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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 9(1); 1976 > Article
Original Article A Survey on Menarche of School Girls in Seoul and Taeru Area.
Taik Sung Nam, Won Duk Lee
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1976;9(1):153-158
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It is clearly defined through a number of authoritative studies that the age of menarche influenced by the various combined factors such as nutrition status, physical status, physical growth and development status, socio-economic status, locality, culture, education level, climate, rece heredity etc. In order to obtain statistical data regarding the menarche of Korean school girls, anthors investigated on 4207 middle school girls and 703 woman college students in Seoul and Taegu during the period of September 10 to 30, 1973 and the result are summarized as followings; 1. The rates of menses experience by years were 18.2% in the age group of 12 years girls, 31.9% in 13 years, 64.6% in 14 years, 89.8% in 15 years, 98.1% in 16 years respectively. 2. The average age of menarche for the 2504 school girls who were born during the year of 1957-1961 is 13.4 years with the rang of 9 years to 16 years. And the most frequent age of menarche is 13 years. 3. The average age of menarche for the 703 woman college students who were born during the year of 1950-1954 is 14.3 years with the rang of 9 years to 18 years. And the most frequent age of menarche is 13 years. 4. The apparence of menarche is most common in August (20.7%) for the group who were born during the year of 1957-1961 and most rear in November (4.2%). And it is also most common in August (19.9%) for the group who were born puring the year of 1950-1954 but most rear in June (3.4%).

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health