Carbon Monoxide poisoning is one of the most serious Public health problems in Korea. The incidence rate officially reported has been known to be the highest in the world. This high incidence is mainly due to the wide prevalence of anthracite coal briquette as the domestic fuel for unique Korean heating system called "ondol." The coal briquette gas contains around 3-5% of Carbon Monoxide. A nation-wide effort to eliminate or reduce this serious hazards has produced little effect and the most hospitals are offering very ineffective measures such as oxygen inhalation through nasal catheter. Author has believed that this preventable accident should be approached by the secondary preventive measure because of our socio-economic status do not allow us optimistic results from primary preventive measure as far as the problem of CO poisoning is concerned. Author has treated 466 patients during 30 months period by Hyperbaric Oxygenation at Seoul National University Hospital. The results found are as follows. 1. Female has a higher incidence rate than male and the age group between 15-29 years showed highest incidence. 2. The recovery time depends on the time when the patients arrived at hospital. Earlier the arrival time, shorter the recovery time. 3. Some objective signs are representing typical physiological response to tissue hypoxia. 4. Therapeutic effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxypenation is confirmed by such indices as recovery rate, Admission rate and average stay in hospital. Futher, these results are cocordant with other reports on the clinical value of Hyperbaric Oxygenation in the treatment of CO poisoning.