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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 31(1); 1998 > Article
Original Article A Survey on the Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors among Korea Seamen.
Jaeho Kim, Jongyoung Lee
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1998;31(1):127-138
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1Korea Institute of Marine and Fisheries Technology, Korea.
2Preventive Medicine of Kyungpuk National University, Korea.
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The purpose of this study is provide a basic data for the prevention and management of musculoskeletal symptoms in Korea seamen. 569 seamen's questionnaire had been acquired at Korea Marine Training and Research Institute from February 24 to March 31 in 1997. The results of this study were as follows; Prevalence in musculoskeletal symptom within recent 12 months was 68.5%. It was 76.3% in seamen who had graduated from colleges or universities and 56.0% in seamen who had graduated from elementary school(p<0.01). The more working hours(p<0.01), services on the vessel(p<0.01), and the less job atisfaction(p<0.05), the higher prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms were. The distribution of musculoskeletal symptoms by the part of the body was turned out as Back ; 43.6%, knee ; 23.9%, shoulder ; 19.3%. The officers had more frequency of symptom around the neck than the ratings(p<0.01) and the seamen who work at the engine room were more frequent in elbow than those at deck department(p<0.05). In the duration of pain, 55.4% were less than one week, 20.6% less than 30 days, and 24.0% 30 days and more. the cause of symptom was turned out as 34.5% by excessive hard work and 30.1% was unknown. For the treatment of the musculoskeletal symptoms, 40.3% with symptomes did not have any medical treatment, 27.6% was self-treated and 22.7% was treated at hospital. This study shows that musculoskeletal disorders are seamen's important health problem and they can not properly take medical service due to the out of home for a long period as characteristics of occupation.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health