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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 23(4); 1990 > Article
Original Article A Study on the Nutritional Knowledge, Nutritional Attitude, Eating Practice and Food Intake of Womans University Students.
Eun Hee Ha, Sun Hee Kim, Ji Yong Kang
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1990;23(4):404-415
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Department of Preventive Medicine, Medical College Ewha Womans University, Korea.
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This study was conducted to analyze the relations among nutritional knowledge, nutritional attitude eating practice and total nutritional diagnosis and also to find the influencing factors of them. The survey was done during the period from April 1990 to June 1990 and the target population were Ewha Woman's University students (freshmen and senior) of whom 1,354 peoples were surveyed. The summarized results are as follows ; 1. For the learning environment, the percentage of completion on nutritional knowledge course was 28.6% and among them the department of foods and nutrition had the highest score(100.0%) and the next was dept. of medicine(53.4%). 2. To find the relation which the nutritional knowledge, nutritional attitude, eating practice and the total nutritional diagnosis influence on one another, the multiple correlation analysis was done. The attitude the practice were highly correlated with total nutritional diagnosis, but the correlation between nutritional knowledge and total nutritional diagnosis was not significant. The correlation between the practice and nutritional knowledge which were positively and significantly correlated with attitude respectively was positive but not significant. 3. The difference which were analyzed by department, grade and completion on knowledge course on the nutritional knowledge, attitude, eating practice were significant (p<0.01) by ANOVA. 4. The significant variables on nutritional diagnosis are the eating practice points, the grade, the knowledge course, the breakfast and the attitude (r2=10.3%) by multiple regression analysis. This study has the limitation that it did not consider the environmental factors of dietary life such as dietary culture, family environment, cultural habit. Therefore important points of these dietary studies are to extend to the practical nutritional education and dietary improvement for the national health not restricted to the local area or local population.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health