This study was conducted to measure the lead level in the blood, scalp hair and toenail of the elementary schoolchildren and assess the relationship among those samples. Lead concentration of the blood, scalp hair and toenail was measured for l00(male 50, female 50) fourth grade elementary schoolchildren in Taegu city. The mean lead level in the blood, scalp hair and toenail was 6.00+/-2.44 microgram/dl, 6.28+/-3.54 microgram/dl 6. 68 and 7.33+/-3.18 microgram/g. The mean lead level in the blood of schoolboys was 6.43+/-2.77 microgram/dl and that of schoolgirls was 5.59+/-2.01 microgram/dl. The mean lead level in the scalp hair of schoolboys was 7.66+/-2.97 microgram/dl and that of schoolgirls was 6.88+/-3.54 microgram/g. The mean lead level in the toenail of schoolboys was 8.19+/-3.5 microgram/g and that of schoolgirls was 6.47+/-2.52 microgram/g and their difference was statistically significant. In schoolboys, the correlation coefficient between the lead level in the blood and scalp hair was 0.4909, and the data were fitted best by the regression equation Y=0.5255X+4.2810, where Y and X are scalp hair and blood concentration. In schoolgirls the correlation coefficient between the lead level in the blood and scalp hair was 0.3778, and the data were fitted best by the regression equation Y=0.6655X+2.9632, where Y and X are scalp hair and blood concentration. In schoolboys. the correlation coefficient between the lead level in the blood and in the toenail was 0.5533, and the data were fitted best by the regression equation Y=0.7076X+3.6472, where Y and X are toenail and blood concentration. In schoolgirls the correlation coefficient between the lead level in the blood and in the toenail was 0.2738, and the data were fitted best by the regression equation Y=0.3431X+4.5570 where Y and X are toenail and blood concentration. In schoolboys, the correlation coefficient between the lead level in the scalp hair and in the toenail, in the schoolboys was 0.4148, and the data were fitted best by the regression equation Y=0.4956X+4.3986, where Y and X are toenail and scalp hair concentration. In schoolgirls the correlation coefficient between the lead level in the scalp hair and in the toenail 0.1159, and the data were fitted best by the regression equation Y=0.0825X+5.9214 here Y and X are toenail and scalp hair concentration. Correlation among lead concentration in the blood, scalp hair and toenail of schoolchildren were statistically significant except between scalp hair and toenail in schoolgirls. These finding suggest that blood, scalp hair and toenail can be used substitutive samples between each others.