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Wook Hee Yoon 2 Articles
Effect of Glutathione on Lead Induced Modulation of NO Synthesis in RAW 264.7 Cell.
Sae Ron Shin, Gyung Jae Oh, Keun Sang Kwon, Wook Hee Yoon
Korean J Prev Med. 2002;35(4):269-274.
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To evaluate the effect of glutathione(GSH) on lead induced modulation of nitric oxide(NO) synthesis, and to examine how lead modulates NO production in macrophages. METHODS: This study was observed in a culture of RAW 264.7 cells, which originated from a tumor in a Balb/c mouse that was induced by the Abelson murine leukemia virus. The compounds investigated were lead chloride, N-acetyl-cystein(NAC), and Buthionine Sulfoximine(BSO). RESUJLTS: ATP synthesis in RAW 264.7 cells was unchanged by each lead concentration exposure in a dose dependent manner. The NO synthesis was decreased when exposed to lead(PbCl2) concentration 0.5 micro M. The presence of 300 micro M NAC, used as a pretreatment in the culture medium, caused the recovery of the lead induced decrease in NO synthesis, but in the presence of 300 micro M BSO as a pretreatment, there was no recoverey. Pretreatment with NAC and BSO had no affect on ATP synthesis at any of the lead concentrations used. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicated that GSH has a protective effect toward lead toxicity, and suggested that the inhibition of NO production in macrophage due to lead toxicity may be related to cofactors of iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase)
A Study on the Degree of Impairment of Whole Person in Leprosy Patients.
Wook Hee Yoon, In Dam Hwang
Korean J Prev Med. 1986;19(2):263-272.
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During the 8 months from October 1985 to May 1986, the survey was performed on 211 leprosy patients over fifty years old, settled in the four villages of Iksan country, North of Chulla province. In that observation, we investigated the frequency and the degree of impairments according to sex, age, and anatomical location by the "guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment". The noticeable findings were made as follows: 1) Frequency of impairment by anatomical location was significantly higher in hand than eye and foot (p<0.01). 2) Frequency of impairment was significantly increased in eye according as age increase (p<0.01). 3) The degree of impairments of all patients was the highest in hand as 28.7%. 4) By the kinds of impairments, the flextion and the amputation were most common in hand and foot, and loss of central vision was common symptom in eye. 5) The degree of impairments of 211 leprosy patients was shown as 44.1% and increased according as age increase.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health