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Yun Ji Lee 1 Article
Smoking ststus and its related factors in male students of middle and high schools in Kwangju.
Yun Ji Lee, Jung Ae Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 1993;26(3):359-370.
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To identify the smoking status and its related factors in middle and high school boys in Kwangju a study was performed from 15th to 30th of June 1992. Population were selected by two-stage random sampling method and total 3,959 students replied to the self-administered questionnaire survey(1,574 in middle school, 1,664 in academic high school, 712 in business high school). The results were as follows; 1. The proportion of current smokers was 1.5% in middle schools and 20.1% in high schools. And the smoking rates increased with school grade years(p<0.01). 2. For the motivation of smoking, curiosity was the most frequent factor and the next was temptation by friends. 3. The most common situation on the first experience of smoking was that middle school boys smoked a cigarette which was found in a house, through curiosity, with friends, at home. High school boys smoked a cigarette taken from friends, through curiosity, with friend, on the road or at home. 4. The proportion of smokers who smoke a cigarette regularly was 34.8% among smokers in middle school and 70.2% among smokers in high school. The most proportion of duration of smoking was less than 1 month among middle school boys (20.8%) and more than 2 years among high school boys(43.9%). The first smoking experience was in elementary school among middle school boys and the third grade of middle school in high school students. Most current smokers(73.9% in middle school boys, 65.3% in high school boys) wanted to quit smoking. 5. Smokers had significant association with intimate friend's smoking, mother's and brother's smoking, inharmonious friendships, dissatisfied with home and school life, lower school grades, generous attitude to other smokers, lack of knowledge to passive smoking and no contact to mass media(TV)(p<0.01).

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health