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Won Kim Park 1 Article
Health Status of Primary School Children in a Part of Remote Rural Area.
Won Kim Park
Korean J Prev Med. 1974;7(1):211-222.
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The survey was carried out on 1,031 primary school children for about 1 month, from June 1, to June 30, 1974, for the purpose of understanding indirectly socio-medical status of a remote rural area, reflecting health status of primary school children. The summarized results were as follows: 1)The average age of surveyed children according to school year by sex was older in girls than in boys. The entrance in school at suitable age was peaked as 80.9% in boy of 5th school year and 72.4% in girls of 3rd school year, and also sunk 68.8% in boy of 2nd school year and 58.7% in girls of 1st school year. 2) Prevalence rate according to W. H. O. diseases classification during last a month and a year. a) During last month: The diseases of respiratory system remarked the highest 101.1 in boys and 116.6 in girls. The next were diseases of digestive system (24.2 in boys and 32.1 in girls). The girls were higher than boys in prevalence rate. b) During last year: The diseases of digestive system ranked the highest 133.0 in boys and next, the diseases of respiratory system (108.6 in boys). c) Present illness: Number of code III ranked the highest 129.2 and next XII(127.3) in boys but inverted in girls such as XII(144.9) and III(116.7) and also, Number of code XVII was prevalence twice in boys than in girls. d) Chief complaints by sex: Abdominal pain ranked the highest 71.2 per 1,000 population and next headache (34.7) in boys but headache ranked the highest 88.5 and next abdominal pain (63.3) in girls. e) Water drinking habit: Number of code IX was higher in habit of raw water drinker than in habit of boiled water drinker and healthy children were higher in boiled water habit group than in raw water habit group. The diseases of respiratory system were the highest 124.74 in girls and next, the diseases of digestive system (52.3 in girls). According to school year, healthy children were increased to higher grades. 3) Average sick day per total surveyed children and patient during last months and last year. a) Per surveyed 1,031 children was 0.28 days during last month and 0.98 days during last year. And also per patient was 1.78 days during last month and 3.22 days during last year. b) Average sick day was higher in girls than in boys during last month, but inverted during last year. 4) Average absented day per total surveyed children and patient during last month and last year. a) Per survived 1,031 children was 0.43 days during last month and 3.81 days during last year. b)Per absented children were 2.0 days during lst month and 7.10days during last year. c)Per absented children were 8.16 days in boys and 3.17 days in girls. 5)Utilization of medical facilities: The drug store was consulted 91.2% of the total utilized boys and girls. The strengthening of medical facilities and medical care activities in health subcenter is urgently required. 6)Medical Expense by period and sex: a) Average medical expense per surveyed 1,031 children were 35.95 won, per patient were 298.04 won during last month. b) Average medical expenses per survey children (omitted 1st school year) were 80.56 won, per patient were 243.98 won and per treated patient were 318.87 won during last year. c) Medical expenses were higher in boys than in girls. 7) Rohrer index by sex, present illness and school year. a) Average Rohrer index was 129.8 in boys and 126.2 in girls. b)Average Rohrer index was increased for 1st school year to 2nd school year and thereafter falling down step by step by school year. c) Under 151-160 Rohrer index number of code III was the highest and above 151-160 Rohrer index of code was peaked.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health