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Seok Joon Sohn 14 Articles
Completeness Estimation of the Population-based Cancer Registration with Capture-Recapture Methods.
Jeong Soo Im, Sun Seog Kweon, Sang Yong Kim, Kyeong Soo Park, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 2000;33(1):31-35.
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This study aimed to estimate the completeness of cancer registration with Capture-recapture method. METHODS: The study was conducted in the population based cancer registry of Kwangju, Korea, for which there are three main sources of notification: reports by Korean Central Cancer Registry, reports by pathology data, and the others reports by radiology data, death certificates, etc. The defined cases in three sources were matched by 13 digits Resident Register Number. To derive an estimates, log-linear models were applicated. RESULTS: Overall completeness was estimated to be around 93%. There was some variation with age(consistently high levels below age group 60-74 years, a minimum of 88.6% above 75 years). Among the most common cancer sites, estimates of completeness were highest for thyroid cancer(97.1%), while lower estimates of completeness were derived for stomach cancer(92.3%), liver cancer(92.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Careful application of Capture-recapture method may provide an alternative to traditional approaches for estimating the completeness of cancer registration in Kwangju city.
Self-Rating Perceived Health: The Influence on Health Care Utilization and Death Risk.
Sun Seog Kweon, Sang Yong Kim, Jeong Soo Im, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1999;32(3):355-360.
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This 3-year longitudinal study was conducted to evaluate the influence of self-rating health perception on health care utilization and all cause-death risk. METHODS: The hypothesis was tested using a community-based samples, among which subjects 3,414 were interviewed in 1995. Self-rating health perception was assessed by single-item question. Three components of health care utilization amount(number of visits, number of medications, yearly health care expenses) per year were measured using medical insurance data during 3-year follow-up period among subjects in district health care insurance. There were 123 deaths from all causes among 3,085 subjects interviewed. RESULTS: The results showed that those who had poor health perception revealed more increases in the amount of health care utilization than good health perception group (p<0.05). After adjusting for age and sex, the poor health perception group had higher death risk over 3 years than good health perception group(hazard ratio=1.88). but, after adjusting health care utility, supplementary, was not significant. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that self-rating health percep-tion was associated with difference in health care utilization and all cause-death risk.
Trends of Preventive Medicine Research according to The Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine and Qualitative Meta-analysis on Articles of Lead Poisoning.
Chun Bae Kim, Jung Ae Rhee, Jong Ku Park, Seok Joon Sohn
Korean J Prev Med. 1999;32(2):113-122.
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The purpose of this study was to describe the trends of original research in the Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine, and to evaluate the quality of original articles about lead poisoning. METHOD: The data for the analysis of trends in preventive medicine research was taken from a total of 829 original articles published in the Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine from 1968 to 1997. The qualitative meta-analysis was measured against a checklist of evaluation criteria, which were divided into 10 categories, with 46 articles on lead poisoning. The evaluation process was performed independently by two evaluators. RESULTS: The number of articles per 100 members over the study period increased by almost 4 pieces in the early 1980s, and by more than 9 pieces in the mid-1990s. In the major classifications of subjects, environmental and industrial health, epidemiology and health statistics, and health policy and management published 370 pieces (44.6%), 137 pieces (16.5%), 322 pieces (38.9%) respectively. In the order of the number of articles, five themes about health significance, including metal exposure (73 pieces), diseases associated with exposure to organic solvents (45 pieces), air pollution (36 pieces), maternal and child health (32 pieces), and occupational health (30 pieces) received consistent attention throughout the years 1968-1997. The overall mean score of article quality about lead poisoning was 37.8 out of 50. Of the articles any information on the purpose and hypothesis described well. Of those the originality of the subjects, the form of articles (including tables and figures), and the number of inappropriate words of abstracts showed very low score. For multiple regression analyses, the number of joint research institutes and the acceptance of research grants about the article quality were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The number of original research reports in the Korean J Prev Med has recently increased and their subjects have diversified. Of the basis of this study, the articles need improvement in the areas of abstracts, tables and illustrations (figures), etc. The Korean Society for Preventive Medicine will revise contribution regulations for manuscripts submitted to the Korean J Prev Med. Future studies should address these issues and perform the quantitative mata-analysis about the specific subjects including the quality of articles.
The comparison of health-related quality of life between the institutional elderly and the community living elderly.
Kyeong Soo Park, Yong Gil Seo, Hae Sung Nam, Seok Joon Sohn, Jung Ae Rhee
Korean J Prev Med. 1998;31(2):293-309.
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The purpose of this study is to compare the level of health-related quality of life and relating factor between institutional elderly and community living elderly. The subjects were 390 from Sanatorium or Nursing home and 467 from the community, in Kwangju. The results are followed : l) A comparison of ADL between two groups, institutional elderly and community living elderly, resulted in that community elderly were more significantly independent in the areas of bathing and transfer than institutional elderly. 2) A comparison of IADL between two groups resulted in that ; Community elderly, were more independent in the areas of using telephone and transportation, food preparation, house keeping, and doing laundry. Institutional elderly were more independent in the area of handling finances. 3) In the case of poor health-related quality of life, institutional elderly showed 2.4 times in the dimension of physical fitness, l.8 times in daily activity, 2 times in social activity, 2 times in pain, 26.7 times in social support, and 0.4 times in subjective quality of life higher than community elderly. There was no significant differences in the rest of dimensions. 4) In institutional elderly, the analysis of variables related to the health-related quality, of life resulted in that; The relating factors were sex, education, and chronic illness in the dimension of physical function. Direct contact with family or significant others in the dimension of social activity. Chronic illness in the dimension of pain and perceived health status. Direct or indirect contact with family or significant others over the phone or through letters in the dimension of social support. 5) The analysis of variables relatd to the health-related quality of life showed that community elderly has more relating variables in each area than institutional elderly. The relating factors were age, sex, and chronic illness in the dimension of physical function. Education and chronic illness in the dimension of emotional status. Age and chronic illness in the dimension of daily activity and social activity. Education and chronic illness in the dimension of pain and perceived health status. Sex, education, family size in the dimension of social support. Education and chronic illness in the dimension of subjective quality-of-life. Throughout general daily activity, community elderly showed more satisfactory results than institutional elderly, but in the subjective area of health-related quality of life, such as subjective quality of life, institutional elderly, group showed more positive results. And community elderly had more relating factors than institutional elderly. For the health care of the elderly that focused on quality, of life, new approaches considering the characteristics of both group, institutional and community, living elderly, are needed.
The Relationship between the Cognitive Impairment and Mortality in the Rural Elderly.
Byung Hwan Sun, Kyeong Soo Park, Baeg Ju Na, Yo Seop Park, Hae Sung Nam, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jung Ae Rhee
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(3):630-642.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the mortality risk associated with cognitive impairment among the rural elderly. The subjective of study was 558 of 'A Study on the Depression and Cognitive Impairment in the Rural Elderly' of Jung Ae Rhee and Hyang Gyun Jung's study(1993). Cognitive impairment and other social and health factors were assessed in 558 elderly rural community residents. For this study, a Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSEK) was used as a global indicator of cognitive functioning. And mortality risk factors for each cognitive impairment subgroup were identified by univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis. At baseline 22.6% of the sample were mildly impaired and 14.2% were severely impaired. As the age increased, the cognitive function was more impaired. Sexual difference was existed in the cognitive function level. Also the variables such as smoking habits, physical disorders had the significant relationship with cognitive function impairment. Across a 3-year observation period the mortality rate was 8.5% for the cognitively unimpaired, 11.1% for the mildly impaired, and 16.5% for the severly impaired respondents. And the survival probability was .92 for the cognitively unimpaired, .90 for the mildly impaired, and .86 for the severly impaired respondents. Compared to survival curve for the cognitively unimpaired group, each survival curve for the mildly and the severely impaired group was not significantly different. When adjustments models were not made for the effects of other health and social covariates, each hazard ratio of death of mildly and severely impaired persons was not significantly different as compared with the cognitively unimpaired. But, as MMSEK score increased, significantly hazard ratio of death decreased. Employing Cox univariate proportional hazards model, statistically other significant variables were age, monthly income, smoking habits, physical disorders. Also when adjustments were made for the effects of other health and social covariates, there was no difference in hazard ratio of death between those with severe or mild impairment and unimpaired persons. And as MMSEK score increased, significantly hazard ratio of death did not decrease. Employing Cox multivariate proportional hazards model, statistically other significant variables were age, monthly income, physical disorders. Employing Cox multivariate proportional hazards model by sex, at men and women statistically significant variable was only age. For both men and women, also cognitive impairment was not a significant risk factor. Other investigators have found that cognitive impairment is a significant predictor of mortality. But we didn't find that it is a significant predictor of mortality. Even though the conclusions of our study were not related to cognitive impairment and mortality, early detection of impaired cognition and attention to associated health problems could improve the quality of life of these older adults and perhaps extend their survival.
Relationship of Serum Cholesterol and Anxiety in Rural Residents.
Yp Seop Park, Kyeong Soo Park, Baeg Ju Na, Hae Sung Nam, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(3):489-496.
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In other to study relationship of anxiety and serum cholesterol in general population, we performed the interview survey and screening test for the Ju-am cohort and residents in controlling area at 1995. Among them, 622 people are selected for this analysis. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Anxiety and total serum cholesterol related each other in the group of anxiety. Correlation coefficient was 0.39(p<0.01). 2. According to the result of multiple regression that the total serum cholesterol regarded as the dependent variable, anxiety and total serum cholesterol were related each other positively in the group of anxiety(p<0.05). 3. As the symptoms of anxiety was dichotomized affective and somatic symptom. There was no relationship of 2 symptoms and total serum cholesterol in all subjects, but there was more relationship on the affective symptom than on the somatic symptom in the group of anxiety(p<0.05). The above results show that anxiety and total serum cholesterol related each other significantly in the anxiety group. And the relationship of psychological factors and serum cholesterol could be applied significantly in general population as well as in the special group.
The Study of Body Fat Percent Measured by Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer in a Rural Adult Population.
Baeg Ju Na, Yo Sub Park, Byung Hwan Sun, Hae Sung Nam, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1997;30(1):31-44.
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Obesity usually is defined as the presence of and abnormally amount of adipose tissue. In many epidemiologic study, obesity as a health risk factor has been estimated by Body Mass Index(BMI) in general. This study was conducted to review of body fat percent measured by Bioelectric impedance analyzer as a estimator of obesity in a rural adult population. The study subjects were 421 men and 664 women who reside in the area on the Juam lake. They were sampled by multistage cluster sampling. Their mean age was 59 years old. Body fat percent increased with age, but BMI decreased with age in this study. Body fat percent was more larger at female and elder on the same BMI. The correlation coefficient between with body fat percent and body mass index was low (r=0.4737). Body fat percent was explained by not only BMI but also sex and age (r(2)=0.63). The result suggested that it is inadequate for BMI only to estimate obesity about elderly person who reside in the rural community. The relation of body fat percent and body mass index of this study agreed with the preceding knowledges and studies in general.
A Study of the Cause-of-Death reported on Official Death Registry in a Rural Area.
Hae Sung Nam, Kyeong Soo Park, Byeong Hwan Sun, Jun Ho Shin, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(2):227-238.
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This study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the official death registry in rural area. The base data used for the study was 379 deaths registered during the period of 1993 and 1994 in 4 rural townships of Chonnam Province. The interview survey for cause-of-death was performed on the next of kin and/or neighbor. Additional medical informations were collected from hospitals and medical insurance associations for the purpose of verification. The underlying cause-of-death of 278 cases presumed by the survey was compared to the cause on official death registry. There was a prominent disagreement of cause-of-death between the survey data and the registry data(agreement rate: 38.9~44.6%%, according to disease classification method). These results may be caused by extremely low rates of physicians' certification, which were mostly confined to the poisoning and injury. Symptoms, signs, and ill defined conditions on death registry could be classified into circulatory disease(32.3%), neoplasm(21.2%), digestive disease(7.l%), injury and poisoning(7.l%) and so on. These results suggest that careful attention and verification be required on utilization of death registry data in rural area.
The Degree and Related Factors of the Depression and Burnout among Private Practice Physicians.
Jun Ho Shin, Gun Su Kim, Yo Sub Park, Bek Ju Na, Seok Joon Sohn, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(3):563-575.
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In order to investigate the prevalence and the factors related to the depression and burnout among private practice physicians, a SDS(self-rating depression scale) and MBl(Maslach burnout inventory) -based questionnaire study was performed on 344 private practice physicians in Kwangju and chonnam area. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Mean SDS score was 38.3 in total subjects and the prevalence rate of depression was 48.8%. As for the frequency order of the items of the SDS, decreased libido, diurnal variation and hopelessness were relatively high, and suicidal rumination, constipation and agitation were noted low. 2. Noticeable factors related with depression were smoking, coffee use, sleeping time and satisfaction with income. 3. As a result a factor analysis with the MBl data, five factors named as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment, involvement and self-interest were extracted. Statistical analysis of the data demonstrated that 48.8% of the physician sample reported high scores on emotional exhaustion, and 45.3% scored high on depersonalization. Personal accomplishment scores remained high with 45.3% reporting high personal accomplishment. 4. Variables related to the burnout were age, sleeping time, family size religion, medical speciality. duration of practice setting, visiting patient number, closing day per month and job satisfaction. 5. In the relationship with depression, burnout was closely related to depression. Above results showed that the high percentage of private practice physicians experiencing depression and burnout suggests the need for further research to establish trends, to identify causal factors, and to develop avenues to reduce stress.
Community screening for stress by using General Health Questionnaire.
Soo Sung Oh, Kwang Seub Lee, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi, Jung Ae Rhee
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(1):123-140.
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This study investigated the stress of community residents in Kwang-Ju and Chonnam areas by using the General Health Questionnaire(GHQ-60) as a instrument of stress measurement. The number of subject were 445 residents who lived in three areas (large city, middle city, and rural area) and they were individually interviewed in March, 1994. The result of study showed that the degrees of stress measured by GHQ-60 were statistically significant in the residents' area, age. sex variables: (a) the residents in middle city among three area had the highest level of stress: (b) the resident who were more than 60 in age had the highest level of stress: (c) the female resident had more stress than male residents: (d) particularly, the residents who were more than 60 years old in the middle city had the highest level of stress. Further, the results of factor analysis showed that there were three factors of social dysfunction, depression and anxiety, and psychosomatic symptom. The social dysfunction factor was statistically significant in both age and resident area variables. The depression and anxiety factor was statistically significant in the residents' area, age. sex variables. The psychosomatic symptom factor was statistically significant in both age and sex variables. The study suggested that they should give a special attention to solve the old people's stress because stress was closely related to residents age.
A Study on the Debrisoquine Metabolism in a Group, of Korean Population.
Myung Hak Lee, Hwa Young Moon, Myung Ho Son, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):569-580.
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The genetically determined ability to metabolize debrisoquine(DBR) is related to risk of lung cancer and DBR hydroxylation exhibits wide inter-individual variation. In this study, 100 korean adults were tested for their ability to metabolize DBR. The DBR metabolic phonotype were determined by metabolic ratio (MR, DBR/4-HDBR) which is the percent dose excreted as unchanged DBR divided by the percent dose excreted as 4-hydro-xydebrisoqinne(4-HriBR) in a aliquots of an eight hour urine sample, after 10 mg DBR test dose administration. Analysis was performed on a capillary gas chromatography fitted with electron capture detector. The results were as follows; 1. Geometric mean or DBR MR was 0.32 in male, 0.27 in female, 0.30 in total and the distribution of log(MR) was seemed to follow normal distribution. 2. Metabolic ratio of DBR was higher in non-smoker and non-drinker than in smoker and drinker without any statistically significant difference. 3. None of personal factors was significantly related to DBR MR except age. 4. The DBR metabolic phonotype was extensive metabolizer(EM) 93, intermediate metabolizer (IM) 7 by traditional method and EM 98, IM 3 by Caporaso's method. The poor metabolizer (PM) phenotype was not found by either method. 5. Maximal expected PM phenotype was 0.36% by traditional method and 0.04% by Caporaso's method.
Subjective Symptoms and Flicker Test Values in Relation to Chronic Low Dose Organic Solvent Exposure.
Myung Ho Son, Seok Joon Sohn, Jin Su Choi
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):557-568.
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This study was conducted to examine the effect of chronic low dose organic solvent exposures in the industries towards then neurobehavioral functions of workers subjective symptoms on neurobehavioral function as well as a visual reaction time test (Flicker test) were administered to 94 exposed and 162 unexposed workers in a oil refinery and some other auto-repair shops. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Symptom complaints were higher and Flicker test values were lower in exposed workers than in unexposed workers. 2. Flicker values were inversely correlated with urinary Hippuric acid concentration in exposed workers (r=-0.26, p<0.05). 3. Flicker values were inversely correlated with subjective symptom score (r=-0.15, p<0.05). Low Flicker value were also related with some subjective symptoms such as "Dimmed vision", "Nightmare", "weakness on extremity" in workers as a whole. While symptoms of "Dimmed vision", "Nightmare" only observed among exposed workers.
The epidemiologic study of farmers' syndrome in Chonnam province.
Gang Moon, Jin Su Choi, Seok Joon Sohn, Byong Woo Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1993;26(3):321-331.
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This survey was conducted to investigate Farmers' Syndrome and its related factors in Chonnam province. 5,920(men 6,148, women 6,722) persons in urban area and 12,870(men 6148, women 6,722) persons in rural area were selected in stratified cluster sampling manner, and interviewed individually with structured questionnaire in April, 1992. The results were summarized as follows: 1. In rural area of Chonnam province, the prevalence of Farmers' syndrome positive was 283 per 1,000 persons(203 in male, 355 in female). In urban area of Chonnam province, control area, the prevalence of Farmers' syndrome positive was 113(72 in male, 145 in female). The prevalence of Farmers' syndrome positive in rural area was 2.5 times higher that of urban area, and the prevalence in female was 1.7 times higher than that of male. The prevalence in total respondents was 256. 2. In rural area of Chonnam province, the age standardized prevalence of Farmers' syndrome positive was 209 per 1,000 persons(140 in male, 267 in female). In urban area of Chonnam province, control area, the age standardized prevalence of Farmers' syndrome positive was 122(79 in male, 158 in female). The age standardized prevalence in total respondents was 194. 3. The associated factors with Farmers' syndrome in univariate analysis were having illness during recent 15 days ,age, sex, occupation, area, monthly income, education, medical security status, family size and duration of farming. 4. When applying multiple logistic regression for Farmers' syndrome, the significant variables were having illness during recent 15 days, area, sex, age, education, medical security status, family size and duration of farming.
A Study on the Positivity of HBsAg in Urban, Rural and Coastal Area.
Seok Joon Sohn
Korean J Prev Med. 1986;19(1):45-55.
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It is well known that Korea is one of the endemic area for type B viral hepatitis. A screening test for HBsAg by RPHA method was performed to evaluate the prevalence of HBsAg among urban, rural and coastal area population during the period between Jan. 1985 and Aug. 1985. The results obtained are as follows; 1) The HBsAg was detected in 242 among 2,849 with positive rate of 8.49%. The positive rate by sex showed higher rate in males(9.07%) than females(6.79%) for HBsAg. But these differences by sex were not statistically significant. 2) By living area, the positivity of HBsAg was 8.67% in urban, 7.43% in rural and 8.37% in coastal area. But the differences were not statistically significant. 3) The positivity differences of HBsAg were significantly observed between male(9.26%) and female(6.44%) in urban area. But there was not in rural and coastal area. 4) The positivity was the highest in 4th decade in urban area. But 6th decade in rural and 4th and 5th decade in coastal area. Generally the positivity of HBsAg was more prevalent in young age and decreasing by the age increasing in the male. But in the female it was most common in 6th decade. 5) Evaluated SGOT(>40 Unit) was significantly higher in HBsAg positive group(13.6%) than in HBsAg negative group(3.4%).

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health