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Annual Endovascular Thrombectomy Case Volume and Thrombectomy-capable Hospitals of Korea in Acute Stroke Care
Eun Hye Park, Seung-sik Hwang, Juhwan Oh, Beom-Joon Kim, Hee-Joon Bae, Ki-Hwa Yang, Ah-Rum Choi, Mi-Yeon Kang, S.V. Subramanian
J Prev Med Public Health. 2023;56(2):145-153.   Published online March 31, 2023
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Although it is difficult to define the quality of stroke care, acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients with moderate-to-severe neurological deficits may benefit from thrombectomy-capable hospitals (TCHs) that have a stroke unit, stroke specialists, and a substantial endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) case volume.
From national audit data collected between 2013 and 2016, potential EVT candidates arriving within 24 hours with a baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score ≥6 were identified. Hospitals were classified as TCHs (≥15 EVT case/y, stroke unit, and stroke specialists), primary stroke hospitals (PSHs) without EVT (PSHs-without-EVT, 0 case/y), and PSHs-with-EVT. Thirty-day and 1-year case-fatality rates (CFRs) were analyzed using random intercept multilevel logistic regression.
Out of 35 004 AIS patients, 7954 (22.7%) EVT candidates were included in this study. The average 30-day CFR was 16.3% in PSHs-without-EVT, 14.8% in PSHs-with-EVT, and 11.0% in TCHs. The average 1-year CFR was 37.5% in PSHs-without-EVT, 31.3% in PSHs-with-EVT, and 26.2% in TCHs. In TCHs, a significant reduction was not found in the 30-day CFR (odds ratio [OR], 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.76 to 1.12), but was found in the 1-year CFR (OR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.73 to 0.96).
The 1-year CFR was significantly reduced when EVT candidates were treated at TCHs. TCHs are not defined based solely on the number of EVTs, but also based on the presence of a stroke unit and stroke specialists. This supports the need for TCH certification in Korea and suggests that annual EVT case volume could be used to qualify TCHs.
Korean summary
급성 허혈성 뇌졸중 환자에서 “혈관 내 혈전제거술(endovascular treatment, EVT)”의 치료효과는 여러 연구를 통해 증명되었으나, EVT 후보군에서 EVT를 제공하기 위한 의료서비스 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 5~7차 뇌졸중 적정성 평가 자료를 활용하여 연간 EVT 시행횟수와 EVT후보군의 30일, 1년 후 치명률 간의 연관성을 다수준 분석을 통해 확인하였다. 연간 15회 이상 EVT를 시행하면서 뇌졸중 전문치료실과 뇌줄중 관련 전문분과(신경과, 신경외과, 재활의학과) 전문의가 모두 있는 병원(TCHs)에서 치료받은 환자는 EVT를 시행하지 않는 병원(PSHs-without-EVT)에서 치료받는 환자에 비해 치명률이 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 이는 뇌졸중 치료체계에서 EVT가능병원을 정의할 필요성을 잘 보여주고, “연간 EVT 시행횟수”는 TCHs를 정의하는 중요한 지표로 사용될 수 있을 것이다.


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The Impact of Household Economic Deterioration Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic and Socioeconomic Status on Suicidal Behaviors in Adolescents: A Cross-sectional Study Using 2020 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey Data
Sanggu Kang, Yeri Jeong, Eun Hye Park, Seung-sik Hwang
J Prev Med Public Health. 2022;55(5):455-463.   Published online September 12, 2022
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Economic hardship has a serious impact on adolescents’ mental health. The financial impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic was more severe for low-income families, and this also impacted adolescents. This study aimed to examine the associations of economic deterioration (ED) caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and low socioeconomic status (SES) with adolescents’ suicidal behaviors.
This study analyzed data from the 2020 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, which included 54 948 middle and high school students. Odds ratios (ORs) of suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, and suicide attempts related to ED and SES were calculated using multivariable logistic regression. We calculated relative excess risks due to interaction to assess additive interactions.
The ORs for suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, and suicide attempts related to combined severe ED and low SES were 3.64 (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.13 to 4.23), 3.88 (95% CI, 3.09 to 4.88), and 4.27 (95% CI, 3.21 to 5.69), respectively.
ED and low SES were significantly associated with suicidal behaviors in adolescents. Although no significant additive interaction was found, the ORs related to suicidal ideation, suicidal planning, and suicide attempts were highest among adolescents from low-income families with severe ED. Special attention is needed for this group, considering the increased impact of economic inequality due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Korean summary
청소년의 정신건강은 가정의 경제상황에 크게 영향을 받는다. 청소년건강행태조사(KYRBS)(2020)에 참여한 54948명의 중고등학생을 대상으로 가정의 기존 경제적 형편과 코로나19로 인한 가정경제 악화가 자살위험에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 그 결과 자살사고, 자살계획, 자살시도 모두 코로나19로 인한 경제상황 악화 정도가 심한 저소득층 가정 청소년에서 위험이 제일 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 코로나19(COVID-19)로 인해 심화된 경제적 불평등이 청소년 정신건강 불평등으로 이어지지 않게 하기 위한 개입이 필요하다.


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Presence of Thrombectomy-capable Stroke Centers Within Hospital Service Areas Explains Regional Variation in the Case Fatality Rate of Acute Ischemic Stroke in Korea
Eun Hye Park, Yong Jin Gil, Chanki Kim, Beom Joon Kim, Seung-sik Hwang
J Prev Med Public Health. 2021;54(6):385-394.   Published online October 22, 2021
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
This study aimed to explore the status of regional variations in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) treatment and investigate the association between the presence of a thrombectomy-capable stroke center (TSC) and the case fatality rate (CFR) of AIS within hospital service areas (HSAs).
This observational cross-sectional study analyzed acute stroke quality assessment program data from 262 hospitals between 2013 and 2016. TSCs were defined according to the criteria of the Joint Commission. In total, 64 HSAs were identified based on the addresses of hospitals. We analyzed the effects of structure factors, process factors, and the presence of a TSC on the CFR of AIS using multivariate logistic regression.
Among 262 hospitals, 31 hospitals met the definition of a TSC. Of the 64 HSAs, only 20 had a TSC. At hospitals, the presence of a stroke unit, the presence of stroke specialists, and the rate of endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) treatment were associated with reductions in the CFR. In HSAs, the rate of EVT treatment (odds ratio [OR], 0.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.97 to 0.99) and the presence of a TSC (OR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.88 to 0.99) significantly reduced the CFR of AIS.
The presence of a TSC within an HSA, corresponding to structure and process factors related to the quality of care, contributed significantly to lowering the CFR of AIS. The CFR also declined as the rate of treatment increased. This study highlights the importance of TSCs in the development of an acute stroke care system in Korea.
Korean summary
혈관 내 재개통술(endovascular thrombectomy, EVT)는 많은 전문인력과 장비등 상당한 자원을 필요로 하는 특성으로 인해 상대적으로 자원이 부족한 지역에 치료 공백이 발생할 수 있다. EVT 가능 병원(Thrombectomy capable stroke center, TSC)를 "연간 EVT 15회 이상 시행, 뇌졸중 전문치료실 운영 그리고 뇌졸중 관련 전문의(신경과, 신경외과, 재활의학과)가 모두 근무하는 병원으로 정의하고 진료권 단위로 분석한 결과 진료권 내 TSC의 존재는 허혈성 뇌졸중 환자군의 치명률를 유의하게 감소시켰다. 그러므로 급성 허혈성 뇌졸중 치료의 지역 간 변이를 줄이기 위해서 진료권 내 TSC 를 정의하고 설치하는 것의 중요하며, 이러한 결과는 향후 70개 진료권 단위 지역책임의료기관을 구축하는 과정에 중요한 근거자료로 활용될수 있을 것이다.


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