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Original Article A Telephone Survey on the Opinions about Family Doctor.
Hong Gwan Seo, Jae Heon Kang, Cheol Hwan Kim, Seong Won Kim
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1998;31(2):310-322
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Department of Family, College of Medicine, Inje University, Korea.
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In order to reinforce the role of primary care physician and to improve doctor-patient relationship, the Korean government tried to introduce 'Family Doctor Registration Program' into Seocho-Gu in Seoul, Ansung-Gun and Paju city in Kyunggi-Do in Oct. 1996. Community residents and doctors in those area did not show much interest in this project because of low incentives. We have done this study to see how much people know 'Family Doctor Registration Program' and what is people's real needs about 'Family Doctor Registration Program. We selected l,800 telephone numbers in Seoul, Chongju city, and Ansung-Gun by multi-stage stratified random sampling. Three trained survey personnels called them and got answers to the premade questionnaire until they completed the questionnaires of 200 persons in each community. The calling time was 7-9 p.m. from Monday to Friday, 3-9 p.m. on Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday. We dropped out the persons who did not respond 3 times. The subjects consisted of 222 male and 367 female residents. Their ages ranged from 20 to 78: 24.8% in their 30s, 23.4% in their 20s, 22.5% in their 40s in male, and 35.2% in their 30s, 22.5% in their 40s, 18.5% in their 20s in female. 9.9% of male and 13.2% of female had their Family Doctors. The specialties of their Family, Doctors were internists in 56.2%, general surgeons in ll.0%. The persons who did not have their family, doctors were asked which doctors they would prefer if they had choices of family doctor. The results were internists in 50.3%, family physicians in 13.0%, pediatricians in 4.8%. Only 16.0% residents knew that government tried to introduce Family Doctor Registration Program. The 'Family Doctor Registration Program' was not well known to people. The results of our study showed that more effective incentives and public notifications are needed to activate this program.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health