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Concentration of Urinary Cotinine and Frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchange in Lymphocytes among Male Adolescents.
Dong Ki Paek, Seong Sil Chang, Tae Yong Lee, Young Man Roh, Yeonkyeng Lee, Young Chae Cho, Dong Bae Lee
Korean J Prev Med. 2001;34(3):269-276.
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To evaluate the internal burden and hazardous effects associated with smoking in middle and high school students. METHODS: We analysed urinary cotinine (U-cotinine) concentrations and the frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchanges (SCE). A comparison was done of U-cotinine concentrations and the frequency of SCE in peripheral lymphocytes across school levels (middle vs. high) and smoking types (direct: daily & occasional smoking, indirect: usual indirect & non-smoking), in 122 males. RESULTS: The middle school student group comprised 6.8% daily smokers, 15.9% occasional smokers, 40.9% daily indirect smokers, and 35.4% nonsmokers, while the high school student group comprised 18.0%, 20.5%,39.7%, and 21.8%, respectively. The U-cotinine concentration and the frequency of SCE among the middle school students were 79.11 microgram/literand 2.0 per cell, respectively, which were significantly lower than the 146.85 microgram/liter (p=0.078) and 2.6 per cell (p=0.005) of the high school students. Among the 40 direct smokers, these two biomarkers were 235.66 microgram/literand 2.59 per cell, significantly higher than the 67.33 microgram/liter (p=0.0001) and2.1 per cell (p=0.003) among indirect smoking groups. The variation in individual U-cotinine concentration ranged widely in both the indirect and direct smoking groups. CONCLUSION: Urinary cotinine concentrations and the frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchange seem to objectively and effectively evaluate student exposure whether it was direct or indirect smoking. Consequently, these biomarkers may be useful in monitoring the objective efficacy of anti-smoking programs in adolescent populations.
Chromosome Aberrations and Sister Chromatid Exchanges of Hospital Workers Exposed to Radiation.
Ae Ri Cha, Mi Sun Kim, In Kyung Hwang, Su Ill Lee, Byung Mann Cho, Don Kyoun Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1998;31(4):616-627.
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In order to evaluate the cytogenetic hazard among hospital workers potentially exposed to low dose of radiation, the analysis of chromosome aberrations(CA) and sister chromatid exchanges(SCE) in lymphocytes were performed in 79 hospital workers and 79 non-exposed workers. The mean frequency of chromosomal exchange and deletion(respectively, 0.20X10-2/cell and 0.39X10(-2)/cell) in the exposed group were significantly higher than those(0.07X10(-2)/cell and 0.23X10-2/cell) in control group. The frequency of sister chromatid exchanges was 5.04/cell in the control vs. 6.57/cell in the exposed group. There were also significant differences in the mean frequencies of CA and SCE adjusted for age, sex, smoking, drinking between two groups. There were no evidence of significant increase of CA and SCE according to the department or duration of employment. But the frequency of cells having chromosome aberration was significantly higher in the exposed group than in the control group related to duration of employment. There was no dose-effect relationship between the cumulative doses and the frequency of CA and SCE. But in the case of last 1 yr cumulative dose, there were evidence of significant dose-dependant increase of chromosome type CA and percentage of cells with aberration. The result suggest that there is cytogenetic hazard in risk group like hospital workers handling low dose radiation. And the analysis CA and SCE are useful biological indicators for the exposure of low dose level of radiation.
The effects of chromium exposure on sister chromatid exchange and concentration of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine.
Sang Hwan Han, Soo Hun Cho, Heon Kim, Soo Min Park, Mina Ha, Young Soo Joo, Ho Jang Kwon, Yong Dae Kwon, Myung Hee Kwon
Korean J Prev Med. 1995;28(2):511-525.
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To elucidate some DNA adducts as a biological marker for workers of chromate pigment, the effects of chromium exposure on the formation of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine(8-OH-dG) and sister chromatid exchanges(SCEs) frequency in 38 workers of a pigment plant in Bucheon which utilized lead chromates, were examined. The chromium contents of venous blood and urine were measured as working environmental exposure level. The concentrations of 8-OH-dG in DNA isolated from lymphocytes were determined with high performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detector and denoted as a molar ratio of 8-OH-dG to deoxyguanosine(dG). The SCEs frequency were analyzed in DNA isolated from lymphocytes. A significant correlation was found between creatinine adjusted urine chromium concentration and the molar ratio of 8-OH-dG to dG(r=0.47, p<0.01). After adjusting the current smoking habit, the correlation coefficient was increased(r=0.62, p<0.05). However, there was no significant correlation between the SCE frequency and chromium exposure. This significant results between molar ratio of 8-OH-dG to dG and chromium exposure are in good agreement with in vitro studies that support the importance of DNA adduct formation for the carcinogenic effect of chromium.
Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Lymphocytes of Some Workers Exposed to Hexavalent Chromium.
Dong Hoon Shin, Nung Ki Yoon, Suk Kwan Suh, Min Hae Yeh
Korean J Prev Med. 1990;23(3):358-368.
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To investigate the possibility of utilizing of sister chromatid exchange(SCE) analysis in lymphocytes as an indicator which could evaluate the effects of mutagenicity after in vivo exposure to hexavalent chromium, this study was conducted using some of chromium plating workers occupationally exposed to hexavalent chromium, chromium trioxide (CrO3) in Taegu city. The study population was 12 Cr platers with perforation of nasal septum, 12 Cr platers without perforation of nasal septum and 20 controls. The SCE in peripheral blood lymphocytes of the subjects was analyzed and blood chromium concentration was estimated using the atomic absorption spectrophotometer (IL 551) equipped with furnace atomizer (IL 755). The mean SCE frequencies for Cr platers with and without perforation of nasal septum were statistically higher than those for control. The difference in SCE frequencies by age, smoking habits were not statistically significant both in Cr platers and controls. There was no difference in SCE frequencies by career of Cr platers workers. In Cr platers, the correlation between the mean SCE frequencies and chromium concentration in blood was not statistically significant. Using the transformation y=(sum SCE)1/2+(sum SCE+1)1/2, when the data was studied by multiple regression, it appeared that the influence of the occupation was the most important. Age, smoking, occupation and CrB(blood chromium concentration) together explain only 32.3% of interpersonal variation on SCE. The results in this study suggest that a genetic risk due to occupationally exposure to hexavalent chromium is clearly inferable and thus, SCE analysis in human lymphocytes may be used indicator of biological toxic effects of chromium. Further, populatio analysis studies are required before SCE frequency can be used as a mutagenic indicator in human population.
A Study on the Induction of Sister-Chromadd Exchanges in Chinese Hamster Ovary Kl Cells by Exposure to Cadmium.
In Kyung Hwang, Don Kyoun Kim
Korean J Prev Med. 1990;23(2):178-184.
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In order to exmaine the mutagenicity of cadmium dichloride the author studied the induction of sister chromatid exchanges in chinese hamster ovary K1 cells which treated with cadmium dichloride at various concentrations. The results obtained were as follows: 1. In cells treated with 10(-4) M cadmium dichloride, a small number of cells were visable but no mitosis was bound. 2. The frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges in cells treated with 10(-5) M and 10(-6) M cadmium dichloride as 10.7 +/- 1.9 and 8.3 +/- 2.1, respectively, were significantly increased for control (6.0 +/- 2.3). (p<0.05). 3. There were dose-dependent relationship between the concentration of cadmium dichloride and frequency of sister chromatid exchanges in cells treated with cadmium dichloride at concentration ranging from 10(-5) to 10(-7) M.
Selenium Effect on the Frequency of SCEs Induced by Heavy Metals in Human Lymphocytes.
Dai Ha Koh, No Suk Ki
Korean J Prev Med. 1990;23(1):1-10.
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The protective effect of sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) against the cytogenetic toxicity of heavy metals was investigated on human whole-blood cultures in relation to induction of sister chromatid exchange(SCE) in secondary metaphase chromosome. Methlmercury chloride (CH3HgCl), cadmium chloride (CdCl2), Potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7), and sodium selenite caused to the typically dose-dependent increase in sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) by the concentrations ranging from 0.3 micro M to 10 micro M. However, the inductions of sister chromatid exchanges by methymercury chloride or cadmium chloride were inhibited by the simultaneous addition of sodium selenite 1.2 micro M. The frequencies of SCE were decreased to the level of control in the molar ratios as 2 : 1, 1 : 1, 1 : 2, and 1 : 4 of selenium selenite vs. methylmercury chloride, and as 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 of selenium selenite vs. cadmium chloride, while the frequencies of SCE induced by potassium dichromate were not changed by the addition of sodium selenite in culture condition. Mitotic indices were decreased in the higher concentrations of chemicals and not significantly changed by the simultaneous addition of sodium selenite to the culture condition containing each chemicals.

JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health