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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 20(2); 1987 > Article
Original Article A Study of Relation Between Number of Daily Food Intake and Nutritional Balance.
Ji Young Kang, Ja Hyung Wie, Jeong Sun Park
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1987;20(2):352-361
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During the period of May 10 to June 6, 1987, we have conducted the survey about the number of the food daily taken and the in take of nutrition of the 83 pregnant women who have registered at Sudong Myun and Mikum-myun, Yangchu-gun which are demonstration are of the public health and medicine of the College of Medicine, Ewha Women's University, and of the 100 pregnant women who have been to the University Hospital attached to the above School. The result of the survey is as follows: 1) Among the above pregnant women, primigravida constituted 91 women and multigravida 92 women. As for the month of pregnancy, those who have been pregnant for ten months numbered 43 women (23.5%), which was the highest number. As for age, those who were 25 to 29 years old constituted 63.9%, which was the highest in percentage. 2) As for the level of education, those who graduated from high school constituted 49.2%, which was the highest in percentage. As for occupation, those who were entirely in charge of household affairs as housewives were 89.6%, which comprised most of the jobs held by the above women. 3) As for the composition of a family in environmental food and nutrition, one generation was 68.3%, and two member family was 42.6% which was the highest. As for those taking care of cooking and serving meals, housewives constituted 95.1%. 4) As for the economic situation of dietary life, those who were in the highest level (A level), were 47.0% in an urban area and 41.0% in rural area, which were the highest in percentage. 5) The food which the above people selected after being pregnant was fruit not only in an urban area, but also in a rural area. And in terms of the percentage of fruit, and urban area and a rural area showed 44.0% and 54.2% respectively. As for milk, and urban area and a rural area showed 28.0% and 8.4% respectively, which disclosed that the rate of a rural area was much lower than that of an urban area. 6) As for the number of food intake, 10-14 was 54.0% in an urban area, which was the highest. And 5-9 was 73.5% in a rural area, which was the highest. 7) As for the composition of food taken according to the number of food taken, meat showed the lowest rate in 5-9 group. (P<0.05) As the number of food taken increased, the rate of food taken(Points) increased (2.4). Milk and milk products showed al low rate in 5-9 group and 15-19 group (P<0.05). Fruit intake showed a similar rate in all groups. As for vegetables, the rate of intake was high, as the number of food taken increased. Cereals showed a similar rate in all troups. And the points of intake was high. As for fat, hte rate of intake was high, as the number of food taken increased. 8) In 5-9 group in the number of food intake, energy was 79.9% of RDA, protein was 64.9%, fat was 90.0%, carbohydrate was 81.6%, iron was 83.0%, calcium was 71.1%, vitamin A was 94.3%, vitamin B1 was 77.8%, vitamin B2 was 79.2%, and vitamin C was 88.2%, so that it showed the lowest sufficiency rate of RDA. 15-19 group maintained the balance in energy and all nutrients nearly. In 20-24 group, fat was 142.4%, vitamin B2 was 105.6% and vitamin C was 102.2%, so that it exceeded RDA.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health