have significant problem with medical accessibility. So additional and systematic research on the pattern of utilization of medical services of public medical aid patients is needed.
A Study on the Related Factors with Internet Addiction of the 11th Grade Students in an Urban Area.
Moo Sik Lee, Keon Yeop Kim, Kyung Jae Ko, Hyo Jin Lee, Wook Nam, Eun Young Kim, Jee Young Hong, Bak Ju Na
Korean J Prev Med. 2003;36(4):390-398.
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To evaluate the degree of adolescent internet addiction, and investigate its relationship to the general characteristics, internet environments, and contents, especially the stress measured by the psychosocial wellbeing index-short form (PWI-SF). METHODS: The data was obtained from self-administered questionnaires from 886 11th grade urban area students. The questionnaires consisted of general characteristics, internet user's environments, frequencies by internet contents, internet addiction test and PWI-SF. RESULTS: The possible rate of internet use at home was 95.1%, and the area of most internet use was the home. The frequencies of internet game and porno site use were higher in males, with web searching and community uses higher in females. The total mean of internet addiction score was 56.8, and was higher for male than for female students. From multiple regression, as analyzed by the internet addiction score as a dependent variable, on-line friends, internet use times, years of internet use, frequencies of internet game & porno site use, and PWI-SF scores were significant in male. Internet use times, the frequencies of internet game, chatting, community use, and PWI-SF score were significant in female. Four PWI-SF subscales (social role & self reliability, depression, general health & vitality, and sleep disturbance & anxiety) and internet addiction were significantly correlated in both male and female students, with depression having the most correlation. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that intervention should be provided to prevent internet addiction, especially for coping with stress in Korean teenage students.
Relationship between Blood Pressure and Impairment of Cognitive Function In Some Rural Residents Aged 60-64.
Choong Won Lee, Moo Sik Lee, Jong Chan Chun
Korean J Prev Med. 2000;33(2):208-214.
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Face-to-face interviews were conducted to investigate the relationship between blood pressure and the impairment of cognitive function in rural elderly (N=932) aged 60-64 in Dalsung County, April to September in 1996 METHODS: Impairment of cognitive function was defined as a score of less than 23 by the Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSEK). Blood pressure was measured once in each subject using a portable automatic sphygmomanometer. RESULTS: By univariate logistic regression on males, no category of systolic blood pressure bore statistical significance. Groups with diastolic blood pressures of, less than 80 mmHg, 90-94 mmHg, and more than 95mmHg had odds ratios of more than one compared with the reference group (80-89 mmHg). This was most significant in the group with blood pressures lower than 80 mmHg, which had a statistically significant odds ratio of 1.68 (95 % confidence interval Cl; 1.02-2.75). No category of blood pressure was statistically significant in females. Multivariate logistic regression for males, with adjustment for age, educational attainment, smoking, alcoholic drinking, body mass index, atherosclerotic disease, and antihypertensive medication use, did not alter the odds ratios significantly in terms of systolic blood pressure. However, the group with diastolic blood pressure of less than 80 mmHg had an increased odds ratio of 2.01 (95 % Cl; 1.15-3.52) compared with the reference group. In females, systolic blood pressure did not alter the odds ratio, but the group with a diastolic blood pressure of less than 80 mmHg had a statistically significant odds ratio of 0.57 (95% Cl; 0.37-0.89). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the relationship between blood pressure and cognitive function status is stronger diastolic than systolic blood pressure and that there is a complex relationship between blood pressure and cognitive function by sex.
Predictors of breast-feeding discontinuation in some followed-up hospital-delivered mothers.
Choong Won Lee, Moo Sik Lee, Jong Won Park, Mi Young Lee, Mi Joung Kang, Dong Hoon Shin, Se Youp Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(4):845-862.
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We followed prospectively some hospital-delivered mothers to identify characteristics of those not initiated breast-feeding and predictors of breast-feeding discontinuation in monthly telephone interviews. Recruits were composed of 482 mothers who delivered their babies at one university hospital and one OB/GYN clinic in september to November 1991. Breast-feeding discontinuation was defined as switch to 100% formula lasting more than one week regardless of solid foods. Average age of the study subjects was 27.3 years of age(standard deviation 3.2). Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated native place, occupation, method of delivery and method of feeding considered to be better for maternal health were statistically significant(p<0.1) between initiators and non-initiators of breast feeding. In starting cohort(N=242) of those initiated breast-feeding, that median of breast-feeding discontinuation were 5 months and 25th and 75th percentiles were 3 and 9 months respectively. I Cox's proportional hazard model, mothers with 10~13 years of education were 2.63 times (95% confidence interval, CI 1.50~4.60 ) more likely to discontinue than those with less than 9 years of education and those with more than 13 years of education were 3.55 time (95% CI 1.99~6.33). Compared with house wife, mothers with part-time jobs were 1.99 times (95% CI 0.86~4.57) more likely to discontinue and those with employed full-time were 1.55 times (95% CI 0.96~2.51). These results suggest that the predictors of initiation and discontinuation of breast-feeding may be different and different target populations should be selected to promote initiation and to prevent discontinuation of breast-feeding according to the period after birth.
Recognition and attitude to fundtional division between physicians and pharmacists of practising physicians and pharmacists in Taegu city.
Moo Sik Lee, Nung Ki Yoon, Suk Kwon Suh, Jae Yong Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1993;26(1):1-19.
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Mail questionnaire was administrated to 370 practising physicians and 388 pharmacists in Taegu city selected by systematic sampling to examine utilization states and opinion of pharmacy under medical care insurance programme and the attitude to the functional division between physicians and pharmacists from April to May 1992. Regarding the opinion on the outcome of drug-store under medical insurance, 71.2 percent of practicing physician answered failure but 13.4 percent of practicing pharmacists answered failure in contrast. Fifty percent of practicing physician asserted introducing functional division between physician and pharmacist while 66.9 percent of practicing pharmacist answered drug-store under medical insurance itself is successful programme. Average daily numbers of preparation of medicine was 32.2 case. Percentage of utilization of drug-store under medical insurance to average daily cases of preparing of medicine was 20 percent, percentage of utilization with physician's prescription was 0.7 percent. And 58.7 percent of practicing physician experienced outside the institute prescription. Regarding the opinion on the pros and cons of enforcing functional division between physician and pharmacist, 59.2 percent of practicing physician preferred pros and 17.7 percent cons ,but 38 percent of practicing pharmacist preferred pros and 45.5 percent cons. And pharmacist know better the content of functional division between physician and pharmacist, practicing emphasized to prevent misuse or abuse of medicine but practicing pharmacist emphasized to display physician and pharmacist's professional ability. And as an opinion on implementation style of functional division between physician and pharmacist in pros respondents, practicing physician favored mandatory enforcement (52.3%), while practicing pharmacist favored partial incomplete functional division (81.7%). As the method of prescription if functional division between physician and pharmacist will be enforced, both practicing physician and pharmacist preferred generic name (44.0%, 89%) mostly, but physician preferred brand name (35.3%) secondly. Regarding the reason for not implementing functional division between physician and pharmacist up to date, both physician and pharmacist answered problem of business right between physician and pharmacist, followed by lack of recognition, and interest of people and lack of the governmental willness. Regarding the opinion on prior decision of condition for enforcing functional division between physician and pharmacist, practicing physician and pharmacist named uneven distribution of medical facilities and drug-store between rural and urban, inequality of physician and pharmacist manpower and the problem of manpower demand and supply mostly, and practicing physician pointed out establishing attitude of acceptance on the part of pharmacist and practicing pharmacist favored establishing attitude of acceptance on the part of physician, which was different attitudes between physician and pharmacist. Following conclusion was reached; 1. Current drug-store under medical insurance program yield insufficient outcome, so we should consider program conversion from drug-store under medical insurance program to functional division between physician and pharmacist. 2. There were problem of business right and conflicts between physician and pharmacist at enforcing functional division between physician and pharmacist, so the government should search for formulating plan to resolve the problem and have neutral willness for the protection of the national health.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health