It is recognized not only by the health experts but also by the public that venereal diseases are remarkably increasing in these days. Therefore, every available measure for declining of the diseases are planned and implemented through case-finding, diagnosis, treatment, education and research. The author intended to compare and analyse infection rates of venereal diseases between reporting from the Ministry of Health and author's private V.D. clinic during 1961-1971. The following results are obtained through the study: 1. According to the report of the Ministry of Health, 45.0% of total examinees were sick with gonorrhea and 6.5% with syphilis, in one hand, on the other hand 78.7% with gonorrhea and 16.3% with syphilis at the author's clinic. 2. By both the report of the ministry and author, highest infection rates were found in 196601968, and this fact was considered by the higher infection rate of G.I. in same years. 3. Contrarily, the lowest infection rates were found out in 1970-1971 through both reports.