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HOME > Korean J Prev Med > Volume 19(2); 1986 > Article
Original Article Survey on Ambient Air Quality in Pusan Areas.
Y W Kim, J Y Kim, J H Lee, D H Moon, H R Shin, J T Lee, M C Lee
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1986;19(2):252-262
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Department of Preventive Medicine and Institute of Industrial Medicine, Inje College, Korea.
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In order to assess the degree of atmospheric pollution and to contribute the health improvement of residents in Pusan, the authors measured CO, SO2, NO2 and TSP level at 3 places by season and time from July, 1985 to April, 1986. The places were S my n, Sasang and Daeshin-dong, which were known as the commercial, industrial and residental area in Pusan, respectively. The Obtained results were as follows: 1) The average concentration of CO was highest with 2.19+/-0.52(3.5-1.0)ppm at Sasang area, and lowest with 1.32+/-0.55(3.0-0.5)ppm at Daeshin-dong areas. 2) The average concentration of SO2 was highest with 0.092+/-0.073(0.378-0.028)ppm at Sasang, and lowest with 0.041/-0.014(0.083-0.019)ppm at Daeshin-dong. 3) The average concentration of NO2 was highest with 0.069+/-0.012(0.090-0.050)ppm at Somyon, and lowest with 0.043+/-0.010(0.061-0.032)ppm at Daeshin-dong. 4) The average concentration of TSP was highest with 300+/-130(780-130) microgram/m3 at Sasang, and lowest with 160+/-80(390-70) microgram/m3 at Daeshin-dong. 5) The level of CO and TSP were highest in summer at Somyon and Daeshin-dong, and in winter at Sasang, respectively. The level of SO2 and NO2 were highest in winter and spring at all areas. 6) The level of all air pollutants were highest in the afternoon or night than in the morning.

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JPMPH : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health