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Youn Choul Koo 1 Article
A Study on Health Administration Status and Medicare Insurance Program in Universities and Colleges in Korea.
Sam Sup Choi, Ji Yong Kang, Youn Choul Koo
Korean J Prev Med. 1972;5(1):125-132.
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The status of health administration and medicare insurance program of 58 universities and colleges of 4-year course was studied in 1971 and the following results were obtained; 1. The average number of students of 20 universities was 4,800+/-2,600 and that of 36 colleges was 780+/-620. 2. The types of health service facilities for the students varied widely according to the institutions, from an elaborate one, university health center, to a poor one first aid room. 3. Thirty-six out of 58 institutions had some sort of health service facilities, either health center or health service room. And 14 out of 36 institutions had elaborate health service facilities such as university health center or student health center. 4. The number of full time staff of the health center and that of the health service room were 2 to more than 10 and 0 to 3 respectively. 5. The range of student health service fee varied widely according to the institutions from won50 to won550 per student, per semester. The average cost of student health service fee at the institutions with health centers was won300+/-150 and that with health service rooms was won200+/-150 per student, per semester. 6. Utility rate of the student health service facilities at the institutions with health centers and with health service rooms were 1,200 to 1,400 and 3,900 to 4,100 per 1,000 students per year. 7. There was an obvious increasing tendency of tuberculosis prevalence rate in the students. 8. The institutions which had appointed hospitals for student medicare were 24 ; where the reduction rate of medical expenses for students varied from 10 to 50 percent. 9. Students medicare insurance program was adopted by six universities which accommodated more than 2,000 students. 10. The range of student medicare insurance fee varied widely according to the institutions from won140 to won800 per student per year. Each of the six universities which had adopted the insurance program had each own's special regulations to apply for pay claims.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health