- Predictors of breast-feeding discontinuation in some followed-up hospital-delivered mothers.
Choong Won Lee, Moo Sik Lee, Jong Won Park, Mi Young Lee, Mi Joung Kang, Dong Hoon Shin, Se Youp Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(4):845-862.
- We followed prospectively some hospital-delivered mothers to identify characteristics of those not initiated breast-feeding and predictors of breast-feeding discontinuation in monthly telephone interviews. Recruits were composed of 482 mothers who delivered their babies at one university hospital and one OB/GYN clinic in september to November 1991. Breast-feeding discontinuation was defined as switch to 100% formula lasting more than one week regardless of solid foods. Average age of the study subjects was 27.3 years of age(standard deviation 3.2). Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated native place, occupation, method of delivery and method of feeding considered to be better for maternal health were statistically significant(p<0.1) between initiators and non-initiators of breast feeding. In starting cohort(N=242) of those initiated breast-feeding, that median of breast-feeding discontinuation were 5 months and 25th and 75th percentiles were 3 and 9 months respectively. I Cox's proportional hazard model, mothers with 10~13 years of education were 2.63 times (95% confidence interval, CI 1.50~4.60 ) more likely to discontinue than those with less than 9 years of education and those with more than 13 years of education were 3.55 time (95% CI 1.99~6.33). Compared with house wife, mothers with part-time jobs were 1.99 times (95% CI 0.86~4.57) more likely to discontinue and those with employed full-time were 1.55 times (95% CI 0.96~2.51). These results suggest that the predictors of initiation and discontinuation of breast-feeding may be different and different target populations should be selected to promote initiation and to prevent discontinuation of breast-feeding according to the period after birth.
- Anger-coping types and hypertension in some employed men.
Choong Won Lee, Jong Won Park, Se Youp Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):462-472.
- This study examined the relation between anger-coping types and hypertension in employed men aged 40-60 who consented to participate during the biannual physical checkup in the department of health management in 1988. The subjects analyzed were five hundred thirteen excluding those having hypertension history and/or current antihypertensive medications. Anger-coping types were constructed from the Harburg's model with two hypothetical anger-provoking situations involving wife and boss. Hypertensives were defined more than 140mmHg systolic blood pressure and/or 90mmHg diastolic blood pressure. Hypertensives were one hundred fifty two(29.6%) and those who suppressed their anger were 61.6%0 and 62.8% in wife and boss situations respectively. Items of anger, guilt, protest, and suppressed anger in wife situation showed odds ratios of 0.78-0.94 without statistical significance. But four items in boss situation showed odds ratios more than 1, especially anger-in types of anger item had 1.58 times the prevalence of hypertension of anger-out types(95% confidence intervals(CI) 1.06~2.35) and subjects who indicated that suppressed their anger had 1.55 times the prevalence of hypertension of those who expressed their anger(95% CI l.03~2.32). For anger suppressed vs. expressed types of total suppressed anger index, prevalence of hypertension was 1.31(95% CI 0.83~2.08). After adjusting for age, body mass index, smoking and drinking, the odds ratios were slightly increased in both situations except guilt items compared with univariate analysis. These results suggest that the relation between Harburg's anger-coping model and hypertension is replicated partially in this subjects.