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Myeong Guen Kang 1 Article
The Association of High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein (hsCRP) with Hypertension in Some Rural Residents.
Young Seon Lee, So Yeon Ryu, Jong Park, Myeong Guen Kang, Ki Soon Kim
J Prev Med Public Health. 2005;38(3):325-329.
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This study was performed to assess the association between high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) and hypertension. METHODS: We evaluated the relationship between hsCRP with hypertension and other cardiovascular risk factors, using a cross-sectional survey of 202 people over the age of 50, living in a rural area. A logistic regression analysis was used to study the association between hsCRP and hypertension. The hsCRP levels were divided in quartiles, and the odds ratios (OR), with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), calculated, using the lowest quartile as a reference. RESULTS: The subjects consisted of 37.1% men and 62.9% women, with a mean (SD) hsCRP level of 1.9 (+/-3.0) mg/l. The overall prevalence of hypertension was 61.4%. The prevalence of hypertension according to the hsCRP quartile was not statistically significant. After adjustment for confounding variables, the prevalence of hypertension according to the subjects in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th hsCRP quartiles were 1.418 (95% CI=0.554-3.628), 1.124 (95% CI=0.392-3.214) and 0.892 (95% CI=0.312-2.547) times higher, respectively, compared to those in the 1st quartile. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the level of hsCRP was not a risk factor for hypertension among adults aged over 50 years, living in a rural area. A further study should be performed to find the association between hsCRP and hypertension.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health