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Sung Hie Kim 2 Articles
Pilot Study for the Assessment of Work Ability of Manufacturing Workers and Managerial Workers.
Young Ha Lee, Sung Hie Kim, Sang Woo Kim, Hae Ryeun Shin, Byeong Won Jin, Kuck Hyeun Woo, Gu Wung Han
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):497-510.
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This study was carried out to assess work ability of manufacturing workers and managerial workers. Subjects were 446 manufacturing workers and 278 managerial workers employed in Gumi industrial complex and the observation period was for 1 month(February to March), 1995. In this study, as a questionnaire for the assessment of work ability, we used the work Ability Index(WAI) which was developed by Institute of Occupational Health in Finland. Major findings obtained from this study were as follows; WAI was poor in lower economic condition, shift work, irregular diet group(p < 0.05). There were no evident trends of WAI in sex, educational level, obesity index, exercise, smoking, and alcohol drinking. In the groups of sensitive to perception of stress, other industrial classification except textile and electronics, the more than 9 hours work, the evident trends of poor WAl were observed(p<0.01). In the groups of 30-39 years old, 40-49 years old, unmarried, high school, shift work, standard body weight, and regular diet, WAl between manufacturing workers and managerial workers was significantly different(p<0.01) and WAI of managerial worker was worse than that of manufacturing worker.
Pilot Study for the Assessment of Physical Fitness among Male Workers in a TV Component Manufacturing Factory.
Gwang Seo Choi, Young Ha Lee, Sung Hie Kim, Kuck Hyeun Woo, Gu Wung Han, Doo Hie Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):531-546.
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In a TV component manufacturing factory, 102 male workers aged 20~39 years old were participated in testing for physical fitness. At the same time, worker's periodic health examination was done. Test battery for physical fitness include grip strength, trunk flexing, standing long jump, side step, single leg balance with eye close, push ups and Harvard step test. As a result of testing for physical fitness, synthetically, there is no difference between manufacturing workers and officers. By bioelectrical impedance test, it means a declining tendency to all 7 factors in the obese workers, and so, it is important for obese workers not only to promote physical fitness but also to promote health. Excluding grip strength and single leg balance with eye close, 5 fitness factors are negatively associated with degree of diastolic Blood pressure, but it is statistically not significant. And levels of SGOT & SGPT have no association with physical fitness factors.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health