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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 24(4); 1991 > Article
Original Article Economic analysis of order communication system for hospitals.
Young Moon Chae, Hae Jong Lee, Chang Rae Park
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1991;24(4):473-484
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1Department of Preventive Medcine and Public Health, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
2Department of Health Adiministration College of Health Science Yonsei Universoty, Korea.
3Schol of Business, Yonsei University, Korea.
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Hospitals have been very susceptable to changes in external environment. Accordingly, they have been experiencing great financial difficulty due to low insurance rates and increasing competition. As a remedy, hospitals have attempted to use computer in a strategic manner. Such system is called strategic information system (SIS) , and order communication system (OCS) is an example of SIS in hospital setting. While OCS has known to be effective in reducing waiting time for outpatients, many hospitals are reluctant to introduce this system mainly because there are no real data or methods for justifying the cost of the system. Cost-benefit analysis has been traditionally used for such purpose, but this method deals with limited portion of benefits and therefore not very useful for analyzing the economic feasibility of SIS. In this paper, information economics tools which expand cost with value was used to analyze the economic feasibility of OCS. To assist the analysis, financial simulation model was developed using simulation package, called IFPS (Interactive Financial Planning System).

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health