In order to evaluate the noisy environment and hearing loss of workers served in noisy working environment, the author investigated 212 manufacturing industries located in Ulsan Industrial District that could be observed for 3 successive years from 1986 to 1988. The obtained results were as follows: 1. There was increased tendency in the number of workers served in noisy working environment and that of examined of hearing loss for three years. 2. In the noise level of working environment, the number of industries less than 89dB(A) was increased every year, while more than 90dB(A) was in decreasing tendency. 3. Mean hearing loss by frequency was the most prominent in 4,000Hz, the level of hearing loss was in increasing tendency yearly, and that of left eat was higher than right ear in almost all type of industry. 4. In 1986, the level of hearing loss by type of industry was highest in manufacture of electronic and electronic, and followed by paper and plywood, and metal products in right ear; that was in the order of manufacture of electric and electronic, metal products and textile products in left ear. In 1987, that was in the order of manufacture of metal products, machinery and others in right ear, and metal products, machinery and food stuff in left ear in 1988, manufacture of others, food stuff and machinery in both ear. 5. In hearing loss by service duration, right ear of 5-9 years group was higher than that of less than 5 years in 1987, whereas in 1988, the longer in service duration, the higher in the level of hearing loss in both ear. 6. In 1986, 1987 and 1988, the prevalence rate of noise-induced hearing loss were showed increasing tendency as 0.4%, 0.8% and 1.5%, respectively, and manufacture of textile products was highest(1.0%) in 1986, machinery(1.2%) in 1987 and others(2.8%) in 1988. 7. The proportion of grade E in early loss index were 76.1%(1986), 78.2%(1987) and 80.5%(1988) in left ear, 75.9%(1986), 76.4%(1987) and 75.9%(1988) in right ear.