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Original Article
Increased Prevalence of Chronic Disease in Back Pain Patients Living in Car-dependent Neighbourhoods in Canada: A Cross-sectional Analysis
Amy Zeglinski-Spinney, Denise C. Wai, Philippe Phan, Eve C. Tsai, Alexandra Stratton, Stephen P. Kingwell, Darren M. Roffey, Eugene K. Wai
J Prev Med Public Health. 2018;51(5):227-233.   Published online August 10, 2018
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Chronic diseases, including back pain, result in significant patient morbidity and societal burden. Overall improvement in physical fitness is recommended for prevention and treatment. Walking is a convenient modality for achieving initial gains. Our objective was to determine whether neighbourhood walkability, acting as a surrogate measure of physical fitness, was associated with the presence of chronic disease.
We conducted a cross-sectional study of prospectively collected data from a prior randomized cohort study of 227 patients referred for tertiary assessment of chronic back pain in Ottawa, ON, Canada. The Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) was calculated from patient-completed questionnaires and medical record review. Using patients’ postal codes, neighbourhood walkability was determined using the Walk Score, which awards points based on the distance to the closest amenities, yielding a score from 0 to 100 (0- 50: car-dependent; 50-100: walkable).
Based on the Walk Score, 134 patients lived in car-dependent neighborhoods and 93 lived in walkable neighborhoods. A multivariate logistic regression model, adjusted for age, gender, rural postal code, body mass index, smoking, median household income, percent employment, pain, and disability, demonstrated an adjusted odds ratio of 2.75 (95% confidence interval, 1.16 to 6.53) times higher prevalence for having a chronic disease for patients living in a car-dependent neighborhood. There was also a significant dose-related association (p=0.01; Mantel-Haenszel chi-square=6.4) between living in car-dependent neighbourhoods and more severe CCI scores.
Our findings suggest that advocating for improved neighbourhood planning to permit greater walkability may help offset the burden of chronic disease.


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Special Article
Commitment to Sport and Exercise: Re-examining the Literature for a Practical and Parsimonious Model
Lavon Williams
J Prev Med Public Health. 2013;46(Suppl 1):S35-S42.   Published online January 30, 2013
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A commitment to physical activity is necessary for personal health, and is a primary goal of physical activity practitioners. Effective practitioners rely on theory and research as a guide to best practices. Thus, sound theory, which is both practical and parsimonious, is a key to effective practice. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature in search of such a theory - one that applies to and explains commitment to physical activity in the form of sport and exercise for youths and adults. The Sport Commitment Model has been commonly used to study commitment to sport and has more recently been applied to the exercise context. In this paper, research using the Sport Commitment Model is reviewed relative to its utility in both the sport and exercise contexts. Through this process, the relevance of the Investment Model for study of physical activity commitment emerged, and a more parsimonious framework for studying of commitment to physical activity is suggested. Lastly, links between the models of commitment and individuals' participation motives in physical activity are suggested and practical implications forwarded.



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Original Articles
Physical Fitness, Leisure Time Physical Activity, and Serum Lipid Levels in Middle-Aged Male Workers .
Jang Rak Kim, Bock Dong Nam, Ju Ho Kim, Song Kwan Lee, Joong Kap Moon, Jang Ho Lee, Dae Yong Hong
Korean J Prev Med. 1996;29(2):173-186.
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This is a cross-sectional study to evaluate the relationships between physical fitness, leisure time physical activity, and serum lipid levels in middle-aged male workers. Physical fitness was measured by a step test score, and leisure time physical activity was self-reported on a questionnaire. Serum total cholesterol was negatively related to physical fitness(r=-0.27), and positively to obesity index(r=0.27). But leisure time physical activity was related to total cholesterol negatively(r.-0.20) only in subjects whose total cholesterol levels were above 170mg/dl. High density lipoprotein(HDL) cholesterol was positively related to physical faintness(r=0.15), negatively to obesity index(r=-0.22), and positively to weekly alcohol consumption(r=0.14). Total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio was related to physical fitness(r=-0.23), obesity index(r=0.32), total cigarette index (r=0.13), weekly alcohol consumption(r=-0.13), and vegetable preference(r=0.13) physical fitness was also related to leisure time physical activity(r=0.19) and obesity index(r=-0.18). In multiple linear regression models, physical fitness(beta= -0.23) and obesity index(beta=0.18) were significantly associated with total cholesterol, obesity index(beta=-0.25) with HDL cholesterol, and obesity index(beta=0.30), physical fitness(beta= -0.16) and vegetable preference (beta=0.14) with total cholesterol HDL cholesterol ratio. In conclusion, as physical fitness has a stronger relationship with serum lipid levels than leisure time physical activity, and the association between physical fitness and leisure time physical activity is modest, physical fitness should be added as an important variable in addition to activity in future epidemiologic studies.
Pilot Study for the Assessment of Physical Fitness among Male Workers in a TV Component Manufacturing Factory.
Gwang Seo Choi, Young Ha Lee, Sung Hie Kim, Kuck Hyeun Woo, Gu Wung Han, Doo Hie Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1994;27(3):531-546.
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In a TV component manufacturing factory, 102 male workers aged 20~39 years old were participated in testing for physical fitness. At the same time, worker's periodic health examination was done. Test battery for physical fitness include grip strength, trunk flexing, standing long jump, side step, single leg balance with eye close, push ups and Harvard step test. As a result of testing for physical fitness, synthetically, there is no difference between manufacturing workers and officers. By bioelectrical impedance test, it means a declining tendency to all 7 factors in the obese workers, and so, it is important for obese workers not only to promote physical fitness but also to promote health. Excluding grip strength and single leg balance with eye close, 5 fitness factors are negatively associated with degree of diastolic Blood pressure, but it is statistically not significant. And levels of SGOT & SGPT have no association with physical fitness factors.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health