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Sam Sop Choi 2 Articles
A Study on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Health Care of Housewives in Rural Area (with Established Viliage Voluntary Health Worker System).
Hae Kyung Chung, Sam Sop Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1979;12(1):107-120.
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In order to determine the knowledge of, attitudes to, and practice of housewives toward health care in a rural area, a survey with questionnaire was carried out with 87 housewives who were sampled randomly from 6 villages in Sudong Myun, from April 16th to 21st, 1979. The following results were obtained. 1. Of the housewives studied, 61.5% knew that B.C.G. is a vaccine for T.B. prevention and 12.3% knew that D.P.T. is a vaccine for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. 2. The vaccination rate of the children under six-year of the housewives studied was : polio 83.1%, B.C.G. 75.4%, D.P.T. 66.2%, and measles 55.4% respectively. 3. The vaccination rate was higher in children in the area near from the health subcenter than in those of the area further away. 4. Out of 87 respondants, 87.5% knew one or more methods of contraception for spacing children. These were ; loop 69.0%, oral pill 66.7% and condom 14.9% respectively. 5. Out of 87 respondants, 82.2% knew the methods of contraception for sterilization. These were : laparascopy 87.5% and vasectomy 16.9%. 6. Out of 87 respondants those who had experience using contraceptive methods were 70.1% and present users were 47.1%. 7. Contraception practice rate was higher in the group of housewives having middle school education or above than those having primary school education or less. 8. Functions of the health subcenter listed by respondents were : patients care 72.4%, family planning 31.0%, vaccination 23.0%, T.B. control 3.4%, health education 3.4%, infant birth delivery assistance 1.1% respectively. 9. Housewives who knew that there is a village health voluntary worker in their own village were 63.2%(55), and 58.2% of those who knew appreciated her activities. 10. Purpose of expenditure of Myun community health development funds listed by respondents were : aid for patient care 34.5%, aid for health subcenter operation 16.1%, and aid for Myun health development 6.9% respectively. 11. It seems that both of the distance from the health subcenter and the utility rate level of the village health voluntary worker are co-related to the B.C.G. vaccination rate of children. 12. It seems that both of the distance from the health subcenter and the utility rate level of the village health voluntary worker are not co-related to the rate of contraception practice.
A Study on Status of Student Health Service in Universities and Colleges in Korea.
Byung Nim Kwun, Sam Sop Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1979;12(1):3-12.
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A survey was carried out in order to know the status of student health service and student medical insurance of universities and colleges in Korea from 1 July to 30 September, 1978. And the following results were obtained; 1. Out of seventy universities and colleges, 54.8% of them had student health service facility such as student health center(30.0%) or health room(24.8%). 2. Out of twenty-seven national and public universities and colleges, 44.4% of them had student health service facility and out of forty-three private universities and colleges, 60.5% of them had student health service facilities. 3. Each of 80.8% of 25 universities, 43.3% of 30 colleges and 33.3% of 15 junior colleges had student health service facility. 4. Major roles of student health service were physical examination (92.1%), health counselling (86.8%), primary medical care (78.9%), tuberculosis control (68.4%), insect and rodent control (52.6%), parasite control (47.4%), water source sanitation (44.7%), and dental health care (28.9%). 5. Out of 21 universities and colleges, 66.7% of them had full time doctor and 81.0% of them had full time nurse for student health center. And out of 17 universities and colleges, 5.9% of them had full time doctor and 35.3% of them had full time nurse for student health room. 6. The range of health fee was varied from 100 won to 1,400 won per student per semester and the average was 520 won. 7. Among 55 universities and colleges, 78.6% of them had carried out annual physical examination in 1977 and the rate of physical examination was 57.4%. 8. Out of 70 universities and colleges, 45.7% of them had tuberculosis control program and the prevalence rate was 6.0 per 1,000 students. 9. Student medical insurance program was developed by ten universities and one college among 25 universities and 45 colleges. 10. Student medical insurance benefit was varied according to university and college ; the reduction rate of medical fee was 20% to 80% for not only in-patient but also out-patient. 11. The upper limit of pay claim was varied according to the university and college from 5,000 won to no-limitation for out-patient and from 30,000 won to no-limitation for in-patient. 12. The highest utility rate of student medical insurance program was found in university "F" with the rate of 791 for out-patient and 12 for admitted patient per 1,000 students.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health