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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 33(2); 2000 > Article
Original Article Comparison of Methods for the Detection of Anti-HBs for Hepatitis B Vaccination Program in Korea.
Hae Sook Sohn, Jeong Nyeo Lee, Sang Hwa Urm, Jong Tae Lee, Jin Ho Chun
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 2000;33(2):226-230
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1Department of Preventive Medicine, Inje University.
2Department of Clinical Pathology, Pusan Paik Hosipital, Inje University.
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The purpose of this study was to suggest a proper method for the detection of heaptitis B surface antibody(anti-HBs) in a screening program for hepatitis B vaccination. METHODS: Sensivitity, specificity and predictive values were compared between Immunochromatographic assay (ICA) and passive hemagglutination(PHA) in 978 subjects(565 males, 413 females, 19-78 years ranging in age, mean 46.5 years old). EIA was used as a standard method for the detection of HBsAb. RESULTS: Sensitivity in the detection of anti-HBs of PHA and ICA was 88.7% and 94.9%, specificity was 94.3% and 96.6%, negative predictive value was 96.5% and 98.0%, and positive predictive value was 82.3% and 91.3%, respectively. False negative rate(11.3%) of PHA was higher than that(5.1%) of ICA. The higher the titer of anti-HBs in EIA was, the lower the false negative rate was. There was no false negative result in the cases with 101mIU/ml or more in EIA. CONCLUSION: We suggest that ICA should be the choice of screening method in the detection of anti-HBs in Hepatitis B vaccination program.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health