- An Epidemiological Study on the Accidental Mortality in Various Industries in Busan Area.
Young Sun Chung
Korean J Prev Med. 1977;10(1):166-175.
- The author have performed and epidemiological study on the accidental deaths at industry from 1970 to 1975, in order to seek for the preventive measures of industrial accident with the understanding of its cause and characteristics of the accident deaths. The obtained results were as follows : 1. Total number of deaths for 6 years were 361 (350 males, 11 females) and the mean death rate was 33.8 per 100,000 industrial workers during 6 years. by the highest as 52.9 was in 1974 and the lowest as 13.7 in 1970. By the industry group., the death rate of Electricity, Gas and Water was 149.3, Construction 83.9 and the lowest was Manufacturing as 18.3. 2. Standardized mortality rate of the cases by the age group showed that 20-29 years old group was 43.0, 40-49 years old group 38.1, 30-39 years old group 32.0, and the lowest as 17.9 was under 19 years old group. 3. The cumulative percentage of the cases by years of service showed that under 6 months was 60.4%, under 1 year 72.9%, under 2 years 83.1%. 4. By the month of occurrence, the highest was 15.8% which occurred in August and the lowest was 5.8% in February. The highest as 19.1% was on Friday and the lowest as 11.9% on Monday by the day of a week. 5. By the causes of accident, car accidents was 28.3%, fall accidents 19.1%, accidents by a crash 9.1% in that order. By the location of injury, head was 44.6%, multiple injuries 33.0%, chest 10.5%, and back was the lowest as 1.9% was on Friday and the lowest as 11.9%. The distribution of the cases by nature of injury showed that cerebral contusion and hemorrhage was 39.4%, fracture and dislocation 33.2%, asphyxia 8.0% in that order. 6. The cumulative percentage of the cases by the duration from injury to death showed that the injuried day was 74.2%, within 3 days after injury 88.5%, within 7 days 96.1%. Therefore most of the cases were occurred within 7 days after injury. 7. By the daily mean wages, most of the cases as 91.7% were under 2,000won, and more 4,000won was 1.6% merely.